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According to Hunters, a ruthless offense of tooth and claw is better than any defense. These lone survivalists tap into their feral nature to take down their prey with hidden traps, tamed beasts, and volleys of baleful arrows.[1]

Hunter icon.png Hunter is one of 11 classes in Hearthstone.

Heroes[edit | edit source]

Hunter is represented by the following heroes. Rexxar is the default hero of Hunter.


HERO 05.png
HERO 05a.png
HERO 05c.png
HERO 05k.png
HERO 05y.png
HERO 05x.png
HERO 05ab.png
HERO 05am KingKrush h.png
HERO 05ao.png
Alternate portraits

HERO 05b.png
HERO 05d.png
HERO 05e.png
HERO 05f.png
HERO 05g.png
HERO 05j.png
HERO 05l.png
HERO 05m.png
HERO 05o.png
HERO 05p.png
HERO 05n.png
HERO 05q.png
HERO 05r.png
HERO 05t.png
HERO 05u.png
HERO 05v.png
HERO 05w.png
HERO 05z.png
HERO 05aa.png
HERO 05ac.png
HERO 05ad.png
HERO 05ae.png
HERO 05af Alleria.png
HERO 05ag Sylvanas.png
HERO 05ah Huln.png
HERO 05ai Lorthemar hls.png
HERO 05aj Rexxar hnv.png
HERO 05ak Rexxar hnv.png
HERO 05al Alleria hls.png
HERO 05aq.png

Background[edit | edit source]

Main article: Hunter

From an early age the call of the wild draws some adventurers from the comfort of their homes into the unforgiving primal world outside. Those who endure become hunters. As masters of their environment, hunters are able to slip like ghosts through the trees and lay traps in the paths of their enemies. These expert marksmen drop foes dead in their tracks with flawless shots from a bow, crossbow or rifle. With the ability to wield two weapons simultaneously, hunters can unleash a flurry of blows against anyone unfortunate enough to stumble into close combat with them.

The art of survival is central to the isolated life of a hunter. Hunters track beasts with ease and enhance their own abilities by attuning themselves to the feral aspects of various creatures. Hunters are known for the lifelong bonds they form with animals of the wild, training great hawks, cats, bears, and many other beasts to fight alongside them.[2]

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Steady Shot
Main article:  Steady Shot
Ready! Aim! FIRE![1]

 Steady Shot is the hunter's Hero Power, dealing 2 damage direct to the enemy hero. Steady Shot is a very direct and straightforward Hero Power - unlike many other Hero Powers, it does not offer special synergies or boast a range of possible uses, but what it lacks in strategic complexity it makes up for in sheer effectiveness. Without Health or Armor-granting effects, Steady Shot can single-handedly destroy the opponent and win the game in just 15 turns if used every turn. This allows the hunter to rely upon Steady Shot's damage to make steady progress toward victory, regardless of the state of the board. Steady Shot works well with an aggressive approach to build pressure on the opponent.

While it is very effective for bypassing enemy minions, note that the hunter cannot use Steady Shot on any other target, but can only deal damage to the enemy hero. However, some cards are able to expand Steady Shot's functionality, notably  Steamwheedle Sniper and  Dwarven Sharpshooter, granting it the ability to target any character and opening up a range of strategic possibilities.

Replacement Hero Powers[edit | edit source]

Ballista Shot
Berserker Throw
Pharaoh's Warmask
Summon Pet

Traits[edit | edit source]

Beasts[edit | edit source]

A Hunter’s ability to tame beasts of all shapes, sizes, and dispositions means that they never truly hunt alone. Buff up your fearsome friends and head into battle with a myriad of companions at your side.[1]
Featured cards

Jeweled Macaw
Call Pet
Dire Frenzy
Halazzi, the Lynx

Traps[edit | edit source]

Tread lightly, heroes. A Hunter can lay deadly trap secrets that activate should their opponent make a misstep in their hunting grounds.[1]
Featured cards

Explosive Trap
Freezing Trap
Bear Trap
Rat Trap

Shots[edit | edit source]

Hunters can charge their ranged weaponry with powerful effects to discharge debilitating and lethal shots.[1]
Featured cards

Marked Shot
Deadly Shot
Quick Shot
Explosive Shot

How to get cards[edit | edit source]

Core cards[edit | edit source]

Completing the Apprentice Track awards 17 Hunter cards (32 copies), while winning up to 500 games in Ranked or Arena awards golden copies of existing cards. All Core cards are uncraftable and cannot be crafted or disenchanted.

Arcane Shot
Jeweled Macaw
Explosive Trap
Freezing Trap
Ice Trap
Quick Shot
Rat Trap
Animal Companion
Ball of Spiders
Deadly Shot
Kill Command
Master's Call
Barak Kodobane
Lesser Emerald Spellstone
Savannah Highmane

Expansion cards[edit | edit source]

Hunter pack
Main article: Card pack

Hunter's expansion cards can be obtained mostly by obtaining corresponding card packs or Hunter class packs. The player can buy them in Shop with gold or real money, or get them through various sources. Some cards may be available through various promotions, like logging in to get them.

Mini-set cards, while can be obtained like expansion cards, can also be obtained by buying its bundle available in Shop for a limited-time. The player can buy the bundle with gold or real money.

Expansions cards are also craftable and can be obtained by crafting them with Arcane Dust.

