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Damage in Hearthstone is a particular infliction of harm upon heroes or minions, measured by a number which is deducted from their Armor (if they have any) or Health. If a character's Health is reduced to zero (or below), it will be killed. Note that other types of harm that can be inflicted to characters (such as destroy effects, Freeze effects and  Equality) are not considered damage for game purposes and, although most damage is dealt through combat, dealing damage is not considered an "attack" for game purposes.

Damage may be dealt through combat or by various types of damaging effects, which are effects that deal damage to characters. These may be spells, Hero Powers or abilities such as Battlecries, Deathrattles or triggered effects. Some damaging effects are targetable, while others select targets automatically or at random. Damaging effects can affect a single character (such as  Fireball), affect multiple characters (such as  Explosive Shot) or have an area of effect (such as  Flamestrike).

Damage can activate a number of triggered effects, both from receiving it (such as  Acolyte of Pain) and from dealing it (such as  Water Elemental). However, damage negated by Divine Shield or Immune effects is not considered to have been successfully dealt, and thus will not trigger any on-damage triggered effects.

Notes[edit | edit source]

Damaged[edit | edit source]

Main article: Damaged

Any character whose current Health is below its maximum Health is considered damaged, and their current Health will be displayed in red. Some effects (such as Enrage and  Battle Rage) require or synergize with damaged characters, while others (such as  Backstab) require undamaged characters. Restoring a character to its maximum Health will remove its damaged status, and thus remove any Enrage effects.

For additional details about the damaged status and a list of related cards, see Damaged.

Advanced rules[edit | edit source]

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Damage Events

Damaging effects and combat damage work by creating and resolving Damage Events:

  • Damaging effects that affect a single target create one Damage Event, and then immediately resolve it.
  • Usually, damaging effects with an area of effect (i.e., effects that deal damage to all characters of a certain type) first create all Damage Events (one for each affected character, in play order), and then resolve all Damage Events (queuing and resolving triggers) in play order. Exceptions are:
    •  Swipe creates Damage Events first for the target character and then for all other enemy characters in reverse play order; Damage Events are then resolved in the same order.
    •  Lightning Storm,  Elemental Destruction and  Lightbomb, although still figuring out the set of minions they will damage before beginning to damage anything, resolve each Damage Event as soon as it is created in play order.
Example:  Frothing Berserker will activate as older minions are damaged by  Lightbomb and may grow large enough in Attack to subsequently get killed by Lightbomb.
  • Some damaging effects that affect "multiple targets" ( Bouncing Blade,  Greater Arcane Missiles,  Cobra Shot and all the effects that "deal a certain amount of damage randomly split among all characters with a given characteristic") shoot a number of individual "missiles" each with a random target: each missile creates a Damage Event which is immediately resolved, before choosing at random the target for the next missile.
    • Spells that deal a certain amount of damage randomly split among all characters with a given characteristic ( Arcane Missiles,  Spreading Madness,  Avenging Wrath,  Volcano and  Timepiece of Horror) interact with Spell Damage and  Prophet Velen in the following way: in order to determine the total damage of the spell, take its base damage, add its controller's Spell Damage bonus (if any) and then, if its controller also controlled an unsilenced  Prophet Velen since the last Aura Update (Other) Step, double the total damage (multiple Prophet Velens stack); the spell will then shoot that number of missiles, each one still having a proposed damage of 1 regardless of its controller's Spell Damage and Prophet Velens.
  • All other damaging effects that affect "multiple targets" first create all Damage Events in a given order, then resolve all Damage Events in the same order:
  • When combat damage is dealt, first the two Damage Events are created in the order attack-counterattack, and then they are resolved in the same order.

Spells and effects with two steps (such as  Mortal Coil and  Slam) resolve all Damage Events before querying the target's condition or moving to their next step:

  •  Holy Nova creates and resolves all Damage Events, then creates and resolves all Healing Events (even if the Healing Events are turned into Damage Events by  Auchenai Soulpriest or  Embrace the Shadow);
  •  Blizzard creates and resolves all Damage Events, then freezes all enemy minions (even undamaged ones);
  •  Cone of Cold creates and resolves all Damage Events, then freezes the affected minions (even if the damage was reduced to 0 by Divine Shield);
  •  Imp-losion deals damage then queries how much damage was dealt: for example, Divine Shield sets the damage to 0, while  Commanding Shout does not modify how much damage was considered to be dealt.

Creating a Damage Event

Each Damage Event has its own source (usually, the minion or the damaging effect that creates it; the only exception is  Betrayal, whose Damage Events have the targeted minion as their source), its own target and a proposed damage:

Proposed damage can then be increased by the following bonuses:

Then, if the target is Immune or the Damage Event's proposed damage is 0, the Damage Event is prevented and has no other consequences. Otherwise, continue with the following steps, in order.

