Murder at Castle Nathria
- Welcome to Revendreth, in the darkest of seasons. Where ruthless eyes gawk for horrific reasons.
- For a hidden hand has struck me down! With such ruthlessness, so deep and profound.
- Then he comes with his Murlocian scowl, to uncover the truth of murder most foul.
- The Anima drifts across the floor, highlighting the creatures who walked through my door.
- The motives are as black as night: Avarice, power, revenge, and blight.
- We watch the hero uncover the clues that lead to the truth behind this dark ruse.
- Join us here, with the grim and impious. Choose your path without heavenly bias.
- For at the end, they will burn in the fire, when it is known who slayed Denathrius, the Sire.
Wild format |
Since the arrival of the Year of the Pegasus, Murder at Castle Nathria is a Wild format card set, which means cards from Murder at Castle Nathria are no longer be playable in Standard format matches. For more information, see Game format. |
Murder at Castle Nathria is Hearthstone's 21st expansion, featuring new 135 collectible cards released on August 2, 2022.[1] The expansion depicts a dinner party in Castle Nathria hosted by Sire Denathrius, where he unexpectedly meets his end. Detective
Murloc Holmes has been called to solve the case and determine which of the ten suspects committed the crime.
Murder at Castle Nathria features a new keyword - Infuse - which allows cards to get more powerful as friendly minions die. The expansion also introduces a brand new card type - Location. Locations are played onto the battlefield for an initial cost, and then have an ability that can be activated for free on your turns, each time for a powerful effect.
How to get[edit | edit source]
Murder at Castle Nathria craftable cards can be obtained by one of the following methods:
- Opening card packs with the usual prices and purchasing options
- Crafting for the usual amounts of Arcane Dust depending on the cards' rarity
- Uncraftable cards
These specific cards can be obtained through other means. For more information, see their respective articles.
Prince Renathal
Regular Sire Denathrius
Golden Maze Guide
Golden Demolition Renovator
Golden Dispossessed Soul
Golden Murlocula
Golden Famished Fool
Golden Steamcleaner
Golden Insatiable Devourer
Golden Stoneborn General
- Pre-order
- Prior to the expansion's release, players could purchase one or both of the following bundles:
- Murder at Castle Nathria Bundle costs $49.99 USD; it comes with 60 Murder at Castle Nathria card packs, two random Legendary cards, and the Denathrius card back.
- Murder at Castle Nathria Mega Bundle costs $79.99 USD; it comes with 80 Murder at Castle Nathria card packs, 5 Golden Murder at Castle Nathria card packs, two random Golden Legendary cards from Murder at Castle Nathria, the unique Denathrius card back, the alternate warrior hero
Sire Denathrius, 10 Mercenaries/Mercenaries Packs, and the Sandy Shores Battlefield for Battlegrounds.
Cards[edit | edit source]
Murder at Castle Nathria card set features 135 collectible cards, which can be recognized with a special watermark (the Venthyr symbol) behind the card text, not found on other cards.
The Mini-set, Maw and Disorder, is also considered to be part of the Murder at Castle Nathria set, and all 35 cards are categorized as "New Cards" in Collection manager.
