Random effect

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 Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, arguably one of the most random cards ever released

Random effects are effects which include some degree of randomness or 'RNG' (random number generation).

Random effects introduce an element of chance into Hearthstone. They can be interesting, fun, frustrating or rewarding, but their outcome is always uncertain. For a discussion of the role of randomness in games, see RNG.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Effects which draw randomly from a pool of cards are influenced by game format, with only cards valid in the current format being eligible for selection. All other random effects are unaffected by game format or game mode.
  • Random effects without specific influencing factors are "truly random" and offer balanced chances of all possible outcomes,[1] regardless of circumstantial details such as which minions are currently on the board or which cards are currently in the player's hand. Random outcomes are also not affected by game mode, such as Tavern Brawls (unless specifically stated).[2] However, some effects are limited by clearly relevant factors, such as  Totemic Call, which will only summon a totem that is not already present, or card draw, which can only draw cards that are remaining in the player's deck.
  • Random effects do not always feature the word 'random' in their description. Game Designer Ben Brode explains that the general strategy is to explicitly state 'random' for effects that take place in "visible zones" such as the battlefield or the player's hand; and not to explicitly state 'random' for effects that take in "hidden zones" such as the opposing player's hand, or either player's deck. However, Brode acknowledged that not all cards follow this convention, stating that "the word 'random' just feels better on [some] cards", while in other cases adding the word 'random' would simply complexify card text too much.[3] Players must therefore expect that effects which affect hidden zones will be random, even if this is not specifically stated on the card. In addition, Deathrattles and triggered effects are never targetable, and so are always random, whether or not this is stated.
  • When a card has "a 50% chance to attack the wrong enemy", it is unofficially known as "forgetful". More details on this type of randomness can be found on that page.
  • One of the design reasons behind random effects of all kinds is to add variety, ensuring that each match feels different. This is also one reason for the limit of 2 copies per card in a deck, and the relatively small number of card draw effects in the game, preventing the cards available to players from being too consistent across games.[4]

Random damage[edit | edit source]

Random damage comes in a few forms. Some cards, commonly Shaman cards, deal a random amount of damage (within a certain range) to one creature or each one of multiple creatures. Other cards deal an exact amount of damage to a random target, or multiple random targets.

The most complicated case is cards such as  Arcane Missiles and  Mad Bomber that deal a total amount of damage distributed or "split" randomly. These effects are best thought of as a set of one-damage "hits" being randomly targeted one at a time: Each point of damage is considered a separate instance of damage dealt, meaning that cards like  Gurubashi Berserker and  Frothing Berserker will trigger multiple times even if the points of damage came from the same spell or effect, and Divine Shields will be removed by a single point of damage, allowing the protected minion to be damaged by further "hits" from the same effect. Furthermore, damage will never be distributed to a minion that has already been brought to 0 health by previous hits from the same effect.

This concept has some exceptions. Deathrattles and other death effects from any destroyed minions occur "simultaneously" after all the damage is dealt, which means that minions summoned by Deathrattles (e.g.  Damaged Golem) cannot be hit by the same effect that destroyed their "parents" (e.g.  Harvest Golem), and that damage may be "wasted" on targets that would have died anyway from the Deathrattle of another dying minion (e.g.  Abomination). Also, for spells which distribute damage between multiple targets, each point of Spell Damage adds one additional randomly targeted "hit", thus increasing the total damage dealt by one, rather than increasing the damage of each hit by one.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Some RNG elements within Hearthstone can be minimised by controlling the prevailing situation. For example,  Deadly Shot destroys one random enemy minion. When faced with several enemies, this can prove extremely random; however, when faced with only a single fearsome enemy its RNG element is removed, and it becomes a simple and effective removal spell.

Order of play is often important when dealing with RNG in target selection. Players may wish to first remove non-desirable targets for abilities such as  Arcane Missiles and  Cleave, to ensure that only the ideal targets remain available. More often though, players will generally want to use RNG abilities early in the round, in order to plan the rest of their actions around the resulting situation.

The uncertainty of RNG elements causes many players to avoid them whenever possible, preferring guaranteed effects which can be relied upon to achieve their intended goals, and RNG options are often considered to be slightly poorer than their average effect, due to the undesirability of their randomness, which also makes planning for their use much harder. However, the satisfaction of a successful roll of the dice can be very gratifying, and to some degree form a reward in itself for attempting a risky play. The seeming unfairness of being defeated by an opponent due almost entirely to luck or chance can be particularly exasperating for the loser, and particularly entertaining for the victor. Some players also choose to use cards with strong RNG elements (such as  Gelbin Mekkatorque) in order to add variety, unpredictability and fun to the game.