  • If the target has Divine Shield, the Divine Shield is removed and the Damage Event's proposed damage is reduced to 0.
  • If the target of the Damage Event is a hero, predamage triggers queue and resolve:  Animated Armor has an early priority and always triggers first, and then  Bolf Ramshield and  Ice Block trigger in order of play. Notice that, whenever a predamage trigger queries how much is the proposed damage of a Damage Event that targets a hero, any  Cursed Blade equipped by that hero will double the reported damage.
  •  Animated Armor triggers if the Damage Event has a proposed damage greater than 1, reducing the proposed damage of the Damage Event to 1.
Example: Animated Armor normally does not trigger if a hero takes 1 damage, but Cursed Blade's effect doubles the reported damage to 2 and thus Animated Armor will trigger for no effect in this scenario.
  •  Bolf Ramshield prevents the Damage Event, then creates a new Damage Event whose source and proposed damage are the same as the original Damage Event's but whose target is Bolf Ramshield (and thus "when this minion deals damage" triggers will still run). If a player has multiple Bolf Ramshields in play, only the first one to enter play will trigger and intercept the damage when their hero takes damage.
  •  Ice Block triggers if the Damage Event's proposed damage is greater than or equal to its hero's current Health, preventing the Damage Event and creating an Enchantment attached to the hero which says "Become Immune until the turn ends".
  •  Cursed Blade then doubles the proposed damage of Damage Events targeting your hero.

Finally, the character's current Health+Armor is reduced by the Damage Event's proposed damage: damage is deducted from Armor first, and any damage beyond the character's current Armor is then deducted from their Health.

  • If the target is affected by  Commanding Shout, its current Health is prevented from dropping below 1; however, Commanding Shout does not modify how much damage was considered to be dealt (for example when queried by  Imp-losion).

Resolving a Damage Event

If the Damage Event was prevented or if it did not change the character's current Health+Armor total (including due to Divine Shield and  Commanding Shout), it will not run any triggers.

Otherwise, Triggered effect#Character damage (listed in the following table) queue and resolve in play order.

Finally, if the source of the Damage Event is a minion, it loses Stealth (even if the Damage Event's proposed damage is 0, but not if the Damage Event was prevented).

 Brain MasseusePriestMinion - Undead/PirateCommon124Whenever this minion takes damage, also deal that amount to your hero.
 BubblerNeutralMinion - ElementalCommon124After this minion takes exactly one damage, destroy it. (Pop!)
 Complete the RitualWarlockSpell Legendary1Questline: Take 10 damage on your turns. Reward: Blightborn Tamsin.
 Dragon EggNeutralMinion Rare12Whenever this minion takes damage, summon a 2/1 Whelp.
 Establish the LinkWarlockSpell Legendary1Questline: Take 10 damage on your turns. Reward: Lifesteal. Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero.
 Eternium RoverWarriorMinion - MechCommon113Whenever this minion takes damage, gain 2 Armor.
 Eye for an EyePaladinSpell - HolyCommon1Secret: When your hero takes damage, deal that much damage to the enemy hero.
 Felstring HarpWarlockWeapon Epic13Whenever your hero would take damage on your turn, restore 2 Health instead. Lose 1 Durability.
 Soulbound AshtongueNeutralMinion Common114Whenever this minion takes damage, also deal that amount to your hero.
 The Demon SeedWarlockSpell Legendary1Questline: Take 10 damage on your turns. Reward: Lifesteal. Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero.
 Anima ExtractorWarriorMinion Common214Whenever a friendly minion takes damage, give a random minion in your hand +1/+1.
 ArmorsmithWarriorMinion Rare214Whenever a friendly minion takes damage, gain 1 Armor.
 Arson AccusationWarlockSpell - FireCommon2Choose a minion. Destroy it after your hero takes damage.
 Bonechewer BrawlerNeutralMinion Common223Taunt Whenever this minion takes damage, gain +2 Attack.
 EvasionRogueSpell Epic2Secret: After your hero takes damage, become Immune this turn.
 Sinful BrandDemon HunterSpell Epic2Brand an enemy minion. Whenever it takes damage, deal 1 damage to the enemy hero.
 WrathguardWarlockMinion - DemonCommon243Whenever this minion takes damage, also deal that amount to your hero.
 Acolyte of PainNeutralMinion Common314Whenever this minion takes damage, draw a card.
 Bomb WranglerWarriorMinion Rare323Whenever this minion takes damage, summon a 1/1 Boom Bot.
 Bulwark of AzzinothWarriorWeapon Legendary314Whenever your hero would take damage, this loses 1 Durability instead.
 DarkglareWarlockMinion - DemonEpic334After your hero takes damage, refresh a Mana Crystal.
 Frothing BerserkerWarriorMinion Rare324Whenever a minion takes damage, gain +1 Attack.
 HowlfiendWarlockMinion - DemonCommon336Whenever this minion takes damage, discard a random card.
 Ice BlockMageSpell - FrostEpic3Secret: When your hero takes fatal damage, prevent it and become Immune this turn.
 Imp Gang BossWarlockMinion - DemonCommon324Whenever this minion takes damage, summon a 1/1 Imp.
 Sludge on WheelsWarlockMinion Rare324Rush. Whenever this takes damage, get a Barrel of Sludge and add one to the bottom of your deck.
 Solid AlibiMageSpell - FrostEpic3Until your next turn, your hero can only take 1 damage at a time.
 Val'kyr SoulclaimerWarriorMinion - UndeadRare314After this minion survives damage, summon a 2/2 Ghoul.
 Animated ArmorMageMinion Rare444Your hero can only take 1 damage at a time.
 Axe FlingerWarriorMinion Common426Whenever this minion takes damage, deal 2 damage to the enemy hero.
 Crazed WorshipperNeutralMinion Epic436Taunt Whenever this minion takes damage, give your C'Thun +1/+1 (wherever it is).
 Diseased VultureWarlockMinion - Beast/UndeadEpic435Whenever your hero takes damage on your turn, summon a random 3-Cost minion.
 Night HowlerNeutralMinion Common434Whenever this minion takes damage, gain +2 Attack.
 Remote-Controlled GolemWarriorMinion - MechEpic436After this takes damage, shuffle two Golem Parts into your deck. When drawn, summon a 2/1 Mech.
 Scarab GongRogueMinion 41Whenever this takes damage, fill your enemy's board with 1/1 Scarabs.
 Aranna, Thrill SeekerDemon HunterMinion Legendary556Priest Tourist Damage your hero takes on your turn is redirected to a random enemy.
 Bittertide HydraNeutralMinion - BeastEpic588Whenever this minion takes damage, deal 3 damage to your hero.
 Blightborn TamsinWarlockMinion - Undead577Battlecry: For the rest of the game, damage you take on your turn damages your opponent instead.
 Blood GuardNeutralMinion Common547Whenever this minion takes damage, give your minions +1 Attack.
 Floating WatcherWarlockMinion - DemonCommon544Whenever your hero takes damage on your turn, gain +2/+2.
 Grim PatronNeutralMinion Rare533After this minion survives damage, summon another Grim Patron.
 Gurubashi BerserkerNeutralMinion 2528Whenever this minion takes damage, gain +3 Attack.
 MoonfangNeutralMinion - BeastLegendary563Can only take 1 damage at a time.
 Snapjaw ShellfighterNeutralMinion Epic538Whenever an adjacent minion takes damage, this minion takes it instead.
 Bolf RamshieldNeutralMinion Legendary639Whenever your hero takes damage, this minion takes it instead.
 Mech-Bear-CatDruidMinion - Mech/BeastRare676Whenever this minion takes damage, add a Spare Part card to your hand.
 Security RoverWarriorMinion - MechRare626Whenever this minion takes damage, summon a 2/3 Mech with Taunt.
 Amitus, the PeacekeeperPaladinMinion Legendary718Titan Taunt. Your minions can't take more than 2 damage at a time.
 Blackhowl GunspireWarriorMinion Legendary738Can't attack. Whenever this minion takes damage, deal 3 damage to a random enemy.
 Bonechewer VanguardNeutralMinion Common7410Taunt Whenever this minion takes damage, gain +2 Attack.
 Gahz'rillaHunterMinion - BeastLegendary769Whenever this minion takes damage, double its Attack.
 Hogger, Doom of ElwynnNeutralMinion Legendary766Whenever this minion takes damage, summon a 2/2 Gnoll with Taunt.
 Underbelly OozeNeutralMinion Rare735After this minion survives damage, summon a copy of it.
 Draconic DelicacyWarriorMinion - DragonEpic866Rush, Elusive Can only take 1 damage at a time.
 RotfaceWarriorMinion - UndeadLegendary846After this minion survives damage, summon a random Legendary minion.
 Zzeraku the WarpedWarlockMinion - DragonLegendary8412Whenever your hero takes damage, summon a 6/6 Nether Drake.
 BotfaceWarriorMinion - MechLegendary9412Taunt After this takes damage, get two random Minis.
 Brutal AnnihilanDemon HunterMinion - DemonEpic999Taunt, Rush After this minion survives damage, deal that amount to the enemy hero.

