Discard effect

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Discard effects are effects which cause the player to discard cards from their hand. Discarded cards are removed from the game, without activating Deathrattles. Discard effects are most commonly found on warlock cards.

Discard effects are distinguished from overdraw,  Tracking, and other remove from deck effects, all of which remove cards directly from the deck without being in the hand; which in fact removes cards directly from a special display zone without entering the hand. While similar to discard effects, neither is considered a discard for game purposes, and will not activate related effects.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Discarded cards are revealed to the opponent.
  • Discarded minions are not considered to have died, and therefore cannot be summoned by resurrection effects.[1]
  • Effects that trigger from discards trigger only when discarded from the hand, not when removed from deck.[2]
  • Cost-related discard effects consider enchantments that modify costs of the card.
  • If there are more than 2 cards that met the cost requirements, Cost-related discard effects will discard randomly one of them.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

The negative repercussions of a discard effect can be removed entirely by not playing that card until your hand is otherwise empty. If this is not possible, they can be minimised by making sure your hand contains only cards you are willing to lose, such as by making sure to first play your most valuable cards.

Discard effects are mostly found on warlock cards, serving as an additional cost to playing a card at an otherwise unusually low price. This may allow the warlock to put out powerful minions at an early stage of the game, or deal strong damage on demand. While the card loss is undesirable, warlocks are able to easily compensate for this using  Life Tap, especially in later rounds when mana is more plentiful. While the total cost of playing such a card is therefore in fact unusually high, the ability to delay paying that price until a later round can offer a strategic advantage.

The order in which discard effects are activated is of great importance. A warlock whose hand comprises two Doomguards and a  Soulfire has two ways of playing their hand. Playing a Doomguard first will guarantee both other cards will be discarded, while playing the Soulfire first will guarantee that one Doomguard is retained. In most cases the player's hand will contain a variety of cards, making it impossible to entirely predict the outcome. However, the player can still control events to some degree by choosing which cards to play before the discard effect, ensuring that those cards will not be discarded.

When it is not possible to empty the hand of all important cards before playing a discard effect, warlocks can also choose to use Life Tap to add more cards to the hand, reducing the likelihood of a specific card from being discarded. For example, a warlock with a  Soulfire and a  Loatheb in their hand may use Life Tap to draw an  Abusive Sergeant, in the hopes that playing the Soulfire will discard the latter card instead of the Loatheb. However, if an even more valuable card is instead drawn, the warlock may regret having used Life Tap before playing Soul Fire.

Starting with The Grand Tournament, warlock cards with discard synergy effects have been added, which aid in mitigating or removing the disadvantages of discarding cards.  Fist of Jaraxxus and  Silverware Golem are played when discarded and have more value if doing so, while  Malchezaar's Imp and  Clutchmother Zavas make the warlock's hand more powerful as cards are discarded. Discard effects are the focus of the Warlock quest,  Lakkari Sacrifice.

Cards[edit | edit source]

For Wild format listings, see Discard effect/Wild format.

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
VAC 959t09.png
GIFT 12.png
GIFT 04.png
GIFT 07.png
GIFT 11.png
GIFT 08.png
GIFT 02.png
GIFT 10.png
GIFT 03.png
MIS 705.png
TOY 307t.png
GIFT 06.png
MIS 708.png
GIFT 05.png
GIFT 09.png
MIS 104.png
TTN 742.png
TOY 916.png
TOY 307.png
UPCOMING 103462.png
TTN 490.png
TTN 490t.png
DEEP 027.png
JAM 035.png
DEEP 027a.png
TTN 463.png
CORE EX1 310.png
ETC 071.png
CS3 036.png

Related cards

For Wild format listings, see Discard effect/Wild format.

All current discard-related effects activate only when discarding from the hand, and not removed from the deck or other zones. If their effects also activate by being removed, that is specifically mentioned on the card.

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
WW 044t.png
WW 441.png

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Tested on 9-8-2015 by jerodast: Played Succubus obtained via  Thoughtsteal, discarding  Acidic Swamp Ooze, without ever having a friendly minion die. Then played  Resurrect, which summoned no minion. Played a second Succubus, discarding  Novice Engineer, then a second  Resurrect, again resulting in no minion summoned.
  2. Whirthun on Twitter (X). (2015-08-07).