Demon Hunter
Themes[edit | edit source]
Ten Suspicious Suspects[edit | edit source]
- Sire Denathrius had a lot of enemies. And it just so happens that 10 of them were under his roof at the time of his demise! Each class will have a Legendary minion that is a prime suspect in Sire Denathrius’s murder. They all have the means and the motive, but it is up to you and Murloc Holmes to determine who is guilty.[1]
Artificer Xy'mox
Sesselie of the Fae Court
Kel'Thuzad, the Inevitable
Stewart the Steward
Necrolord Draka
Baroness Vashj
Imp King Rafaam
Decimator Olgra
New Keyword: Infuse[edit | edit source]
- Anima, drawn from wayward souls, powers all the Shadowlands—and those who consume it! Cards with the Infuse keyword sit in your hand and absorb anima from your friendly minions as they die. After the specified number of friendly minions die while the Infuse card is in your hand, the Infuse card transforms into a more powerful version. Infuse your cards to unlock their full power![1]
All Fel Breaks Loose
Artificer Xy'mox
Plot of Sin
Frenzied Fangs
Stonebound Gargon
Huntsman Altimor
Frozen Touch
Buffet Biggun
Clean the Scene
Door of Shadows
Convincing Disguise
Totemic Evidence
Party Favor Totem
Mischievous Imp
Imp King Rafaam
Imbued Axe
Priest of the Deceased
Famished Fool
Stoneborn Accuser
Sylvanas, the Accused
Sinfueled Golem
Insatiable Devourer
Sire Denathrius
New Card Type: Locations[edit | edit source]
- Castle Nathria is like no place Hearthstone has ever been before. Explore the castle grounds through the all-new Location card type! Locations are played onto the battlefield for an initial cost, and then have an ability that can be activated for free on your turns, each time for a powerful effect. Each activation costs 1 Durability and has a 1-turn Cooldown. Every class gets their own Location card in Castle Nathria which represents where they claim their suspect was at the time of the murder, and synergizes with the themes of the class.[1]
Relic Vault
Hedge Maze
Castle Kennels
Nightcloak Sanctum
Great Hall
Cathedral of Atonement
Sinstone Graveyard
Muck Pools
Vile Library
Sanguine Depths
Venthyr[edit | edit source]
Revendreth is home to the vampiric venthyr: punishers of the unworthy, charged with rehabilitating the sinful souls sent to them by the Arbiter.
Batty Guest
Crazed Wretch
Elitist Snob
Famished Fool
Flustered Librarian
Huntsman Altimor
Lady Darkvein
Masked Reveler
Partner in Crime
Prince Renathal
Scuttlebutt Ghoul
Sketchy Stranger
Spirit Poacher
Suspicious Alchemist
Suspicious Pirate
Suspicious Usher
The Countess
The Harvester of Envy
The Stonewright
Theotar, the Mad Duke
Batty Guest
Crazed Wretch
Elitist Snob
Famished Fool
Flustered Librarian
Huntsman Altimor
Lady Darkvein
Masked Reveler
Partner in Crime
Prince Renathal
Scuttlebutt Ghoul
Sketchy Stranger
Spirit Poacher
Suspicious Alchemist
Suspicious Pirate
Suspicious Usher
The Countess
The Harvester of Envy
The Stonewright
Theotar, the Mad Duke
The Suspicious[edit | edit source]
A scrapped concept from The Witchwood,[2] these minions Discover a card and represent the same options to the opposing player, allowing them to gain a copy if the same card was guessed correctly. Gnomenapper was one of the scrapped cards during The Witchwood development that used this effect.
Lore[edit | edit source]

Revendreth[edit | edit source]
"A realm of looming keeps and gothic villages, Revendreth is home to the venthyr, the harvesters of sin. The wretched souls who arrive here may find penance for their misdeeds... or merely indulge the appetites of their keepers."

"Souls burdened with prodigious pride in life are sent to Revendreth at their end. Anima is tormented from them to feed the appetites of their keepers. Learned humility was supposed to be the destiny of the souls entrusted to our care. I fear those archaic ways no longer have a place within Revendreth. Pride: It is the principal reason mortal souls are delivered unto Revendreth, we exist to relieve them of that troublesome sin and to be blessed by their anima."
The major vista of the region is its gigantic castle, sprawling over a misty forest. The castle's entry ward itself is suffering disrepair, as are the buildings and structures across the grounds, as the region is deprived of new souls and their precious Anima. Sinstones, gravestones with the soul's crimes listed upon it, litter each pathway. Souls sent here can etch these sins off their stones over time as they are prepared for the afterlife by the venthyr. The fog-filled forest is where the venthyr schedule hunts on tortured souls, sending them out with a false sense of hope and security, then track them down and "humble" them. The catacombs are where souls are locked away for eons until sufficiently humbled to warrant being transferred to the Halls of Atonement. There all souls must go through the Ritual of Absolution at least once to be cleansed of sin fully, and the Ritual of Judgment for their final fate to be decided. Some souls, however, are kept in Castle Nathria for the nobles to enjoy. Another notable area is the Ember Ward, found on the western side of the region. There the Light has actually broken through and is extremely harmful to Revendreth's residents. The crumbled walls and fragmented landscape is due to the anima drought and devourers.