Cards with damaging effects[edit | edit source]

For Wild format listings, see Damage/Wild format.

The list of cards with damaging effects is quite extensive, and so is not listed visually, but can be explored through the table below.

 BackstabRogueSpell CommonDeal 2 damage to an undamaged minion.
 AcupuncturePriestSpell - ShadowCommon1Deal 4 damage to both heroes.
 Arcane ShotHunterSpell - ArcaneRare1Deal 2 damage.
 Brain MasseusePriestMinion - Undead/PirateCommon124Whenever this minion takes damage, also deal that amount to your hero.
 Burning HeartWarriorDemon HunterSpell - FireCommon1Deal 2 damage to a minion. If it survives, give your hero +3 Attack this turn.
 Curse of FleshWarlockSpell - ShadowRare1Enemy minions cost Health instead of Mana next turn.
 DeafenPriestRogueSpell - ShadowCommon1Silence a minion. Combo: Also deal 2 damage to it.
 Elven ArcherNeutralMinion Common111Battlecry: Deal 1 damage.
 Fistful of CorpsesDeath KnightSpell Common1Deal damage to a minion equal to your Corpses.
 Flame GeyserMageSpell - FireCommon1Deal 2 damage. Add a 1/2 Elemental to your hand.
 Flame ImpWarlockMinion - DemonCommon132Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to your hero.
 Holy SmitePriestSpell - HolyCommon1Deal 3 damage to a minion.
 Lesser Jasper SpellstoneDruidSpell - NatureRare11Deal 2 damage to a minion. (Gain 3 Armor to upgrade.)
 Lesser Jasper SpellstoneDruidSpell - NatureRare11Deal 2 damage to a minion. (Gain 3 Armor to upgrade.)
 Lightning BoltShamanSpell - NatureCommon1Deal 3 damage. Overload: (1)
 Living RootsDruidSpell - NatureCommon1Choose One - Deal 2 damage; or Summon two 1/1 Saplings.
 Mass ProductionWarlockSpell Common1Draw 2 cards. Deal 3 damage to your hero. Shuffle 2 copies of this into your deck.
 Mortal CoilWarlockSpell - ShadowCommon1Deal 1 damage to a minion. If that kills it, draw a card.
 Noxious CadaverDeath KnightMinion - UndeadRare112Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to an enemy and your hero.
 OverdraftShamanSpell Epic1Tradeable Unlock your Overloaded Mana Crystals to deal that much damage.
 Party FiendWarlockMinion - DemonCommon111Battlecry: Summon two 1/1 Felbeasts. Deal 3 damage to your hero.
 Pop-Up BookShamanSpell - NatureCommon1Deal 2 damage. Summon two 0/1 Frogs with Taunt.
 Sanguine DepthsWarriorLocation Rare13Deal 1 damage to a minion and give it +2 Attack.
 Seabreeze ChaliceMageSpell - FrostCommon1Deal 2 damage randomly split among all enemies. (3 Drinks left!)
 Shield SlamWarriorSpell Epic1Deal 1 damage to a minion for each Armor you have.
 Shimmer ShotHunterSpell - ArcaneCommon1Deal 1 damage. Summon a random minion of that Cost.
 Shooting StarMageSpell - ArcaneCommon1Deal 1 damage to a minion and the minions next to it.
 SlamWarriorSpell Common1Deal 2 damage to a minion. If it survives, draw a card.
 SmokestackWarlockSpell - FelEpic1Deal 1 damage to a minion. If it dies, Excavate a treasure.
 SoulfreezeMageWarlockSpell - FrostRare1Freeze a minion and its neighbors. Deal damage to your hero equal to the number Frozen.
 Spirit BombWarlockSpell - ShadowCommon1Deal 4 damage to a minion and your hero.
 Tar SlickRogueSpell Epic1Minions take double damage this turn. Deal 1 damage.
 Taste of ChaosDemon HunterSpell - FelCommon1Deal 2 damage to a minion. Finale: Discover a Fel spell.
 WhirlwindWarriorSpell Common1Deal 1 damage to ALL minions.
 Always a Bigger JormungarHunterSpell Rare2Give a minion +2 Attack and "Excess damage dealt by attacks hits the enemy hero."
 Arrow SmithHunterMinion - NagaCommon223After you cast a spell, deal 1 damage to the lowest Health enemy.
 Baritone ImpWarlockMinion - DemonCommon222Battlecry: Take Fatigue damage. Gain that much Attack and Health.
 BashWarriorSpell Common2Deal 3 damage. Gain 3 Armor.
 BladestormWarriorSpell Epic2Deal 1 damage to all minions. Repeat until one dies.
 Bloodbound ImpWarlockMinion - DemonCommon225Whenever this attacks, deal 2 damage to your hero.
 Coconut CannoneerNeutralMinion - PirateCommon214After an adjacent minion attacks, deal 1 damage to a random enemy.
 CorpsicleDeath KnightSpell - FrostCommon2Deal 3 damage. Spend 3 Corpses to return this to your hand at the end of your turn.
 CrescendoWarlockSpell - FelRare2Take Fatigue damage. Deal that much damage to all enemies.
 Cursed SouvenirWarlockSpell - ShadowEpic2Give a minion +3/+3 and "At the start of your turn, deal 3 damage to your hero."
 Dart ThrowRogueSpell Epic2Throw two 2 damage darts at random enemy minions. (If both hit the same minion, get a Coin!)
 Down with the ShipDeath KnightSpell - ShadowRare2Deal 3 damage. Shuffle two random Plagues into your opponent's deck.
 Drain SoulWarlockSpell - ShadowCommon2Lifesteal Deal 3 damage to a minion.
 Elementium GeodeWarlockMinion - ElementalRare221Battlecry and Deathrattle: Draw a card. Deal 2 damage to your hero.
 EviscerateRogueSpell Common2Deal 2 damage. Combo: Deal 4 damage instead.
 Explosive TrapHunterSpell - FireCommon2Secret: When your hero is attacked, deal 2 damage to all enemies.
 Fan of KnivesRogueSpell Common2Deal 1 damage to all enemy minions. Draw a card.
 Fogsail FreebooterNeutralMinion - PirateRare222Battlecry: If you have a weapon equipped, deal 2 damage.
 Frost StrikeDeath KnightSpell - FrostCommon2Deal 3 damage to a minion. If that kills it, Discover a Frost Rune card.
 FrostboltMageSpell - FrostCommon2Deal 3 damage to a character and Freeze it.
 Furious FurnaceWarriorMinion - MechEpic213Magnetic Also damages minions next to whomever this attacks.
 Harmonic Hip HopRogueSpell - ShadowRare2Deal 1 damage. Give your weapon +3 Attack. (Swaps each turn.)
 Heat WaveMageSpell - FireRare2Deal 2 damage to an enemy minion and its neighbors. Quickdraw: To all enemies instead.
