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Resource gained when a friendly minion dies.

Corpses are a special secondary resource primarily used by the death knight class. Each time a friendly minion dies while playing as death knight, the Corpse counter under the mana crystals is increased by 1. Corpses in the counter can then be spent by cards with Corpse synergies. This mechanic and cards that reference it are by default exclusive to the death knight class.

Placement of the Corpse counter
The Corpse counter

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • "Corpse" itself is not a keyword used by any card. Cards can either spend or gain Corpses, or reference the player's Corpses or Corpse counter in different ways.
  • Minions that are "raised" rather than summoned or resurrected, such as by the effect of  Battlefield Necromancer, will not add a Corpse to the counter on death. Risen tokens also have italicized reminder text stating that they do not leave a Corpse.
  • Corpses are gained before Deathrattles occur.
    • As such, cards that spend Corpses on their Deathrattles need 1 less Corpse than how many they spend when they die, as they will themselves generate the last needed Corpse.
    • Example: Your  Ymirjar Deathbringer dies while you have 2 Corpses. Ymirjar Deathbringer will generate a third one, allowing it to spend all 3 and activate its Deathrattle.
  • All classes track Corpses throughout the game, but only death knights have the Corpse counter visible at all times.
    • For other classes, the Corpse counter is hidden until they generate or summon a death knight card.
      • The Corpse counter will stay visible until there are no more death knight cards in a zone the player can see, such as in hand or on the battlefield.

Cards that spend Corpses[edit | edit source]

For Wild format listings, see Corpse/Wild format.
Customize this list

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
YOG 511.png
RLK 061.png
CORE RLK 712.png
VAC 427.png
CORE RLK 066.png
ETC 533.png
TOY 827.png
CORE RLK 051.png
UPCOMING 101376.png
TTN 457.png
RLK 707.png
WW 357.png
CORE RLK 740.png
YOG 513.png
RLK 060.png
ETC 428.png
CORE RLK 504.png
CORE RLK 035.png
UPCOMING 105512.png
CORE RLK 505.png

Cards that gain Corpses[edit | edit source]

For Wild format listings, see Corpse/Wild format.
Customize this list

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
RLK 503.png
RLK 039.png
TTN 457t.png
CORE RLK 012.png
WW 357.png
CORE RLK 741.png

Related cards[edit | edit source]

For Wild format listings, see Corpse/Wild format.

These cards have effects related to Corpses or the Corpse Counter.

Customize this list

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
WW 354.png
TOY 825.png
RLK 061t.png
RLK 506t.png
TOY 825t.png
RLK 008t.png
UPCOMING 101376.png
CORE RLK 504.png
RLK 744.png
ETC 210.png

Achievements[edit | edit source]

AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - ClassesCorpse HusbandrySpend 100 Corpses.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - ClassesCorpse HusbandrySpend 500 Corpses.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - ClassesCorpse HusbandrySpend 1000 Corpses.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - ClassesCorpse HusbandrySpend 2000 Corpses.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - ClassesCorpse HusbandrySpend 6000 Corpses.20 Achievement Point.png

History[edit | edit source]

Prior to Patch

  • Only death knights could use Corpses, as other classes did not have a Corpse counter. If another class got hold of a card that required Corpses to be played or spends or gained them, it would have no effect. For example, adding  Corpse Explosion to your hand as a non-death knight class would give you a card that does nothing.
  • Corpses were effectively tied to the current class, not the hero or the class the player started with. If a player managed to switch their class to a death knight mid-match, they would gain a Coprse counter and be able to play cards that require them. Their Corpse counter would also retroactively update its count to where it should be, as if they started with it.
    • Inversely, if a death knight changed their class, they would lose their Corpse counter and the ability to manage Corpses.
  • Other classes could not randomly generate death knight cards that would be unplayable without Corpses.[1]

Patch changes[edit | edit source]

  • MoLK Logo Adventure.pngPatch (2023-02-14): All classes will now have Corpses tracked throughout the game, in case they generate a Corpse-spending card. The Corpse counter will be displayed while there are any Death Knight cards in a zone the player can see (e.g. in hand or in play).
  • MoLK Logo.pngPatch (2022-11-29): Added.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Aleco on Twitter. (2022-11-01).