Castle Nathria[edit | edit source]
Castle Nathria is a raid in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. It is a Gothic castle located in Revendreth, a winged raid starting with 2 wings with 3 bosses each. The raid has 10 bosses in total.
Long has Sire Denathrius ruled the denizens of Revendreth as they harvested anima from prideful souls. But as drought and fear gripped the Shadowlands, Denathrius revealed his true loyalties. In defiance of his former Master, the noble
Prince Renathal gathers his few remaining allies for a desperate mission to infiltrate Castle Nathria and remove Denathrius from power.
Denathrius[edit | edit source]
Sire Denathrius, the Master, is the creator and the former leader of the realm of Revendreth and its inhabitants, the venthyr people, which he ruled from Castle Nathria. Calculating and methodical, Denathrius is ancient beyond measure and one of the most powerful beings in all the Shadowlands. He created the venthyr in his likeness, forging them from the souls of the redeemed. The first venthyr were born directly from Denathrius' will, such as Prince Renathal who considers him his father. He is also the creator of the nathrezim, cruel and cunning beings with the purpose to be the greatest spies and infiltrators in all of reality, in order to spread the influence of Death throughout the cosmos.
In a midst of a rebellion caused by the anima drought that's swept over the Shadowlands, rumors suggested that Denathrius may no longer be fit for the role of Master of Revendreth. Crowning a new Sire could return the plane to its former glory, or leave it mired in the same decadence and sin it is charged with cleansing. Consequently, Denathrius beseeched Azeroth's champions to help him quell the rebellion led by Prince Renathal, which threatened to destroy the venthyr way of life, but not all was as Denathrius claimed.
In truth, Denathrius has been corrupted by the very sins Revendreth swore to punish. Cooperating with Zovaal the Jailer, he wished to rule all the Shadowlands and to free the Jailer from his bonds by channeling massive amounts of anima into the Maw. Although he accomplished his plan, he was later defeated by the Maw Walkers in his own castle, while his essence was absorbed by his sentient blade Remornia. At Dawnkeep, Denathrius was placed under the watch of the naaru Z'rali to fulfill his repentance, until he was freed by the nathrezim who infiltrated Revendreth.
In Hearthstone[edit | edit source]
Expansion overview[edit | edit source]
Come investigate Hearthstone's next expansion! Sire Denathrius, the ruler of venthyr, was accused of causing an anima drought in the Shadowlands. He thought a nice gathering at Castle Nathria might help clear the air, but instead he has been found dead! Now
Murloc Holmes has been called to solve the case. Join him as he investigates 135 new cards, featuring 10 Legendary suspects, the new Infuse keyword, the all-new Location card type, and more!
Blog overview[edit | edit source]
The Shadowlands is normally where souls go after they die, so when someone dies in the Shadowlands, that's a special kind of mystery. Sire Denathrius invited 10 of his counterparts and enemies to Castle Nathria for a dinner party so that he could address the malicious rumors that he is hoarding anima, the life-energy that is drained from tortured souls and used to power the Shadowlands. But just after the festivities started, Sire Denathrius was found dead! It seems a gaggle of enemies does not a good dinner party make. Now the illustrious Murloc Holmes, and his trusty sidekick Watfin, have been called to solve the case. Scour new Location cards, follow the trail of Infused minions, question the 10 Legendary suspects, and help determine who committed Murder at Castle Nathria!
