Spell Damage

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Spell Damage
Your spells deal extra damage.
A  Wrath of Air Totem, with purple sparkles to signal its Spell Damage bonus

Spell Damage is an ability which boosts the overall damage of spells by the listed amount.

Sources of Spell Damage are indicated by purple sparkles around their portaits.

Notes[edit | edit source]

A video explaining spell damage in Hearthstone made by the Curse Gamepedia YouTube Channel.
  • Spell Damage does not increase healing done by spells, and does not increase damage dealt from non-spell sources such as Hero Powers, Deathrattles or Battlecries.
  • Spell Damage increases the damage dealt by any spell, with only a few exceptions:
  • Multiple instances of Spell Damage stack. In particular, Spell Damage granted by enchantments will stack with any existing Spell Damage on the buffed minions.
  • Being an additive bonus, Spell Damage is applied before being multiplied by multiplicative bonuses like  Prophet Velen.[1]
  • Spell Damage has always the most up-to-date value: its value updates constantly, and not only when Auras are updated.
  • For any given spell, Spell Damage boosts either the total damage output or the damage per hit by the given amount, depending on the type of targeting and the way damage is distributed. The general rule is, when numbers printed on the card describe the amount of damage, each point of Spell Damage increases each of those numbers by 1, and the spell acts accordingly. More precisely:
    • Spells that deal a certain amount of damage randomly split among all characters with a given characteristic ( Arcane Missiles,  Avenging Wrath,  Timepiece of Horror, Spreading Madness,  Cinderstorm) have their total damage increased by Spell Damage: the spell will thus shoot an increased number of missiles, but each one will still deal 1 damage.
    •  Arcane Blast's damage in increased by twice the total Spell Damage bonus of its caster.
    • All other spells that deal damage to one or more characters have the damage dealt to each target increased by their caster's total Spell Damage bonus. This includes single-target spells (for example, with Spell Damage +2  Fireball will deal 8 damage), area of effect spells (for example, with Spell Damage +1  Swipe will do 5 damage to its target and 2 damage to all other enemies)[2] and spells that damage "multiple targets" (such as  Cleave and  Explosive Shot) or that do a base amount of damage repeated a variable number of times (like  Bouncing Blade and  Greater Arcane Missiles).
    •  Forbidden Flame's damage is increased despite there being no numbers on the card text to indicate it. In particular, at 0 mana, it will do 1 damage.
  • Sources of Spell Damage are indicated by purple sparkles. This includes, as long as a  Jungle Moonkin is in play, both heroes as well as the Jungle Moonkin itself.
  • For additional details, see Damage#Advanced rules.
  • Spell Damage dynamically modifies the numbers printed on the text of eligible spell cards in your hand accordingly (for example, with Spell Damage +2 the text of a  Fireball card in your hand will read "Deal *8* damage.").

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Mousing over a friendly source of Spell Damage will highlight any cards affected by Spell Damage, indicated by purple sparkles

Spell Damage is a valuable quality for classes which use damaging spells. The mage, rogue and shaman classes are good examples, but every class has damaging spells and can therefore benefit from it. Spell Damage is especially important to control decks such as Freeze Mage and Miracle Rogue, as well as spell-related aggro decks such as Aggro Shaman.

Like most card text effects, Spell Damage takes effect as soon as the related minion comes into play. This makes order of play very important, and allows you to quickly unload a flurry of buffed attacks in one turn, if you have the mana to spare. This is particularly possible with low mana cost minions such as  Kobold Geomancer. Even if your opponent removes your minion the next turn, you will still have gotten some use from them.

Note that while many varieties of Spell Damage minion exist, almost all of them offer the same bonus: Spell Damage +1. This means the difference between a  Dalaran Mage and an  Archmage (and the justification for the extra mana cost) lies only in Attack and Health values, not in their actual ability to boost spell damage. This can make low-cost Spell Damage minions an appealing choice, allowing you to rapidly and cheaply put them into play, ideally in immediate combination with some damaging spells.