 Horseshoe SlingerNeutralMinion - MechCommon211Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to a random enemy minion. Quickdraw: And one of its neighbors.
 Immolation AuraDemon HunterSpell - FelCommon2Deal 1 damage to all minions twice.
 Injured Tol'virNeutralMinion Common226Taunt Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to this minion.
 Jam SessionWarriorShamanSpell - FireCommon2Give a friendly minion +3/+3. Deal 1 damage to all other minions. Overload: (1)
 Jungle GymHunterLocation Rare22Deal 1 damage to a random enemy. Repeat for each friendly Beast.
 Lay Down the LawPaladinSpell - HolyRare2Tradeable Set a minion's Attack and Health to 1. Quickdraw: Then deal 1 damage to it.
 Mad BomberNeutralMinion Common232Battlecry: Deal 3 damage randomly split between all other characters.
 MalfunctionMageSpell - ArcaneRare2Deal 3 damage split among all enemy minions. If your deck has no minions, deal 3 more.
 Malted MagmaShamanSpell - FireCommon2Deal 1 damage to all enemies. (3 Drinks left!)
 MisfireWarriorSpell Epic2Deal 3, 2, and 1 damage to random minions. Quickdraw: Choose the targets.
 Nightshade TeaPriestSpell - ShadowRare2Deal 3 damage to a minion. Deal 2 damage to your hero. (3 Drinks left!)
 Oh, Manager!RogueSpell Common2Deal 2 damage. Combo: Get a coin.
 Pocket SandDemon HunterSpell Common2Deal 3 damage. Quickdraw: Your opponent's next card costs (1) more.
 Quick ShotHunterSpell Common2Deal 3 damage. If your hand is empty, draw a card.
 Tentacle GripRogueSpell Common2Deal 3 damage. Combo: Get a 1/1 Chaotic Tendril.
 Thornveil TentacleWarlockMinion Common222Lifesteal Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to a random enemy minion.
 Threads of DespairDeath KnightSpell - ShadowRare2Give all minions "Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to all minions."
 Twilight TorrentPriestSpell - ShadowCommon2Choose a character. If it's friendly, restore 6 Health. If it's an enemy, deal 3 damage.
 Wild PyromancerNeutralMinion - UndeadRare232After you cast a spell, deal 1 damage to ALL minions.
 WrathDruidSpell - NatureCommon2Choose One - Deal 3 damage to a minion; or 1 damage and draw a card.
 "Health" DrinkWarlockSpell - FelRare3Lifesteal. Deal 3 damage to a minion. (3 Drinks left!)
 BeatboxerRogueMinion - MechRare343Combo: Deal 4 damage randomly split among all enemies.
 Bellowing FlamesWarriorSpell - FireCommon3Deal 5 damage to a minion. Forge: Then deal 5 damage split among all enemy minions.
 Celestial ShotHunterSpell - ArcaneCommon3Deal 3 damage. Your next spell has Spell Damage +2.
 ConsecrationPaladinSpell - HolyCommon3Deal 2 damage to all enemies.
 Cowbell SoloistNeutralMinion Common342Battlecry: If you control no other minions, deal 2 damage.
 Death Metal KnightDeath KnightMinion - UndeadRare334Taunt Costs Health instead of Mana if your hero was healed this turn.
 DehydrateShamanSpell Common3Lifesteal. Deal 4 damage to a minion. Quickdraw: Costs (1).
 Domino EffectWarlockSpell Rare3Deal 2 damage to a minion. Repeat to the left or right, dealing 1 more damage each time.
 Encroaching InsanityWarlockSpell - ShadowRare3Both players take Fatigue damage, twice.
 EulogizerDeath KnightMinion - UndeadCommon333Battlecry: Spend 3 Corpses to deal 3 damage. Forge: Gain them instead.
 Explosive RunesMageSpell - FireRare3Secret: After your opponent plays a minion, deal 6 damage to it and any excess to their hero.
 Fly Off the ShelvesPriestSpell Rare3Deal 1 damage to all enemy minions. Repeat for each Dragon you're holding.
 Frostbitten FreebooterDeath KnightMinion - Undead/PirateEpic322Deathrattle: Freeze 3 random enemies. Any that were already Frozen take 5 damage instead.
 GattlesnakeNeutralMinion - BeastEpic315At the end of your turn, load two bullets that deal 1 damage each. Deathrattle: Fire at random enemies!
 Hammer of WrathPaladinSpell - HolyCommon3Deal 3 damage. Draw a card.
 Hardcore CultistDeath KnightMinion - UndeadCommon321Battlecry: Deal 2 damage. Finale: To all enemies.
 HellfireWarlockSpell - FireCommon3Deal 3 damage to ALL characters.
 Holy NovaPriestSpell - HolyCommon3Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions. Restore 2 Health to all friendly characters.
 Hot CoalsPriestSpell - FireCommon3Deal 2 damage to all enemies. If your hero took damage this turn, deal 1 more.
 Injured HaulerPriestMinion Common337Battlecry: Deal 4 damage to this minion. Overheal: Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions.
 Kill CommandHunterSpell Rare3Deal 3 damage. If you control a Beast, deal 5 damage instead.
 LamplighterNeutralMinion - ElementalCommon332Battlecry: Deal 1 damage (Improved by each turn in a row you've played an Elemental).
 Lightning StormShamanSpell - NatureRare3Deal 3 damage to all enemy minions. Overload: (1)
 LightshowMageSpell - ArcaneRare3Shoot two beams at enemies that deal 2 damage. Shoot one more for each Lightshow you've cast this game.
 Load the ChamberDemon HunterSpell - FelRare3Deal 2 damage. Your next Naga, Fel spell, and weapon cost (1) less.
 MessmakerNeutralMinion Common313Lifesteal, Taunt Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to all enemies.
 Molten RuneMageSpell - FireCommon3Deal 3 damage. Get a random spell. Forge: This casts twice.
 Mortal EradicationWarlockSpell - ShadowRare3Deal 5 damage randomly split among all enemy minions. Restore 2 Health to your hero for each killed.
 Reap What You SowDeath KnightSpell Common3Deal 3 damage. Excavate a treasure.
 Rising WavesMageSpell Rare3Deal 2 damage to all minions. If none die, deal 2 more.
 Rumble EnthusiastNeutralMinion Common325After you play the left- or right-most card in your hand, deal 1 damage to a random enemy.
 SI:7 AgentRogueMinion Rare333Combo: Deal 2 damage.
 Soulburner VariaPriestMinion - UndeadLegendary315After a friendly Undead dies, deal 2 damage to the enemy hero and get a random Shadow Priest spell.