Murloc Holmes and the Murder at Castle Nathria[edit | edit source]
- A short story by Christie Golden and Brandon Easton.[3]
The Murder at Castle Nathria is a chilling tale of death and deception, and a detective most cunning. An instant classic in murloc-based literature, perfect for dramatic reenactments. Now you can follow along as Murloc Holmes and Dr. Watfin explore the many Castle Nathria Locations looking for clues and interviewing the 10 prime suspects in this Murder at Castle Nathria script! Grab some friends and your deerstalker hat, as the drama unfolds over the coming days. Do you have what it takes to solve the Murder at Castle Nathria?
Part 1[edit | edit source]
Welcome, friends and fiends. Are you ready to shiver at another spine-tingling tale? Then you’re in luck... or NOT.
(evil chuckle)
Hold fast to your courage as you listen to the story of...
Murder... at Castle Nathria.
Ah, Castle Nathria. A dangerous place, where ruthless eyes gawk in the night. Where even the most powerful cannot reverse the implacable turn of the dark wheels of fate. And where it is generally unwise to accept party invitations delivered by gargoyles.
INT: The Great Hall. WE HEAR the sounds from a party—murmurs, clinking glasses, appropriate music.
After his dinner party guests had assembled in the Great Hall, Sire Denathrius, the Master of Revendreth, raised a golden goblet of red, misty anima—perhaps blissfully unaware that he had invited his worst nemeses!
CLINK, CLINK; the sound of a fork tapping on metal. The crowd goes quiet.
Welcome to my humble home! I know all are eager to become better acquainted over a grand feast and harmless, innocent parlor games. For instance, I myself wonder... What did each of you hope for by accepting my invitation? Riches? Knowledge? The cachet of being seen with me? Or perhaps you have heard vile rumors that I, Sire Denathrius, have been ruthlessly hoarding anima! True, it is heady and intoxicating... frighteningly good... and makes you powerful beyond—
DENATHRIUS coughs, realizing he is about to prove the rumors true.
But as I was saying, I hope tonight will be an evening you’ll never forget. I have a few final touches to prepare for the evening’s festivities. Please—explore my home till you are summoned for dinner.
Denathrius’s HOOFSTEPS fade into the distance.
A door slams shut.
While the guests were confused by their host’s departure, they took the Sire’s suggestion, and for some time wandered about the castle and its grounds... all by themselves...
when suddenly—
The CRASH of a goblet. Sound of the anima wafting upward like a soft wind.
A shrill scream from STEWART.
Help, help! Sire Denathrius has been murdered!
Dramatic music!
INT: Dining Hall
It was true—Denathrius, the Sire, lay on the floor of the dining hall. How the mighty have fallen! The ten guests—every one of them now suspects—all gathered around.
Running feet and hooves, slamming doors, gasps of surprise.
But who had done this dreadful deed?
The mysterious broker, Artificer Xy’Mox?
Ah, he was so good for business.
The ethereal with the spot-on title of Archvillain Rafaam?
My very good and dear friend Sire Donatrio, noooo!
The orcish baroness, Draka
(scoffs, sarcastic) Clearly, you were very close to him, Rafaam.
Or two others who hailed from Maldraxxus—
Decimator Olgra, another orc, who had come on a mission?
He can’t be dead! I needed... something from him.
Perhaps it was Baroness Vashj, the naga,
who, like Draka, was formerly of the House of Spies?
(sarcastic) Who could possibly have wanted him dead?
Or was it the Sire’s ally, the power-hungry lich Kel’Thuzad?
I am devastated and outraged! How could you be so careless, Denathrius? Now NONE of our schemes are going to be hatched.
(whispering in a sympathetic tone)
I think you said the quiet part out loud.
Could the killer be one of the two visitors from Ardenweald, the sylvar Ara’lon or Sesselie the tirnenn?
What a tragic turn.
(rustling their leafy hair)
I cannot say our queen will be... un-happy...
Surely it couldn’t have been the kindly kyrian invitee, Pelagos?