Card draw itself is inherently a randomised process, and cards granting card draw can also be considered to provide players with random effects.

Cards[edit | edit source]

For Wild format listings, see Random effect/Wild format.

This section lists Hearthstone cards and Hero Powers with random effects. Note that card draw, shuffle into deck and Discover effects are not listed here, but can be found on the linked pages.

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TTN 721t.png
WORK 027t2.png
BG31 BOBt4.png
TTN 002t30.png
WORK 027t3.png
YOG 516t2.png
ETC 367.png
WW 337t.png
WORK 027t1.png
TOY 700t13.png
TTN 002t44.png
TTN 858t1.png
TTN 800t3.png
TTN 415t.png
TTN 075t3.png
TTN 429t3.png
ULD 209t.png
VAC 958.png
VAC 959t06t.png
VAC 959t06.png
VAC 959t09.png
VAC 959t05t.png
VAC 959t05.png
GDB 430.png
CORE KAR 009.png
SC 403d.png
WW 412.png
GVG 110t.png
TOY 604t.png
YOG 514.png
TOY 801t.png
JAM 001.png
ETC 104.png
VAC 338.png
VAC 338t.png
VAC 338t2.png
TOY 510.png
TTN 860.png
GDB 116.png
TOY 601t.png
TOY 352.png
GDB 864.png
DEEP 022.png
ETC 375a.png
GDB 473.png
DEEP 999t1.png
CFM 621t5.png
CFM 621t37.png
TOY 803.png
CORE UNG 912.png
SC 003t.png
MIS 707.png
TOY 351t.png
VAC 933.png
ETC 375.png
RLK 039.png
TOY 700t14.png
SC 403c.png
VAC 520.png
VAC 520t2.png
VAC 520t.png
CFM 621t9.png
DEEP 003.png
YOG 524.png
WW 378.png
VAC 464t10.png
TTN 736.png
MIS 705.png
CORE KAR 069.png
TOY 307t.png
ETC 535.png
CORE GIL 580.png
MIS 708.png
MIS 104.png
GDB 123.png
CORE UNG 020.png
ETC 833.png
GDB 851.png
ETC 536.png
JAM 015t4.png
MIS 105.png
WW 408.png
GDB 111.png
WW 380.png
TOY 643.png
SC 761.png
WW 327.png
VAC 532.png
WW 009.png
JAM 015t3.png
WW 006.png
VAC 955t.png
WORK 014.png
CORE CFM 790.png
ETC 077.png
TTN 833.png
TTN 450.png
GDB 460.png
TTN 454.png
WW 821.png
VAC 461.png
TTN 951.png
TTN 951t.png
GDB 119.png
WORK 031.png
GDB 840.png
WW 379.png
TTN 719.png
GDB 106.png
RLK 511.png
WW 344.png
JAM 003.png
GDB 723.png
WW 0700p4.png
WW 900.png
WW 333.png
ETC 098t.png
ETC 418.png
GDB 728.png
TOY 359.png
WW 001.png
GDB 851a.png
TTN 955A.png
TTN 955.png
WW 001t16.png
CORE EX1 082.png
MIS 107.png
CORE BOT 533.png
WW 807.png
WW 348.png
GDB 435.png
TTN 852.png
TTN 735.png
TOY 350.png
ETC 350.png
VAC 335.png
TOY 605.png
SC 004hp.png
JAM 015t2.png
JAM 015.png
TOY 387.png
GDB 876.png
VAC 920.png
CORE ICC 210.png
WW 0700p6.png
JAM 015t.png
WW 416.png
WW 821t1.png
DEEP 018.png
TOY 822.png
VAC 308.png
TTN 803.png
GDB 456.png
WW 425.png
SC 403.png
ETC 105.png
WW 821t2.png
WW 811.png
TTN 456.png
HERO 02bp.png
GDB 463.png
WW 027.png
YOG 507.png
GDB 471.png
CORE SCH 160.png
TTN 039.png
TTN 039t.png
VAC 528.png
CORE NEW1 031.png
CORE RLK 087.png
WW 044t.png
ETC 072.png
TTN 753t.png
GDB 303.png
JAM 012t3.png
JAM 012t2.png