 Sparkling PhialDruidSpell - ArcaneRare3Deal 2 damage. Your next card this turn costs that much less.
 SwipeDruidSpell Common3Deal 4 damage to an enemy and 1 damage to all other enemies.
 Trogg ExileNeutralMinion Common344Rush Battlecry: Deal 4 damage to your hero.
 Trogg GemtosserDruidWarlockMinion Common332Finale: Deal 1 damage to a random enemy for each of your Mana Crystals.
 AftershocksWarriorShamanSpell - NatureRare4Deal 1 damage to all minions, three times. Costs (1) less if you cast a spell last turn.
 Baking Soda VolcanoShamanSpell - FireRare4Lifesteal. Deal 10 damage randomly split among all minions. Overload: (1)
 Ball HogDemon HunterMinion - QuilboarCommon433Lifesteal Battlecry and Deathrattle: Deal 3 damage to the lowest Health enemy.
 Blindeye SharpshooterDemon HunterMinion - NagaEpic433After you play a Naga, deal 2 damage to a random enemy and draw a spell. (Then switch!)
 CharWarriorSpell - FireRare4Deal 7 damage to a minion. Give a minion in your hand stats equal to the excess damage.
 Crazed ConductorWarlockMinion Epic434Battlecry: Take Fatigue damage. Summon that many 3/3 Imps.
 Dang-Blasted ElementalNeutralMinion - ElementalCommon433Taunt Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to all minions except friendly Elementals.
 Darkthorn QuilterDeath KnightMinion - Undead/QuilboarCommon424At the end of your turn, deal this minion's Attack damage randomly split among enemies.
 Death StrikeDeath KnightSpell Common4Lifesteal Deal 6 damage to a minion.
 Digging Straight DownShamanSpell - NatureCommon4Deal 8 damage to a minion. Excavate a treasure.
 DragonbaneHunterMinion - MechLegendary435After you use your Hero Power, deal 5 damage to a random enemy.
 Fan the HammerDemon HunterSpell - FelRare4Deal 6 damage split among the lowest Health enemies.
 Fel FissureDemon HunterSpell - FelRare4Deal 2 damage to all minions. At the start of your next turn, deal 2 more damage to all minions.
 Felfire BonfireWarlockSpell - FelRare4Deal 4 damage to a minion. If it dies, your next Deathrattle minion costs (3) less.
 FireballMageSpell - FireCommon4Deal 6 damage.
 Frost Lich Cross-StitchMageSpell - FrostRare4Deal 4 damage to a character. If it dies, summon a 3/6 Water Elemental that Freezes.
 Glowstone GyrewormPriestMinion - ElementalRare444Lifesteal Quickdraw: Deal 5 damage. Forge: Change Quickdraw to Battlecry.
 Heartbreaker HedanisPriestMinion Legendary448Battlecry: Deal 4 damage to this minion. Overheal: Deal 5 damage to a random enemy.
 Holy GlowsticksPaladinSpell - HolyCommon4Lifesteal Deal 4 damage. Costs (1) if you've cast a Holy spell this turn.
 Horizon's EdgeDeath KnightLocation Rare45Deal 3 damage randomly split among all enemies. After a friendly minion dies, reopen this.
 Invasive ShadeleafPriestSpell - ShadowRare4Deal 10 damage to an enemy minion. Save any excess in a 1-Cost Bottle.
 Judge UnworthyPaladinSpell Epic4Set an enemy minion's Health to 1, then deal 1 damage to all enemies.
 Kodohide DrumkitWarriorWeapon Rare432Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to all minions. (Gain Armor while equipped to improve!)
 Lesser Amethyst SpellstoneWarlockSpell - ShadowRare4Lifesteal. Deal 3 damage to a minion. (Take damage from your cards to upgrade.)
 LifedrinkerNeutralMinion - BeastRare433Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero. Restore 3 Health to your hero.
 MindbenderDemon HunterMinion Common444Battlecry: Deal 1 damage for each card you have drawn this turn.
 Prison BreakerNeutralMinion Rare444Battlecry: If you've cast 5 or more spells this game, deal 2 damage to all enemies.
 Remorseless WinterDeath KnightSpell - FrostCommon4Deal 2 damage to all enemies. Draw a card.
 Rowdy PartnerNeutralMinion Common443Battlecry: If you're holding another 4-Cost card, deal 4 damage.
 Spinetail DrakeDruidMinion - DragonCommon454Battlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, deal 5 damage to an enemy minion.
 Tempest HammerShamanWeapon Rare413After your hero attacks, deal 3 damage to the lowest Health enemy.
 ThassarianDeath KnightMinion - UndeadLegendary433Reborn Battlecry and Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to a random enemy.
 Tiny WorldbreakerRogueMinion - MechCommon444Battlecry: If you control another Mech, deal 4 damage.
 Tomb TraitorDeath KnightMinion Rare443Battlecry: Destroy a Plague in your opponent's deck to deal 3 damage to all enemy minions.
 Triplewick TricksterMageMinion - ElementalCommon423Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to a random enemy, three times.
 Void ShardPriestSpell - ShadowCommon4Lifesteal Deal 4 damage.
 Wing WeldingWarlockSpell Common4Discard your highest Cost card. Deal damage equal to its Cost to all minions.
 Workshop MishapDemon HunterSpell - FelRare4Deal 5 damage to a minion. Excess damages both neighbors. Outcast: Gain Lifesteal.
 Altered ChordShamanSpell - NatureRare5Lifesteal Deal 6 damage to a minion. Costs (3) less if you're Overloaded.
 Aranna, Thrill SeekerDemon HunterMinion Legendary556Priest Tourist Damage your hero takes on your turn is redirected to a random enemy.
 Blood TreantDruidWarlockMinion Common522Costs Health instead of Mana.
 Chemical SpillWarriorSpell Epic5Summon the highest Cost minion from your hand, then deal 5 damage to it.
 Corpse ExplosionDeath KnightSpell - ShadowRare5Detonate a Corpse to deal 1 damage to all minions. If any are still alive, repeat this.
 Death RollHunterSpell Epic5Destroy an enemy minion. Deal damage equal to its Attack randomly split among all enemies.
 Deathbringer SaurfangDeath KnightMinion - UndeadLegendary536Taunt Deathrattle: Return this to your hand. It costs Health instead of Mana.