Such events are always tragic, but he was not the nicest person... was he?
It definitely wasn’t the loyal steward, Stewart. Or was it?
(softly crying)Hooo, hoooo... Poor Sire... hooo...
The guests all stared at one another with suspicion:
someone here... was a killer.
Not long after the accusations started to fly, there was a flash of lightning!
And a rumble of thunder!
And the front doors were flung open!
Smash of the doors swinging open hard.
In the doorway stood a figure. Small, but mighty.
One to give hope to the innocent and strike fear in the hearts of the guilty. It was none other than that great detective—
Murloc Holmes! Yes, it was he himself,
and his friend and colleague, Dr. Watfin.
Everyone gasped!
Exaggerated, nigh-simultaneous gasps.
Like the master detective he is, Holmes took control of the room at once. The suspects were instructed not to leave while he examined the body.
Underneath the following, Holmes is mrrglling, as if saying the things attributed to him.
Holmes found it curious that he could unearth nothing to indicate the cause of death. He asked the Sire’s servants to remove the body, then he drew a chalk outline on the floor. He must discover whodunnit before he could discover... howdunnit. Where were the suspects at the time of the murder?
I was in the Kennels.
The Maze.
The Muck Pools.
The Sinstone Cemetery.
The game was afoot! Holmes decided to begin his investigation at the locations outside the castle. The first stop... the Kennels.
EXT: THE KENNELS. Terrible SOUNDS of the gargon hounds (living stone beasts) in the Kennels.
Huntsman Altimor wasn’t here, so he cannot vouch for me.
But the gargon hounds can.
The terrible sounds of threat turn to equally terrible sounds of affectionate greeting.
(warmly) Hello again, friends. May I pet your dog too, Draka?
DEATHFANG’s three heads all growl.
No. (to Murloc) Where to next, Mr. Holmes?
So many many sites. What clues might the great detective find in his effort to solve the murder? Perhaps Draka was eager to distract him from something important. It was time to investigate her alibi...and visit the sinister Sinstone Cemetery.
Part 2[edit | edit source]
Detective Murloc Holmes has been interrogating the suspects and retracing their steps. His fins…er, feet?...have brought him to The Sinstone Cemetery, home to tortured souls and stoneborn beasts. A place where someone plotting the murder of Sire Denathrius might well choose to lurk...someone like Baroness Draka?
EXT: SINSTONE CEMETERY. Footsteps. Wind in the trees. Deathfang digs and pants happily.
Mrrgle... mrflagggrl.
Yes, Mr. Holmes, the Sinstone Cemetery is muddy.
Look! A clue! The footprints of a gigantic hound!
...those are Deathfang’s.
Mrg gligslrrgh graaa?
Some people, I’m sure, attended Denathrius’ dinner party for dishonorable reasons. So, I kept watch to see if anyone reentered the castle. Besides, it’s a good place for Deathfang to dig.
(to Deathfang, in a high, “I’m talking to my dog” voice)
Isn’t it? Who’s a good boy?
It’s DEATHFANG, and he knows it, all his heads making happy sounds.
Holmes nodded, as if he knew something they didn’t.
They continued on, to the Muck Pools…to confirm Vashj’s alibi…
EXT: MUCK POOLS. Sounds of mud bubbles, trees creaking; soft sounds of swamp-dwelling creatures. Briskly striding feet come to a halt. Sound of VASHJ slithering up to speak.
Ah, the Muck Pools, burbling birthplace of budding butlers…at least, dredger butlers. How easy it would be to drop a murder weapon into this putrid place, and let it rest forever undiscovered… Baroness Vashj certainly seemed fond of the location…but why?
There—that’s the trail where I slithered in and out of the pools. Mud is SO good for the skin. Does no one else wish to take a quick dip?
<Ribbit! Ribbit!>
MURLOC HOLMES (annoyed with Dr. Watfin) MURGLE! Gribblegrumb.
We’ll come back later, Dr. Watfin, when all this unpleasantness has been wrapped up.
