Replace/Wild format

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This page lists all cards with the replace ability available in Wild format.

For information on the replace ability itself, and card lists for Standard format, see Replace.

Cards[edit | edit source]

Collectible[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
RLK 567.png
DED 005.png
WC 017.png
SCH 305.png
BT 306.png
TSC 908.png
DMF 108.png
UNG 922.png
OG 118.png
TSC 944.png
DRG 092.png
DRG 062.png
RLK 545.png
GVG 092.png
SCH 159.png
TTN 485.png
TOY 388.png
TOY 504.png
ICC 811.png
RLK 831.png
AV 403.png
TID 709.png
GIL 694.png
GIFT 01.png
SW 078.png
REV 238.png
DAL 422.png
CORE DAL 422.png
GIL 198.png
ETC 541.png
DAL 736.png
BRM 027.png

Uncollectible[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TSC 641ta.png
UPCOMING 109034.png
LOOT 998k.png
VAC 702t4.png
LOE 019t2.png
DEEP 999t5.png