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Masters of the primal elements, Shaman manipulate nature’s forces to call up healing rains, unleash torrents of lava, or conjure spiritual allies to aid them in battle. A Shaman’s arsenal reflects the balance of the natural forces they wield: versatile and powerful minions, spells, buffs and damage.[1]

Shaman icon.png Shaman is one of 11 classes in Hearthstone.

Heroes[edit | edit source]

Shaman is represented by the following heroes. Thrall is the default hero of Shaman.


HERO 02.png
HERO 02a.png
HERO 02b.png
HERO 02c.png
HERO 02e.png
HERO 02m.png
HERO 02p.png
HERO 02ag.png
HERO 02am.png
HERO 02ar Disidra.png
HERO 02at Nerzhul hl.png
HERO 02ax.png
HERO 02az.png
HERO 01ax.png
HERO 01ay.png
Alternate portraits

HERO 02d.png
HERO 02f.png
HERO 02g.png
HERO 02h.png
HERO 02i.png
HERO 02j.png
HERO 02k.png
HERO 02n.png
HERO 02o.png
HERO 02q.png
HERO 02r.png
HERO 02s.png
HERO 02t.png
HERO 02u.png
HERO 02w.png
HERO 02x.png
HERO 02y.png
HERO 02z.png
HERO 02aa.png
HERO 02ab.png
HERO 02ad.png
HERO 02ae.png
HERO 02af.png
HERO 02ah.png
HERO 02ai.png
HERO 02ak.png
HERO 02al.png
HERO 02an.png
HERO 02aq Thrall.png
HERO 02ao Inzah.png
HERO 02ap Thrall.png
HERO 02as Thorim hls.png
HERO 02au ThunderKing hls.png
HERO 02av.png
HERO 02aw.png
HERO 02ay.png
HERO 02bb.png

Background[edit | edit source]

Main article: Shaman

Shaman are spiritual guides and practitioners, not of the divine, but of the very elements. Unlike some other mystics, shaman commune with forces that are not strictly benevolent. The elements are chaotic, and left to their own devices, they rage against one another in unending primal fury. It is the call of the shaman to bring balance to this chaos. Acting as moderators among earth, fire, water, and air, shaman summon totems that focus the elements to support the shaman’s allies or punish those who threaten them.

These masters of the elements can also call upon elemental forces directly, unleashing torrents of lava and bolts of lightning against foes. The elements can create, destroy, support, and hinder. The experienced shaman balances the vast spectrum of these primordial forces into an array of diverse abilities, making shaman versatile heroes and valued members of any group.[2]

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Totemic Call
Main article:  Totemic Call
Activating the Shaman’s Hero Power will randomly summon 1 of 4 possible Totem minions: Healing Totem, Stoneclaw Totem, Searing Totem, or Wrath of Air Totem.[1]

The shaman's Hero Power is  Totemic Call, which randomly summons 1 of 4 possible Totem-type minions, each with different stats and abilities:  Healing Totem,  Searing Totem,  Stoneclaw Totem and  Wrath of Air Totem.

NEW1 009.png
CS2 050.png
CS2 051.png
CS2 052.png

Totemic Call always summons a Totem the hero does not already have in play in the battlefield; if the shaman already has all 4 different Totems in play, the Hero Power cannot be used until one of them is removed. Enemy Totems and Totems in the hand are irrelevant to this determination. Totems are created directly by the Hero Power, not played from the hand or drawn from the deck. Most Totems start with 0 Attack but cards like  Bloodlust or even  Raid Leader can turn a board of weak Totems into a force to be reckoned with.

