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Copy is an effect which produces copies of existing cards. When Copying living minions, this includes Copying all damage and enchantments. However, when Copying a minion that has been destroyed, only the basic minion is copied. Additionally, whenever the term "new copy" is used for copying a minion, it refers to copying the minion without its enchantments or damage on it.

Copy effects are usually paired with a Summon effect, to summon the minion into the battlefield, or a Generate effect, to place the Copy directly into the player's hand. In the case of  Faceless Manipulator, an existing minion is instead Transformed into the copied minion, and with  Drakonid Operative, a copy of the opponent's card is instead Discovered.

Copy effects are most commonly available to priests and mages. Paladins and shamans both have cards that "return a minion to life" or "resummon" it; this is considered a Copy effect on the card that has just died, combined with a Summon effect.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Copy effects do not Copy in-hand enchantments, such as those from  Emperor Thaurissan or  The Mistcaller.[1]
  • If a card is copied, the copy will now retain enchantments, unless copying to a different zone in a "backward" direction.
    • Example: If a card is copied from deck to a deck, the copy retains enchantments. (eg.  Archbishop Benedictus)
    • Example: If a card is copied from a hand to a hand, the copy retains enchantments. (eg.  Mind Vision)
    • Example: If a card is copied from play to play, the copy retains enchantments. (eg.  Molten Reflection)
    • Example: If a card is copied from a deck to a hand, the copy retains enchantments. (eg.  Thoughtsteal)
    • Example: If a card is copied from a deck to play, the copy retains enchantments. (eg.  Mindgames)
    • Example: If a card is copied from hand to play, the copy retains enchantments. (eg.  Kobold Illusionist)
    • Example: If a card is copied from a hand to a deck, the copy does not retain enchantments. (eg.  Dead Man's Hand)
    • Example: If a card is copied from play to a deck, the copy does not retain enchantments. (eg.  Baleful Banker)
    • Example: If a card is copied from play to a hand, the copy does not retain enchantments. (eg.  Feral Gibberer)

Cards[edit | edit source]

For Wild format listings, see Copy/Wild format.

Collectible[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
GDB 461.png
GDB 469.png
WW 818.png
SC 757.png
MIS 707.png
ETC 074.png
CORE EX1 193.png
GDB 841.png
SC 010.png
ETC 536.png
TOY 851.png
TTN 430.png
WW 383.png
TOY 886.png
ETC 338.png
ETC 532.png
SC 012.png
TTN 845.png
TOY 827.png
WORK 070.png
TOY 514.png
GDB 451.png
YOG 507.png
WW 422.png
TOY 516.png
YOG 501.png
VAC 521.png
MIS 302.png
TTN 742.png
TOY 878.png
TOY 527.png
TTN 859.png
TOY 897.png
MIS 714.png
WORK 032.png
VAC 337.png
TTN 729.png
ETC 113.png
WW 394.png
JAM 023.png
TTN 754.png
VAC 457.png
JAM 031.png
ETC 121.png
TOY 916.png
TTN 718.png
TTN 482.png
DEEP 000.png
TOY 603.png
CORE LOOT 516.png
GDB 455.png
WW 360.png
JAM 014.png
ETC 110.png
DEEP 019.png
ETC 316.png
VAC 324.png
TOY 351.png
CORE RLK 062.png
WW 424.png
WW 600.png
MIS 919.png
YOG 513.png
TOY 515.png
WW 053.png
ETC 205.png
WORK 042.png
TTN 842.png
TTN 730.png
MIS 026.png
VAC 529.png
DEEP 025.png
TOY 511.png
GDB 466.png
MIS 025.png
BG31 BOB.png
WW 406.png
VAC 417.png
TOY 880.png
TTN 429.png
CORE DAL 721.png
WW 822.png
CORE BT 334.png
TOY 503.png
GDB 120.png
ETC 541.png
TOY 703.png
TOY 884.png
WW 392.png
TTN 940.png
VAC 948.png
TOY 960.png
TTN 441.png

Uncollectible[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
GDB 100c.png
BG31 BOBt4.png
VAC 420t.png
WW 337t.png
TTN 002t22.png
TTN 429t.png
TTN 002t21.png
TOY 351t.png
VAC 464t10.png
MIS 025t.png
TTN 430t.png
VAC 464t26.png
VAC 702t2.png
VAC 464t19.png
VAC 464t20.png
TTN 730t.png
TTN 940a.png
VAC 464t7.png
TTN 940b.png
MIS 025t1.png

References[edit | edit source]