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Removes all card text and enchantments.
For the card of the same name, see  Silence.

Silence is an ability which removes all current card text, enchantments, and abilities from the targeted minion. It does not remove damage or minion type. Silences are mostly associated with Priests, and to a lesser extent Demon Hunters.

Notes[edit | edit source]

The Silence visual effect, indicating that the minion has been silenced
  • Silencing a target will only remove currently active effects. New enchantments can still be applied to a silenced minion to full effect. Targets may be silenced repeatedly.
  • Note that Silence itself is not an enchantment; rather it is an effect which is applied once to the target minion. Silences cannot therefore be dispelled (e.g., by using another silence) or otherwise removed while the minion is on the battlefield. However, returning a silenced minion to its owner's hand will restore the minion to its original stats and card text, removing the silence.
  • When removing enchantments that affect Health, silencing may act to increase or reduce Health (since Health is automatically increased by the same amount as any gain in maximum Health), and may therefore restore wounded minions to full Health. See Health, buffs and taking damage for details.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

It is possible to silence your own minions, which can be useful for removing Freeze effects and negative enchantments, such as  Corruption, or  Power Overwhelming after having used the minion to attack. However, silencing will still remove any other magic effects, taunts, or buffs, so this may be undesirable for use with many minions. Silencing your own minion will also get rid of possible negative effects for you, like the increased minion cost on  Venture Co. Mercenary, or the attack prevention on  Ancient Watcher.

Cards with Silence[edit | edit source]

For Wild format listings, see Silence/Wild format.


Swipe left or right to see the cards.
JAM 022.png
GDB 454.png
TOY 384.png
CORE SW 066.png
VAC 531.png


Swipe left or right to see the cards.
VAC 464t4.png
WORK 017t.png
VAC 464t16.png
VAC 464t7.png

Sources of Silence

For Wild format listings, see Silence/Wild format.

Silence-generating cards

This section lists cards which generate Silencing cards.

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
VAC 464t.png
WORK 017.png

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • In April 2016, the game's developers considered that Silence effects "may be undercosted right now", due to their ability to neutralize powerful cards. This is why only a few cards with Silence effects had been added since the game's initial release, often with very limited applications: For example,  Wailing Soul and  Purify can only Silence the player's own minions, generally useful only for specific combo play; while  Light's Champion,  Defias Cleaner, and  Shieldbreaker can only Silence specific types of cards.[1]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2016-04-10).