Mrrgl glrr drrgle mur?
It’s no secret that Draka and I—and others—suspected our host planned the destruction of the House of Eyes.
It’s Denathrius we’re talking about, after all.
The strange little group continued to the Hedge Maze.
It’s easy to get lost while wandering in a hedge maze, isn’t it? And so hard to find your way out…especially when the plants themselves don’t want you to…Perhaps Sesselie had been hoping to lure Denathrius into its dark heart…forever.
Isn’t it beautiful?
Yes... yes, of course, it is, ah... lovely. MURLOC HOLMES
Mrgll... grgll belach raaak?
(sighs) Yes. I did attend on behalf of the Winter Queen.
She suspects Denathrius is behind the anima drought. I thought I would ask the Hedge plants if they knew anything, and... well, I got lost in conversation. The plants can vouch for me.
Creaking sounds from the Hedge.
You see?
Mrrrgl mrrgle... glorp.
Oh. I wish you did understand them, because otherwise
I do not know how else to convince you!
(pondering) Hrrrmmmmm...
But was he convinced?
Only one location remained to explore outside the castle proper: the only place in Revendreth where a Bastion resident might feel comfortable enough to ponder...or, perhaps, plot.
Part 3[edit | edit source]
Revendreth hardly comes to mind when you think of cathedrals, does it? And yet, there it is...the Cathedral of Atonement. Once it was a symbol of Revendreth’s sincere mission to help save souls, but in recent times...well...not so much. Was it the noble past, or the unscrupulous present, that drew Pelagos here?
INT: Cathedral of Atonement. Inspirational, haunting music. The footsteps are slower, quieter.
I regret to tell you, Mr. Holmes, no one accompanied me, or saw me here. I came to meditate on the rumors that Sire Denathrius was hoarding anima. That is all.
Is it? Then tell me... why did you choose the Cathedral of ATONEMENT, unless you had something to atone for?
(pauses mockingly) Because it’s the only cathedral in Revendreth?
Oh. Never mind.
Mrggle mrrgl... blep ghaagh... Mrgle brakk bleargh?
If Sire Denathrius truly did cause the anima drought...
and he confronted me... then, quite honestly...
I do not know what I would do.
With the grounds explored, it was time to return to Castle Nathria... and investigate what transpired within that dread place.
INT: THE KITCHEN. Sounds of fire crackling and cauldron bubbling.
More specifically…within the kitchen. Kitchens are associated with nourishment, and warmth. Fellowship. They also have quite a lot of sharp knives, and boiling liquids, and fire, and—well, you get the idea.
It seems like every party winds up in the kitchen, doesn’t it?
(tired, to Murloc) Can’t you at least tell us if you’ve eliminated anyone thus far?
Grrpp. Blearglgy ghaak mrugggle.
Ara’lon looks tired. Would you like something soooothing?
Here, drink this! (extends gold goblet to Ara’lon)
A slap... then the goblet CRASHES TO THE FLOOR.
Everyone gasps.
Ow... that hurt my hand!
Mrrrrrgggllle!!! STEWART
Yes, I do indeed have holy spice in my kitchen! And yes, I am aware it is bad for venthyr like Sire. But I personalize goblets to be extra safe!
He’s right. There’s a cute little medallion around the stem that says, “Ara’lon, this is for you... hooo.”
(accusingly) But, Stewart... I overheard you saying you had something special prepared for Sire Denathrius!
Yes, yes! Here... smell!
(sniffs) BLECK!!!!
Yes, garlic! I am certain Mr. Holmes knows that it is harmless to venthyr such as Sire, who loves... loved... it... hooo...
Hrmmm... glarby mrrrrglee... bek ghaaa? Ghaa blurgl?
I was in the Nightcloak Sanctum.
It’s a private room, but if you insist, Mr. Holmes...
The Nightcloak Sanctum. An exclusive place for private conversations...plans...plots...and also for safely stashing some darn fun things for wacky, wholesome fun!
