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For the act of equipping a weapon, see Weapon

Equip is an ability which generates a weapon and equips the hero with it.

Equip effects are the weapon equivalent of summon effects; while similar to playing a weapon card, the weapon generated is usually uncollectible, is not drawn from the player's deck, and does not incur its mana cost nor activate any Battlecry. In contrast, weapon cards function as the weapons themselves, and playing them will effectively consume the card.

For a list of weapon cards and related cards, see Weapon.

Cards with equip[edit | edit source]

For Wild format listings, see Equip/Wild format.

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
DEEP 012.png
VAC 961.png
CORE GVG 061.png
VAC 333.png
ETC 400.png
WW 010.png
ETC 078.png
TTN 092.png
TOY 373.png
VAC 924.png
VAC 415.png
CORE GIL 598.png
CORE EX1 323.png
CORE EX1 383.png

Uncollectible[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
HERO 03bp.png
HERO 03bp2.png