Open the Waygate

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Open the Waygate is a legendary mage spell card, from the Journey to Un'Goro set.

Generated cards[edit | edit source]

Time Warp


To edit these notes, go to Template:Open the Waygate notes.

  • Spells that are cast by effects like Yogg-Saron's Battlecry are not counted for this quest's progress.[1]
  •  Shifting Scroll does not trigger the quest since it technically doesn't generate a spell.
  • A spell will count for this quest as long as the individual card did not start in the deck. A generated spell (including from Echo) will count even if it is identical to a spell that started in the deck.
  • Time Warp replaces the "End Turn" button with an "Extra Turn" button, but does not end the current turn immediately. The player cannot cancel this effect once the spell has been cast. When the button is clicked, the current turn ends and the player plays a complete additional turn.[2] More precisely:
    1. End-of-turn triggered effects occur for the original turn.
    2. Start-of-turn steps and effects happen including the refreshment of exhausted minions, drawing a card, gaining a mana crystal, and the replenishment of empty mana crystals.
    3. The player can play cards and make attacks as in any other turn.
  • Multiple Time Warps do not stack, and Time Warp can only trigger once per game, as per the "Once per game" text on Time Warp.
    • This is true whether Time Warp is copied and played from hand, or manually casted by other cards such as  Grand Magister Rommath.
  •  Loatheb and  Millhouse Manastorm's effects remain active during extra turns granted by Time Warp,[3] but  Ice Block's immunity will wear off when the extra turn starts.[4]
  •  The Coin counts for this quest's completion, since it is a spell that does not start in the player's deck.

Lore[edit | edit source]

The Waygate is a titan portal that leads from Sholazar Basin to Un'Goro Crater. It's been inactive for centuries, but players in World of Warcraft can reactivate it through a quest line. This card is probably inspired by that quest. It is unknown whether the  Time Warp reward is specifically related to the bending of spacetime by the Waygate, or if it is generally an effect mages can achieve given an adequate source of magical power.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Open the Waygate, full art
The Un'Goro side of the Waygate in World of Warcraft
Concept art
Concept art

Patch changes

Card changes

  • Ashes of Outland logo.pngPatch (2020-04-20):
    • Now reads: "Quest: Cast 8 spells that didn't start in your deck. Reward: Time Warp." (previously: "Quest: Cast 6 spells that didn't start in your deck. Reward: Time Warp.")
  • Journey to Un'Goro logo.png Patch (2017-04-04):
    • Added.

Bug fixes and other changes

References[edit | edit source]