Players will generally want to protect their Spell Damage minions, and may not wish to summon them until they have a sturdy Taunt in place, although this does not of course protect them from spells and other effects. Conversely, attacking players will often want to dispose of Spell Damage minions as quickly as possible, before their owner can put their bonus damage to good use.

This can make Spell Damage minions good lures for removal, as well as neutralisation through Silences and transform effects. Spell Damage minions often function as soft taunts, drawing the priority fire of your opponent while other targets are ignored. In less than ideal circumstances, this is as good a use of a Spell Damage minion as any, especially if you have other Spell Damage minions on the way, have no spells in your hand, or have already used most of those in your deck.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Sources of Spell Damage are usually minions, but  Jungle Moonkin makes both heroes sources of Spell Damage - although they depend on the minion's ongoing effect to retain this ability.
  • The developers have tried having cards that decreased the opponent's Spell Damage, but found that it was too confusing in practice.[3]
  • Most minions with Spell Damage themselves have explanatory tooltips that state "Your spell cards deal 1 extra damage". This is true even for those with Spell Damage +2.
    •  Malygos correctly states "Your spell cards deal 5 extra damage."
    • Other cards which grant or mention Spell Damage, such as  Ancient Mage and  Velen's Chosen, simply say "Your spells deal extra damage" instead.

Cards with Spell Damage[edit | edit source]


Swipe left or right to see the cards.
CS3 007.png
CORE EX1 012.png
CORE CS2 142.png
TTN 071.png
TOY 807.png


Swipe left or right to see the cards.
ETC 029t.png
CS2 052.png
DEEP 002t2.png

Sources of Spell Damage

For Wild format listings, see Spell Damage/Wild format.

Spell Damage-generating cards

This section lists cards which generate Spell Damage cards.

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
HERO 02bp.png
HERO 02bp2.png
DEEP 002.png
ETC 029.png

Spell Damage-granting cards

This section lists cards which grant the Spell Damage ability to other characters or to itself.

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TTN 737t3.png
TOY 801t.png
VAC 428.png
TOY 850.png
YOG 082.png
TOY 801.png
TOY 801b.png
TTN 737.png

Related cards

For Wild format listings, see Spell Damage/Wild format.

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
CORE KAR 063.png
TOY 851.png
TOY 804.png
TOY 807.png

Achievements[edit | edit source]

AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - ClassesBurn, Baby, Burn!Deal damage with Mage spells 100 times.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - ClassesBurn, Baby, Burn!Deal damage with Mage spells 300 times.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - ClassesBurn, Baby, Burn!Deal damage with Mage spells 1000 times.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - ClassesBurn, Baby, Burn!Deal damage with Mage spells 3000 times.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - ClassesBurn, Baby, Burn!Deal damage with Mage spells 10000 times.20 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - Neutral KeywordsD-A-M-A-G-EPlay 10 minions with Spell Damage.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - Neutral KeywordsD-A-M-A-G-EPlay 30 minions with Spell Damage.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - Neutral KeywordsD-A-M-A-G-EPlay 100 minions with Spell Damage.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - Neutral KeywordsD-A-M-A-G-EPlay 300 minions with Spell Damage.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - Neutral KeywordsD-A-M-A-G-EPlay 1000 minions with Spell Damage.20 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Forged in the Barrens - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - Barrens - ShamanExtra OrganicDeal 15 extra damage with Nature spells.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Forged in the Barrens - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - Barrens - ShamanExtra OrganicDeal 60 extra damage with Nature spells.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Forged in the Barrens - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - Barrens - ShamanExtra OrganicDeal 150 extra damage with Nature spells.20 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
March of the Lich King - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - Lich King - HunterReign of ArrowsDeal 100 damage with Arcane spells as Hunter.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
March of the Lich King - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - Lich King - HunterReign of ArrowsDeal 200 damage with Arcane spells as Hunter.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
March of the Lich King - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - Lich King - HunterReign of ArrowsDeal 300 damage with Arcane spells as Hunter.20 Achievement Point.png

Patch changes[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]