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Replace is an ability which replaces a card or Hero Power with another, without destroying, discarding or removing the original card in the process. Replace effects may affect the hand, deck, Hero Powers and possibly battlefield, and can affect any number of cards at once.

Replace is the non-battlefield equivalent of transform (most of the time).

Cards[edit | edit source]

For Wild format listings, see Replace/Wild format.


Swipe left or right to see the cards.
VAC 941.png
TTN 485.png
TOY 388.png
TOY 504.png
SC 412.png
VAC 449.png
SC 413.png
GIFT 01.png
CORE DAL 422.png
GDB 145.png
ETC 541.png
SC 414.png


Swipe left or right to see the cards.
VAC 420t.png
VAC 959t05.png
VAC 702t4.png
DEEP 999t5.png