KEL’THUZAD (cont.)
I may not be the nicest person, but I am loyal. After the toast, Denathrius asked me to come to the Sanctum and find something we would need for the after-dinner... conviviality. He said it was important.
(KEL’THUZAD obviously despises the term “conviviality.”)
This classic board game.
We hear the rattle of pieces inside a cardboard box. Perhaps cheesy music a la 1980’s board game commercials.
Mrglgll, glep blargghh mrgg.
Me? Well, while that horrible deed was being done to my very good and dear friend Sire Danabrius, I was... just walking around. You know. Innocently.
Bleck Blargh? Mrggls...
Th-the library? (strained laugh) Oh, we don’t need to go there.
INT: LIBRARY DOORS. Footsteps lead us there.
The library—a place for books…and secrets. And maybe a nap.
(whispering) Oh, so this is the door to the library! MURLOC HOLMES
(also whispering)
Mrrgll gleeble Blurrskkk?
Why are you whispering?
Everyone goes SHHHHHH!
(whispers) It’s a library.
(whispering indignantly)
That is definitely NOT a piece of... my wrapping... caught in the door...
Sound of doors being flung open. EVERYONE gasps. From this point, all speak in normal tones; clearly no patrons to disturb.
(normal voice) I knew I smelled smoke!
STEWART I saw Rafaam on fire! But there was no time to get water.
I’m relieved you are all right.
It was burned when I got...
FWOOF sound. Crackling of felfire. Imp chatters. Rafaam sighs.
All right, it was me. Er, them. I confess fully: I was trying to steal a tome of rare spells. I did it.
(laughing) You buffoon. That’s not what you were being accused of. You’ve just confessed to stealing from and burning the library for nothing... but you did provide your alibi regarding Sire Denathrius.
I... what? I mean... Yes! Look, my wrappings are still smoking a little bit. See?
We hear the sound of flames and Rafaam SLAPPING HIMSELF to put them out.
Now it was time to descend into Castle Nathria’s twisted heart: first the Vault, and then... the Sanguine Depths.
Part 4[edit | edit source]
The murder investigation was now leading Murloc Holmes into some very dark places...and perhaps even into danger. The Vault certainly was not for the faint of heart. But perhaps it would yield its secrets to the greatest detective of all.
I was here when the... incident occurred.
Blrafghl, blepp. Mrrgl, glarb bek murrrglle?
To protect the Relics, of course. With such a rogues’ gallery of guests—
Watch it.
—someone would be sure to steal something.
That would be me. I stole something. Because I was definitely not killing my very good and dear friend Denapaloozapolusim…us.
Now you’re not even TRYING.
Grlargla bahk rmurgggg?
What, this? It’s the Relic of Extinction. Someone... had dropped... it? Oh all right, I was trying to steal it.
Mrrrrgle glub blub pakk Mrrrgggl... Ksssshhhh Glack!
Ominous music.
Must we... all go, Mr. Holmes? I hear what happens there is... painful to witness... KEL’THUZAD
I think the souls sent there would say it is painful, period.
Kel’Thuzad’s words were an understatement. Truly, save for the horrific Maw itself, the Sanguine Depths are the darkest place in all the Shadowlands.
INT: THE SANGUINE DEPTHS. Faint cries and shrieks. The whirl of anima.
For it is here that condemned souls suffer and work off the sins of their lives by having their prideful anima...extracted.
I do not like this place...
It is not made to be liked. It is made to torture. And that was why I was here. I was searching... for my husband, Mankrik.
I had heard rumors that he was here, and I accepted the invitation to find out. I did not have much time to look for him. Now... I may never know.
I am sad for you.
Thank you both.
Can we FINALLY go now?
Holmes told the group he now knew what had been done... and who had done it. They returned to the place where it had all started... the dining hall.
INT: THE GREAT HALL. Tense music. Holmes gurgles conversationally quietly under the following narration and continues to do so throughout.
