Rafael Zanchetin

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Rafael Zanchetin is an artist for the cards listed here.



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Collectible Constructed cards
Collectible Constructed cards
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HERO 01ac.png
HERO 03y.png
HERO 10aa.png
HERO 07ad.png
HERO 11f.png
ULD 191.png
ICC 220.png
UNG 085.png
UNG 803.png
UNG 028.png
DAL 544.png
OG 221.png
ULD 712.png
OG 109.png
OG 104.png
YOD 020.png
BT 309.png
YOD 030.png
KAR 013.png
YOD 025.png
ULD 134.png
DMF 244.png
SCH 507.png
BAR 847.png
DRG 081.png
YOD 028.png
KAR 021.png
DAL 372.png
DRG 063.png
ETC 399.png
ICC 812.png
CFM 651.png
RLK 529.png
MAW 014.png
DAL 771.png
CFM 756.png
BT 235.png
DRG 218.png
TTN 856.png
JAM 037.png
BT 934.png
DRG 321.png
SW 080.png
ULD 713.png
REV 240.png
YOG 500.png
CFM 062.png
SCH 717.png
AV 202.png
DAL 719.png
ULD 236.png
BT 481.png


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Signature cards
Signature cards
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TTN 481 Premium3.png


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Uncollectible Constructed cards
Uncollectible Constructed cards
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ULD 134t.png
DAL 741.png
ULD 430t.png
TTN 470t.png
UNG 829t3.png
DMF 244t.png
TOY 400t4.png
UNG 028t.png
BT 309t.png


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Duels cards
Duels cards
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PVPDR SCH Active53t.png
PVPDR YOP LocPriT1.png
PVPDR SCH Active53.png
PVPDR SCH Active53s.png
PVPDR Darius T4.png

Tavern Brawl cards

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Tavern Brawl cards
Tavern Brawl cards
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TB Thunderdome Elise.png
THD 106.png
TB RoadToNR TakNozwhisker.png

Boss cards

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Boss cards
Boss cards
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BOM 06 Cornelius 003p.png
DALA BOSS 64h.png
Story 11 BitterTears.png
BTA BOSS 06h.png
BOM 06 Cornelius 003hb.png
BOM 05 Cornelius 008hb.png
ULDA BOSS 49h.png
BOM 06 Xurgon 004p.png
ULDA BOSS 53px.png
Story 11 FondMemory.png
BTA BOSS 06p.png
BTA BOSS 05h.png
DALA BOSS 33p.png
BOM 01 Rokara 002hp.png
BOM 01 Rokara 008hp.png
BOM 01 Rokara 001hp.png
KARA 04 01h.png
KARA 04 02hp.png
DALA BOSS 33h.png
DALA BOSS 32h.png
ULDA BOSS 53p.png
DALA 904.png
DALA BOSS 32p.png
ULDA 912.png
DALA 901.png
BOM 01 Rokara 08p.png
ULDA BOSS 49p.png
ULDA BOSS 49px.png
BOM 01 Rokara 01p.png
ULDA 036t.png
DALA BOSS 64px.png
ULDA 033.png
BOM 09 Rokara 003p.png
Story 11 FaelinMinion.png
ULDA 036ts.png
ULDA 036.png
BOM 01 RokarasAxe 01w.png
BOM 01 RokarasGreatAxe 08w.png
DALA BOSS 64p.png
DRGA BOSS 05t.png
GILA 612.png

Other cards

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Other cards
Other cards
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CRED 302.png



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Battlegrounds minions
Battlegrounds minions
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BGS 080 Battlegrounds.png
BGS 072 Battlegrounds.png
BG21 HERO 030 Buddy Battlegrounds.png


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Battlegrounds heroes
Battlegrounds heroes
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
BG20 HERO 100 SKIN F.png
BG26 HERO 101.png
BG20 HERO 301 SKIN D2.png
TB BaconShop HERO 21 SKIN B2.png
BG26 HERO 102.png
BG20 HERO 100.png
TB BaconShop HERO 62 SKIN E.png


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Battlegrounds cards
Battlegrounds cards
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BG20 HERO 100p.png
BG26 HERO 102p.png
BGS Treasures 012.png
BG28 Reward 513.png
TB BaconShop HP 069.png



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Mercenaries mercenaries
Mercenaries mercenaries
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Cornelius Roame
Dragonmaw Poacher {0}
Dragonmaw Poacher 1
Dragonmaw Poacher 2
Dragonmaw Poacher 3
Dragonmaw Poacher 4
The Crone
If the enemy doesn't control Dorothee, deal 30 damage to all enemies at the end of each turn.


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Mercenaries abilities
Mercenaries abilities
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Dragonmaw Poacher {0}
Dragonmaw Poacher 1
Dragonmaw Poacher 2
Dragonmaw Poacher 3
Dragonmaw Poacher 4
Tribal Warfare {0}
Tribal Warfare 1
Tribal Warfare 2
Tribal Warfare 3
Tribal Warfare 4
Wicked Winds

Other cards

Promotional art

Talan's Bar promotional art, for Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Talan's Bar and Gadgetzan Gazette artwork of a Jade Lotus museum curator.
Talan's Bar and Gadgetzan Gazette artwork of a Kabal member.
Talan's Bar and Gadgetzan Gazette artwork of  Don Han'Cho acquiring the First Bank of Gadgetzan.
Talan's Bar and Gadgetzan Gazette artwork of  Kazakus (bottom left), Don Han'Cho (top left),  Aya Blackpaw (bottom right) and  White Eyes (top right) attending a gala.

External links