 Gunslinger KurtrusDemon HunterMinion Legendary546Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, fire 6 random 2 damage shots at minions in the enemy's hand.
 Inquisitive CreationMageMinion - MechRare534Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to all enemy minions. (Improved by each spell school you've cast this game!)
 Keeper's StrengthPaladinSpell - HolyRare5Give a friendly minion +2/+2. Deal its Attack damage to all other minions.
 Night Elf HuntressNeutralMinion Common533Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to three different enemies. (You pick the targets!)
 Nostalgic ClownNeutralMinion Epic565Miniaturize Battlecry: If you've played a higher Cost card while holding this, deal 4 damage.
 Opera SoloistWarlockMinion - DemonCommon546Battlecry: If you control no other minions, deal 3 damage to all enemy minions.
 Remixed RhapsodyDemon HunterSpell Rare5Deal 3 damage to all minions. Gains an extra effect in your hand that changes each turn.
 Star PowerHunterMageSpell - ArcaneRare5Deal 5 damage to a random enemy minion. Repeat this with 1 less damage.
 Tainted RemnantMageMinion - ElementalCommon574Battlecry: If you played an Elemental last turn, deal 7 damage randomly split between all enemies.
 XB-488 DisposalbotNeutralMinion - MechCommon532Battlecry: Deal 5 damage randomly split among all enemy minions. Forge: Gain Lifesteal.
 Blast TortoiseWarriorMinion - BeastRare627Taunt Battlecry: Deal damage to all enemy minions equal to this minion's Attack.
 Blastmage MinerMageMinion Rare644Battlecry: Excavate a treasure. For each card in your hand, deal 1 damage to a random enemy.
 BlizzardMageSpell - FrostRare6Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions and Freeze them.
 Chaos CreationMageWarlockSpell - FelCommon6Deal 6 damage. Summon a random 6-Cost minion. Destroy the bottom 6 cards of your deck.
 Crash of ThunderShamanSpell - NatureCommon6Deal 3 damage to all enemies. Costs (1) less for each Nature spell you've cast this turn.
 Dirge of DespairWarlockSpell - ShadowRare6Deal 3 damage to a character. If that kills it, summon a Demon from your deck.
 Fire ElementalShamanMinion - ElementalCommon665Battlecry: Deal 4 damage.
 Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. PilotNeutralMinion Legendary642Rush. Also damages minions next to whomever this attacks. Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to all enemies.
 Golganneth, the ThundererShamanMinion Legendary657Titan Your first spell each turn costs (3) less.
 Harmonic PopPriestSpell - HolyRare6Deal 3 damage to all minions. Summon a 6/6 Popstar. (Swaps each turn.)
 Hollow HoundDeath KnightHunterMinion - Undead/BeastCommon634Lifesteal, Rush Also damages minions next to whomever this attacks.
 LightbombPriestSpell - HolyEpic6Deal damage to each minion equal to its Attack.
 Marrow ManipulatorDeath KnightMinion - UndeadRare655Battlecry: Spend up to 5 Corpses. Deal 2 damage to a random enemy for each.
 NorgannonMageMinion Legendary638Titan After this uses an ability, double the power of the other abilities.
 Power SpikePaladinSpell - HolyCommon6Deal 4 damage. Give a random friendly minion +4/+4.
 SanitizeWarriorSpell Common6Deal damage equal to your Armor to all minions. Forge: Gain 3 Armor first.
 Sunspot DragonNeutralMinion - DragonCommon666Tradeable, Lifesteal Quickdraw: Deal 6 damage.
 Testing DummyWarriorMinion - MechCommon648Taunt Deathrattle: Deal 8 damage randomly split among all enemies.
 V-07-TR-0N PrimeRogueMinion - MechLegendary635T1T4N This minion's abilities repeat on another random friendly minion.
 Wind-Up MusicianNeutralMinion Rare655Tradeable Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to all enemy minions. (Trade to upgrade!)
 Baron GeddonNeutralMinion - ElementalLegendary777At the end of your turn, deal 2 damage to ALL other characters.
 Beached WhaleNeutralMinion - BeastCommon7420Taunt Battlecry: Deal 10 damage to this minion.
 Firelands PortalMageSpell - FireCommon7Deal 6 damage. Summon a random 6-Cost minion.
 FlamestrikeMageSpell - FireEpic7Deal 5 damage to all enemy minions.
 Frostwyrm's FuryDeath KnightSpell - FrostEpic7Deal 5 damage. Freeze all enemy minions. Summon a 5/5 Frostwyrm.
 Giant Tumbleweed!!!ShamanSpell - NatureRare7Deal 6 damage to all minions. Summon a 6/6 Tumbleweed.
 Kalimos, Primal LordShamanMinion - ElementalLegendary777Battlecry: If you played an Elemental last turn, cast an Elemental Invocation.
 Skarr, the CatastropheShamanMinion - ElementalLegendary777Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to all enemies (improved by each turn in a row you've played an Elemental).
 ToyrannosaurusHunterMinion - BeastCommon777Rush Deathrattle: Deal 5 damage to a random enemy.
 Triple SevensRogueSpell Common7Deal 7 damage to a minion. Draw 7 cards.
 Magtheridon, UnreleasedDemon HunterMinion - Demon/MechLegendary81212Dormant for 2 turns. While Dormant, deal 3 damage to all enemies at the end of your turn.
 Primordial DrakeNeutralMinion - DragonEpic848Taunt Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to all other minions.
 Prismatic BeamPaladinSpell Common8Deal 3 damage to all enemy minions. Costs (1) less for each enemy minion.
 Ragnaros the FirelordNeutralMinion - ElementalLegendary888Can't attack. At the end of your turn, deal 8 damage to a random enemy.
 Sunset VolleyMageSpell - FireCommon9Deal 10 damage randomly split among all enemies. Summon a random 10-Cost minion.
 Amplified ElekkNeutralMinion - BeastCommon10612Taunt Deathrattle: Deal 3 damage to all enemy minions.
 Climactic Necrotic ExplosionDeath KnightSpell Legendary10Lifesteal. Deal 6 damage. Summon 3 2/2 Souls. (Randomly improved by Corpses you've spent)
 Table FlipWarlockSpell - ShadowCommon10Deal 3 damage to all enemy minions. Costs (1) less for each other card in your hand.