Replacement Hero Powers[edit | edit source]

Totemic Slam
Lightning Jolt
Transmute Spirit
Heart of Vir'naal
Galakrond's Fury
Earth Invocation
Water Invocation
Fire Invocation
Lightning Invocation
Command the Elements

Traits[edit | edit source]

Totems[edit | edit source]

Though typically inexpensive with smaller stats, Totems represent the Shaman's mastery over the elements and can sport powerful effects or overwhelm the opponent when enhanced.[1]
Featured cards

Flametongue Totem
Mana Tide Totem
EVIL Totem
Totemic Surge

Overload[edit | edit source]

Overload cards allow the Shaman to immediately tap into powerful effects by temporarily reducing their available Mana Crystals on the following turn.[1]

Overload is an ability which reduces the amount of mana available the next turn by the stated amount. Most cards with Overload have a lower printed mana cost than similar cards from other classes (for instance, compare  Forked Lightning and  Cleave). This allows powerful spells and minions to be played for a low mana cost, allowing the shaman to gain a great amount of value in a turn at the cost of being able to play fewer cards the next turn. The shaman has many cards allowing him to put massive power into the board in one turn, such as  Bloodlust,  Lightning Storm, and  Lava Burst. You can also overload more mana than you will have the next turn. Cards with this ability are limited to the shaman class.

Featured cards

Lightning Bolt
Stormforged Axe
Feral Spirit
Earth Elemental

Evolution[edit | edit source]

Shaman can unlock the secrets of life itself, evolving their minions into random minions of a higher cost or rarity.[1]
Featured cards

Thrall, Deathseer
The Storm Bringer

How to get cards[edit | edit source]

Core cards[edit | edit source]

Completing the Apprentice Track awards 17 Shaman cards (32 copies), while winning up to 500 games in Ranked or Arena awards golden copies of existing cards. All Core cards are uncraftable and cannot be crafted or disenchanted.

Air Elemental
Lightning Bolt
Muck Pools
Novice Zapper
Spirit Claws
Ancestral Knowledge
Flametongue Totem
Menacing Nimbus
Far Sight
Feral Spirit
Lightning Storm
Fire Elemental
Thing from Below
Kalimos, Primal Lord
Al'Akir the Windlord

Expansion cards[edit | edit source]

Shaman pack
Main article: Card pack

Shaman's expansion cards can be obtained mostly by obtaining corresponding card packs or Shaman class packs. The player can buy them in Shop with gold or real money, or get them through various sources. Some cards may be available through various promotions, like logging in to get them.

Mini-set cards, while can be obtained like expansion cards, can also be obtained by buying its bundle available in Shop for a limited-time. The player can buy the bundle with gold or real money.

Expansions cards are also craftable and can be obtained by crafting them with Arcane Dust.

Adventure cards[edit | edit source]

Main article: Adventure

Adventure cards can be obtained by completing their Adventure's encounters. They are uncraftable until the player completes the Adventure or their set rotates to Wild format. The player can buy the Adventure with gold for each individual part, or real money for the whole of it.

Cards[edit | edit source]

For Standard format cards, see Shaman/Standard format.
For Wild format cards, see Shaman/Wild format.
For Classic format cards, see Shaman/Classic format.

Breakdown of Shaman cards in both Standard and Wild formats can be seen in the following table.

Shaman Shaman card statistics
Rarity Hero Minion Spell Weapon Location
Free 0 6 14 0 0
CommonCommon 0 66 62 6 0
RareRare 0 48 61 9 3
EpicEpic 0 29 29 7 0
LegendaryLegendary 5 49 5 2 0

Strategy and gameplay[edit | edit source]

Shamans are highly flexible, boasting a wide variety of class cards that lend themselves to many different methods of achieving victory. With their unique mechanic Overload, Shamans can also play very strong spell and minion cards for little mana, at the cost of losing available mana the subsequent turn, but even their overloaded crystals can be used to their benefit with cards like  Tunnel Trogg and  Vessina. Their board control is excellent with removal and transform effects such as  Lightning Storm,  Hex, and  Earthquake. Shamans also a wide range of powerful minions to choose from, ranging from low-cost ( Flametongue Totem,  Totem Golem), medium-cost ( Flamewreathed Faceless,  Earth Elemental), to the late-game ( Fire Elemental,  Al'Akir the Windlord).

Totems support the Shaman throughout a match, and can even be made into a fighting force in their own right.  Totemic Call provides a steady stream of reinforcements, although their effects are random and they are unlikely to do much without more proactive minions to support. However, cards such as  Bloodlust,  Thunder Bluff Valiant,  Totemic Surge, and  Thing from Below reward a shaman for amassing totems.

