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Healing is the restoration of Health to a damaged character. Healing a character will increase their Health by the stated amount, up to but not beyond their current maximum Health.

Healing effects or Restore Health effects are effects which restore Health. These may be Hero Powers, spells or abilities such as Battlecries or Deathrattles. Most healing effects affect a single character (these effects can be targetable or select the target automatically or at random), while some others have an area of effect.

Healing is distinct from granting a minion increased Health, which increases both the current and maximum Health for the target. Increasing a minion's Health is usually achieved through enchantments (or removing them through Silences), while healing is usually achieved through effects.

Healing is available to all classes through neutral cards, but is most strongly associated with the priest class, and to a lesser extent paladins, shamans, druids and demon hunters.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Although healing effects (including targetable ones) can target undamaged characters, attempting to restore Health to a character already at their current maximum Health will have no effect and will not count as healing for game purposes (for example, on-heal triggers such as  Lightwarden will not trigger).
  • Healing effects with an area of effect (such as  Circle of Healing) heal all affected targets before any on-heal triggered effect (such as  Shadowboxer) triggers.[1]
  •  Auchenai Soulpriest,  Auchenai Phantasm, and  Embrace the Shadow make your healing effects deal damage instead (for additional details see the Advanced rules section below).
  •  Prophet Velen doubles the healing of your healing spells and Hero Powers (for additional details see the Advanced rules section below). Note that Prophet Velen will NOT double the healing recieved by minions with Lifesteal.
  • Healing a character to full Health will remove its damaged status and thus any Enrage effect currently active, which can be very useful for denying enemy minions' Enrage effects.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Healing can be very useful for sustaining friendly minions, allowing them to survive another round, or trade favourably with enemy minions. It can also be used to restore Health to the hero, preventing defeat and moving the hero out of lethal range. Healing is often used as a counter to aggro decks, which focus on quickly reducing an opponent's Health before they have time to counter.

Healing works best in control-based strategies, especially hero healing, which can allow the player to outlast their opponent.  Reno Jackson is an especially powerful neutral healing option, single-handedly forming the basis of many control deck types. Minion healing can allow for superior trades and card efficiency, but works best with synergy cards like  Northshire Cleric. Priests have the widest range of healing options in general, as well as almost exclusive access to healing synergy cards.  Lesser Heal works especially well to heal either themselves or their minions, while AoE heals like  Circle of Healing and  Holy Nova allow for powerful combos with cards like Northshire Cleric.

A few priest cards ( Auchenai Soulpriest,  Embrace the Shadow) and ((Auchenai Phantasm)) have the effect of converting healing into damage, allowing for some very efficient plays especially when combined with cheap healing cards like  Flash Heal and  Circle of Healing.

Advanced rules[edit | edit source]

Click 'Expand' to view section
Healing Events

Healing effects work by creating and resolving Healing Events:

  • Healing effects that affect a single target create one Healing Event, and then immediately resolve it;
  • Healing effects that affect "multiple targets" ( Binding Heal) creates and resolves the Healing Event of each target before moving to the next one;
  • Healing effects with an area of effect first create all Healing Events (one for each affected character, in play order), and then resolve all Healing Events (queuing and resolving triggers) in play order.

Spells and effects with two steps (like  Light of the Naaru,  Moonglade Portal and  Lay on Hands) resolve the Healing Event before they query the target's condition (e.g., if the target of  Light of the Naaru is damaged) or move to their next step.

Creating a Healing Event

Each Healing Event has its own source (usually, the healing effect that created the Event; notice that, in the case of  Power Word: Glory, the source of the Healing Event is the enchantment created by the spell, not the spell itself), target and proposed healing:

Then, if the controller of the source of the Healing Event also controlled an unsilenced  Auchenai Soulpriest since the last Aura Update (Other) Step or controls the enchantment created by  Embrace the Shadow, the Healing Event is prevented and replaced with a Damage Event: this Damage Event has the same source and target of the Healing Event and has a proposed damage equal to its proposed healing (for additional details, see Damage#Advanced rules).

  • Example: If a player with an Auchenai Soulpriest active casts  Tree of Life all characters will suffer damage equal to their maximum Health, usually causing them all to die.
  • Example: In combination with Auchenai Soulpriest,  Queen of Pain will instead deal damage to the controlling player;[2] however, since that damage is counted as damage dealt by the Queen of Pain herself, her effect will trigger again and again until the controlling hero is destroyed.[2]

Then, if the the source of the Healing Event is a Hero Power or a spell (notice that this does not include the enchantment created by  Power Word: Glory) and its controller also controlled an unsilenced  Prophet Velen since the last Aura Update (Other) Step, double the proposed healing of the Healing Event. Multiple Prophet Velens stack, each one doubling the proposed healing.