Uncollectible[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TTN 721t.png
TTN 800t2.png
JAM 037t.png
TTN 075t.png
TTN 800t.png
VAC 959t08.png
VAC 959t07t.png
VAC 959t07.png
TTN 450t.png
GVG 110t.png
WW 393t.png
BT 429p.png
BT 429p2.png
VAC 321t.png
TTN 450t3.png
AT 037a.png
DEEP 999t1.png
TTN 920t10.png
TOY 341t.png
UPCOMING 98738.png
VAC 520t.png
VAC 520t2.png
UPCOMING 100102.png
TTN 450t2.png
WW 0700p1.png
HERO 05bp2.png
JAM 015t3.png
DEEP 999t2.png
ETC 717t.png
UPCOMING 98742.png
HERO 08bp.png
HERO 08bp2.png
HERO 07bp.png
VAC 323t.png
VAC 323t2.png
EX1 625t.png
EX1 154b.png
VAC 404t1.png
VAC 404t2.png
TOY 829hp3.png
TOY 829hp.png
EX1 154a.png
HERO 05bp.png
DREAM 02.png
VAC 951t.png
VAC 951t2.png
TOY 401t2.png
WW 044t.png
TTN 753t.png
UPCOMING 98759.png
TTN 457t.png
RLK 570t1t3.png
TTN 477t1.png
ETC 085t6.png
ETC 085t3.png
LOOT 043t2.png
DEEP 024t.png
JAM 018t.png
BOT 511t.png
VAC 449t10.png
VAC 449t17.png
VAC 449t19.png
VAC 449t7.png
VAC 449t5.png
VAC 449t.png
VAC 449t14.png
VAC 449t20.png
VAC 449t6.png
VAC 449t8.png
VAC 449t9.png
JAM 018t3.png
VAC 464t5.png
JAM 018t2.png
JAM 018t4.png
TTN 458t.png
ETC 314t.png
VAC 464t31.png
YOG 502t.png
VAC 464t23.png
VAC 464t24.png