Adventure cards[edit | edit source]

Main article: Adventure

Adventure cards can be obtained by completing their Adventure's encounters. They are uncraftable until the player completes the Adventure or their set rotates to Wild format. The player can buy the Adventure with gold for each individual part, or real money for the whole of it.

Cards[edit | edit source]

For Standard format cards, see Hunter/Standard format.
For Wild format cards, see Hunter/Wild format.
For Classic format cards, see Hunter/Classic format.

Breakdown of Hunter cards in both Standard and Wild formats can be seen in the following table.

Hunter Hunter card statistics
Rarity Hero Minion Spell Weapon Location
Free 0 8 12 0 0
CommonCommon 0 58 61 7 0
RareRare 0 52 62 5 3
EpicEpic 0 20 37 7 0
LegendaryLegendary 3 48 5 3 0

Strategy and gameplay[edit | edit source]

NB: This video's depiction of  Starving Buzzard and  Flare are now out of date.

Many hunter decks revolve around the use of Beast minions while maintaining board control. Many hunter-only cards benefit from having other Beasts in play or in your hand or deck, such as  Timber Wolf,  Tundra Rhino,  Houndmaster or  Master's Call. Certain cards with strong Beast synergy tend to become high priority targets for your enemies;  Starving Buzzard for example lets you draw a card every time another Beast is summoned, while  Scavenging Hyena gains +2/+1 for every friendly beast that dies while it is in play.

Hunters are strong at aggression, being able to utilize early game minions like  Springpaw and  Alleycat and follow it up strongly with cards like  Headhunter's Hatchet or  Crackling Razormaw. They have access to low-cost direct damage spells like  Kill Command and  Quick Shot for burst damage, while their Hero Power,  Steady Shot outputs consistent damage directly at the enemy hero. A deck on the extreme side of aggression is the "Face Hunter", using nothing but cheap, direct damage minions like  Leper Gnome and  Wolfrider to inflict as much damage as quickly as possible. Face Hunter sacrifices longevity for immediate damage, aiming to defeat the opponent before they are able to mount a defence.

Hunter decks can also be strong midrange, tempo decks which involve strong board control while playing and buffing Beasts, with cards like  Savannah Highmane,  Freezing Trap, and  Houndmaster Shaw. Many hunter decks revolve around Secrets, of which hunters have a strong range. Hunter Secrets especially tend to affect the board, with cards like  Explosive Trap,  Snake Trap and  Misdirection giving any opponent reason to hesitate before sending a minion to attack.  Eaglehorn Bow is a staple hunter card for use with Secrets.

While Hunters are best known for their minion quality, they are no slouch when it comes to spells. Cards like  Deadly Shot and  Marked Shot are formidable forms of removal,  Unleash the Beast and  Lesser Emerald Spellstone summon hefty token minions, and some spells like  Flanking Strike and  Baited Arrow even do both. Cards like  Vereesa Windrunner and  Zul'jin reward spell-heavy decks by upping their value tremendously. They can even run a deck with no minions, using  Rhok'delar and  To My Side! for extreme value generation.

Hunters also have a Deathrattle theme, with cards like  Play Dead,  Forlorn Stalker,  Seeping Oozeling, and  Nine Lives to duplicate Deathrattle effects without even killing the minion.

Counters[edit | edit source]

Hunters are very synergistic in that they require Beasts on the board to make full use of their cards such as  Kill Command and  Houndmaster, so maintaining board control and killing Beasts as soon as possible will cripple a hunter. Early removal of  Scavenging Hyena especially is essential, but ideally make sure never to leave a Beast on the hunter's board. Hunters can have surprising burst damage with  Unleash the Hounds,  King Krush, or hidden  Kill Command cards in their hand so try to keep your Health high or keep strong Taunt minions on the board for as long as possible.

Secrets[edit | edit source]

Hunters have moderately strong Secrets that can wreak havoc if not properly accounted for. Proper counter-strategy requires knowledge of the popular Secrets in the current meta, and ideally your opponent's deck, but when in doubt, the following precautions can help avoid the worst of their effects.

  • Attack the hero directly with a low cost or unimportant minion, or a minion played primarily for its Battlecry, in case of  Freezing Trap.
  • Attack the hero directly before summoning any more minions to avoid unnecessary damage from  Explosive Trap. Buffing your minions to increase their Health to 3 or above can also be useful to prevent their deaths.
  • Make sure to use removal on cards that have synergy with beasts such as  Starving Buzzard before attacking a minion in case of  Snake Trap. Removal of the snakes with Area of Effect spells may become a priority if the hunter has synergistic cards in their hand like  Scavenging Hyena.
  • Play a weak minion or a minion where taking 4 damage is acceptable in case of  Snipe.
  • Attack with a weak minion first to minimize damage done by  Misdirection. Buff the Health of the minion that you are not attacking with beforehand if it will prevent its death if the weak minion attacks it.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  •  Hemet Nesingwary was the original hunter hero in the game's pre-alpha.[3] Rexxar was eventually chosen for the role in part due to his strong connection with Beasts, which the developers wanted to focus on.[4]
  • Hunter was the game's original starting class. This was changed to mage because the developers wanted to use a non-weapon class, presumably to reduce complexity.[5]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Card frames

Patch changes[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Hunter - Heroes - Hearthstone. PlayHearthstone. Retrieved on 2021-06-20.
  3. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2015-06-11). 
  4. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2015-01-01). 
  5. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2015-08-19).