Shamans have many ways to close out a game.  Bloodlust and Windfury allow for game winning turns with super-buffed minions. The shaman can also deal huge burst damage with spells such as  Lightning Bolt and  Lava Burst, or even with their own weapon - a  Rockbiter Weapon-enhanced  Doomhammer is an iconic and devastating way to finish the game. Alternatively, a more control-oriented shaman can starve out enemies with massive heals ( Healing Wave,  Jinyu Waterspeaker,  Hallazeal the Ascended), making them very difficult to remove.

As wielders of the elemental forces, Shamans have an affinity with Elementals, possessing more Elemental synergy effects out of any other classes. Shamans have access to both early-game Elementals with tons of utility like  Fire Plume Harbinger and  Hot Spring Guardian and synergy effects like  Earthen Might, and late-game Elemental finishers like  Stone Sentinel and  Kalimos, Primal Lord for a huge tempo swing.

Another element unique to Shamans are cards that transform minions into an entirely new and random minion.  Evolve,  Unstable Evolution,  Master of Evolution,  Thrall, Deathseer, and  The Storm Bringer transforms their own minions into a more costly minion, while  Devolve does the opposite to their enemies. Although the effects are random, with proper setup their multiple high-cost, low-stat minions can turn into something else with stats and possible effects to better match their costs.

Shamans also have an affinity for murlocs. They can call upon lesser murlocs with cards like  Primalfin Totem and  Call in the Finishers and have cards that reward swarming with murlocs like  Everyfin is Awesome and  Unite the Murlocs. After all, the first murloc hero in Hearthstone is also a Shaman.

Battlecry is a common keyword that Shamans associate with. Along with their wide range of powerful Battlecry cards, the quest  Corrupt the Waters, once completed, lets them double their Battlecry effects, making their already powerful cards even stronger. What's more, the dreaded  Shudderwock repeats all the Battlecries they've played to create one incredibly devastating turn. Some more subtle related cards are cards that return minions back to the Shaman's hand, like  Spirit Echo and  Grumble, Worldshaker, so they they can be played again.

Counters[edit | edit source]

  • Totems will be a continuous part of the game when playing against a shaman, especially the slower kinds. Try to control the number of totems, since they can give the shaman strong beneficial effects along with minion count. This is especially important when playing against Totem Shaman/Bloodlust decks. The totems can range from being 1/1, 0/2, or 0/3 so they are quite fragile and nonthreatening by themselves, but totems like  Mana Tide Totem which allow an extra draw per turn will give an enormous advantage if left unchecked. Totems are treated as minions and can be buffed with increased Attack as well as Health so leaving too many on the field at once may become dangerous if the shaman plays cards like  Raid Leader or  Bloodlust, or even  Flametongue Totem for unexpected trades. You may even be able to use the totems against the shaman if you play cards like  Sea Giant or  Flesheating Ghoul which benefit with more minions on the field, but this is rarely worth the risk of leaving them in place. Good methods of removing totems include AoE damage like  Hellfire or  Holy Nova, or low-Attack minions that can trade with them without wasting too much face damage. The druid's  Swipe can also be extremely effective against totems, especially when paired with Spell Damage.
  •  Bloodlust and totem buffs like  Thunder Bluff Valiant can allow the shaman to abruptly win the game if they have lots of minions on the field, so make sure to keep the number of minions the shaman has to a minimum. This includes 0-Attack Totems and other seemingly unthreatening minions. Remember that shamans often include a lot of burst damage spells like  Lava Burst and  Rockbiter Weapon, which when combined with a strong board can defeat even full-Health opponents.
  • When you play large drop cards, remember your opponent might have  Hex. Try and bait out this card by playing threatening minions before playing your biggest minions or strong buffing spells, and keep in mind there are only 2 maximum in a deck (outside of Arena). Shamans also have  Lightning Storm, so try to not have a large field when your opponent hasn't played them yet.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Card frames

Patch changes[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]