There, standing beside the chalk outline of the felled Sire, the Great Detective explained his reasoning. It had been a rainy night... yet there were no muddy footprints other than those clearly made when everyone had returned.
Thank goodness! So all of us who were outside... are innocent!
Holmes replied that it was possible, but there were still many secret passages in the castle. They were not necessarily in the clear.
DEATHFANG whimpers sadly.
Olgra would not have killed Sire Denathrius, Holmes told the guests.
She needed him to find the answers she sought about her mate.
Thank you for believing me, Mr. Holmes.
The love between you and Mankrik was legendary, Olgra.
I hope you find your mate one day.
I hope the same for you, friend.
Ugh, let’s get on with this, shall we? We all know that I am entirely innocent of murder. So that leaves Kel’thuzad, Xy’mox, and...
Whooooo, me? No, no, not Stewart!
Holmes announced that he was, at last, certain as to who was responsible for what happened to Sire Denathrius. It was—
Dramatic music! EVERYONE but Rafaam gasps.
Wait... who was it? I must confess, I haven’t understood a single word he’s said tonight.
Ah, my friends and fiends... Would you, too, like to know?
Of course you would. You must solve the murder yourself...
if you can...
NARRATOR’s voice changes into a monstrous one. He laughs diabolically.
History[edit | edit source]
Development[edit | edit source]
The Hearthstone team has been considering the idea of a murder mystery expansion for a long time, even during The Witchwood.[2][4]
When asked about how the idea for the theme of murder mystery was introduced to the Hearthstone development team, Cora Georgiou, who led the design for this expansion, offered a lot of insight. “The idea for a murder mystery in Hearthstone is something that I’ve wanted to see for a long time. Every brainstorm session that we do for a new expansion, we bring the whole team together and everybody sort of comes out with what they think would be a really awesome idea for an expansion. And for several sets, the first thing that I pitched was: let's do a murder mystery.”[4]
According to Cora, the general idea and basic design for the theme were already in mind, but they didn’t know where they wanted to set the expansion. “A lot of the development team had Gilneas in mind but that had already been done for the Witchwood. Around this time, Shadowlands had come out but this was before even the Raid at Nathria. Someone had suggested Revendreth, where the Venthyr throw parties at the Ember Court so if you wanted to do a murder mystery party set it’s kinda perfect. So, I did some research, and I came away saying, what’s cooler than a murder mystery dinner party is a murder mystery dinner party with vampires. It was really just perfect.”[4]
[edit | edit source]
On June 25th, 2022, the official Hearthstone Twitter posted a short video of Castle Nathria, where a painting of Sire Denathrius was seen cracked. The tweet had the accompanying text of "Spotted—Castle resident losing something nobody even knew he had. His life."[5] It was announced in the video that reveals would begin on June 27th.
On June 27th, the expansion was announced along with new cards being revealed.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Murder at Castle Nathria was the second expansion to introduce a new card type, after the hero cards in Knights of the Frozen Throne.
- Many things seen in Murder at Castle Nathria, including the theme and card types, were originally concepts for The Witchwood, including:
- The murder mystery theme.[2]
- The suspicious minions.[2]
- The atmospheres of Revendreth and Gilneas in general are also very similar to each other, featuring Victorian English themes.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
- Battlefield
- Banners
- Cinematic trailer
Videos[edit | edit source]
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Blizzard Entertainment (2022-06-27). Announcing Murder at Castle Nathria, Hearthstone’s Next Expansion!. PlayHearthstone. Retrieved on 2022-06-27.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Hearthside Chat with Peter Whalen: Echo - YouTube. (2018-03-22). Retrieved on 2018-03-22.
- ↑ Christie Golden and Brandon Easton (2022-07-05). Murloc Holmes and the Murder at Castle Nathria.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Haroon Sultan (2022-07-07). Everything you need to know about Hearthstone’s latest expansion Murder at Castle Nathria + Interview with Developers.
- ↑ PlayHearthstone on Twitter. (2022-06-27).