Finally, the character's current Health is increased by the Healing Event's proposed healing, up to but not beyond its current maximum Health.

Resolving a Healing Event

If the Healing Event was prevented or if it did not change the character's current Health, it will not run any triggers.

Otherwise, Triggered effect#Healing (listed in the following table) queue and resolve in play order.

 LightwardenNeutralMinion Rare112Whenever a character is healed, gain +2 Attack.
 Northshire ClericPriestMinion Common113Whenever a minion is healed, draw a card.
 Luminous GeodePriestMinion - ElementalCommon214After a friendly minion is healed, give it +2 Attack.
 ShadowboxerPriestMinion - MechRare223Whenever a minion is healed, deal 1 damage to a random enemy.
 LifeweaverDruidMinion Rare325Whenever you restore Health, add a random Druid spell to your hand.
 Hooded AcolytePriestMinion Common436Taunt Whenever a character is healed, give your C'Thun +1/+1 (wherever it is).
 Hooded AcolytePriestMinion Common436Taunt Whenever a character is healed, give your C'Thun +1/+1 (wherever it is).
 The Glass KnightPaladinMinion Legendary443Divine Shield Whenever you restore Health, gain Divine Shield.
 Spirit of LucentbarkDruidMinion 111Dormant When you restore 5 Health, awaken this minion. (5 left!)

Cards with healing effects[edit | edit source]

For Wild format listings, see Healing/Wild format.

Collectible[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
ETC 449.png
ETC 084.png
CORE AT 055.png
JAM 025.png
CORE EX1 011.png
WW 080.png
CORE ICC 055.png
ETC 332.png
CORE TRL 307.png
DEEP 023.png
UPCOMING 102054.png
UPCOMING 101054.png
TTN 456.png
YOG 508.png
VAC 951.png
CORE BT 921.png
CORE DRG 229.png
ETC 369.png
WW 325.png
CORE BT 801.png
TTN 745.png
CORE CS1 112.png
TOY 646.png
TTN 460.png
DEEP 026.png
TTN 733.png
MIS 300.png
TOY 500.png
TOY 642.png
RLK 024.png
DEEP 024.png
UPCOMING 105556.png
CORE LOOT 043.png
CORE GIL 622.png
TOY 810.png
DEEP 016.png
CORE EX1 309.png
CORE GIL 672.png
TOY 811.png
CORE SW 442.png
ETC 356.png
ETC 329.png
UPCOMING 100230.png
ETC 522.png
YOG 530.png
RLK 720.png
TTN 800.png
JAM 004.png
TOY 896.png
DEEP 006.png
WW 434.png
JAM 016.png
CORE NEW1 008.png
Core UNG 211.png
TTN 866.png
WW 825.png
WW 382.png
ETC 210.png
TTN 903.png
JAM 030.png

Uncollectible[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TOY 382t.png
TTN 903t2.png
TTN 800t.png
VAC 959t08t.png
VAC 959t08.png
ETC 423t.png
TTN 450t.png
WW 395t.png
AT 132 SHAMANa.png
NEW1 009.png
WW 052t.png
TTN 719t7.png
TOY 811t.png
TOY 814t7.png
UPCOMING 98739.png
HERO 09bp2.png
HERO 09bp.png
WW 345t7.png
TTN 039t.png
VAC 951t2.png
VAC 951t.png
TOY 913t1.png
WW 810t7.png
UPCOMING 98857.png
ETC 085t6.png
JAM 033t3.png
VAC 464t28.png
LOOT 043t2.png
DEEP 024t.png
TTN 480t6.png
VAC 449t3.png
VAC 449t8.png
VAC 449t19.png
VAC 449t12.png
VAC 449t18.png
VAC 449t15.png
BT 304t.png
TTN 458t.png
NX2 034t.png
NEW1 008b.png
MIS 300t.png

Related cards

For Wild format listings, see Healing/Wild format.

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
YOG 300.png
ETC 423.png
ETC 523.png
ETC 522.png

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. http://imgur.com/a/ZmOKA Tested in Patch (TGT patch)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Yong Woo on Twitter (X). (2014-12-02).