Related cards[edit | edit source]

For Wild format listings, see Damage/Wild format.

The following cards have effects that trigger from damage being dealt (including the Poisonous ability, which stands for "Destroy any minion damaged by this minion"; for a breakdown by trigger type, see Triggered effect#Character damage), or that specifically alter the amount of damage dealt to targets, or that are otherwise related to damage. Not listed here are cards with Spell Damage, which increase damage dealt by spells with damaging effects (see Spell Damage for a list), cards with Divine Shield, which lower to 0 the damage dealt to shielded minions (see Divine Shield for a list), and Immune effects, which prevent any damage dealt to protected characters (see Immune for a list).

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
VAC 512.png
ETC 078t.png
ETC 084.png
TOY 312t.png
YOG 300.png
DEEP 003.png
TOY 501t.png
TTN 726.png
ETC 068.png
TTN 077.png
ETC 069.png
VAC 942.png
CORE EX1 007.png
ETC 423.png
CORE EX1 604.png
ETC 534.png
VAC 414.png
JAM 031.png
WW 043.png
TOY 800.png
LOOT 043t2.png
VAC 526.png
ETC 070.png
CORE LOOT 043.png
TOY 312.png
VAC 936.png
DEEP 016.png
VAC 509t.png
TOY 640.png
VAC 501.png
VAC 418.png
TTN 466.png
VAC 945.png
TOY 501.png
TTN 858.png
VAC 527.png
TOY 906.png
TTN 462.png

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]