TOY 604.png
TOY 814.png
VAC 464t18.png
VAC 450.png
JAM 033t.png
VAC 407.png
JAM 000t.png
ETC 364.png
TOY 390.png
WW 374.png
MIS 303.png
CORE EX1 617.png
GDB 311.png
ETC 317.png
ETC 427t.png
MIS 027.png
WORK 027.png
MIS 706.png
DEEP 002.png
VAC 533t.png
GDB 229.png
MIS 308.png
TOY 507.png
GDB 104.png
JAM 032.png
TOY 897.png
VAC 402.png
WW 431.png
VAC 702t4.png
ETC 427.png
ETC 339.png
SC 008.png
DEEP 035.png
GDB 127.png
GDB 442.png
JAM 012t4.png
GDB 137.png
SC 410.png
ETC 528.png
WW 433.png
JAM 012t.png
TOY 373t.png
TTN 734.png
JAM 000t2.png
ETC 422.png
TTN 920.png
TTN 477t1.png
TTN 477.png
JAM 000t3.png
TTN 460.png
ETC 085t4.png
ETC 085t2.png
JAM 000t4.png
VAC 329.png
GDB 143.png
JAM 033t4.png
SC 015.png
TOY 520.png
WW 418.png
TOY 517.png
VAC 464t12.png
CORE TRL 124.png
WW 352.png
WW 334.png
JAM 000.png
JAM 033.png
JAM 012.png
WORK 021.png
SC 760.png
WORK 006.png
ETC 121.png
JAM 033t3.png
TOY 943.png
ETC 200.png
TTN 712.png
CORE KAR 077.png
TOY 916.png
WW 400.png
GDB 112.png
GDB 108.png
TTN 718.png
ETC 089.png
TTN 468.png
TTN 482.png
TOY 307.png
WW 816.png
TTN 485.png
VAC 518.png
TOY 882.png
DEEP 029.png
WW 436.png
JAM 033t2.png
VAC 960.png
GDB 330.png
TOY 376.png
TOY 603.png
GDB 450.png
WORK 004.png
YOG 510.png
JAM 024.png
TOY 500.png
TOY 642.png
WW 402.png
GDB 434.png
ETC 318.png
VAC 437.png
WW 810.png
TOY 391.png
TOY 388.png
WON 113.png
VAC 526.png
TOY 801.png
SC 750.png
TOY 913.png
VAC 333.png
TOY 801a.png
WORK 050t.png
TOY 824.png
DEEP 009.png
GDB 117.png
TTN 490.png
TTN 490t.png
GDB 883.png
CORE DRG 256.png
WW 417.png
MIS 903.png
CORE LOOT 211.png
GDB 310.png
GDB 856.png
WW 405.png
WON 113a.png
WON 113b.png
DEEP 033.png
SC 408.png
VAC 445.png
DEEP 027.png
VAC 917.png
JAM 035.png
TOY 504.png
ETC 334.png
MIS 100.png
VAC 425.png
ETC 400.png
ETC 832.png
SC 009.png
VAC 324.png
ETC 111.png
WW 442.png
WORK 020.png
TOY 351.png
CORE LOOT 309.png
WW 419.png
WW 600.png
ETC 540.png
VAC 424.png
WW 432.png
WW 812.png
WW 322.png
WW 332.png
DEEP 027a.png
GDB 476.png
TTN 725.png
RLK 223.png
WW 001t24.png
DEEP 999t5.png
WW 001t26.png
WW 001t23.png
TTN 715.png
TOY 370.png
TOY 641.png
WORK 050.png
SC 018.png
ETC 205.png
TOY 522.png
TTN 463.png
SC 406.png
JAM 018t.png
VAC 501.png
CORE BAR 551.png
ETC 838.png
ETC 428.png
CORE EX1 407.png
MIS 314.png
WW 002.png
VAC 449t1.png
VAC 449t14.png
VAC 449t4.png
VAC 449t20.png
VAC 449t6.png
VAC 449t9.png
VAC 449t12.png
VAC 449t18.png
VAC 449t11.png
VAC 449t16.png
VAC 449t13.png
WW 351.png
TOY 602.png
VAC 416.png
TTN 741.png
CORE EX1 310.png
JAM 018t3.png
TOY 820.png
TOY 524.png
CORE DMF 734.png
ETC 026.png
WW 401.png
TOY 355.png
TOY 400t4.png
TTN 842.png
ETC 329.png
GDB 863.png
WW 429.png
WW 420.png
MIS 914.png
JAM 018.png
GDB 234t.png
JAM 018t2.png
ETC 071.png
TOY 511.png
SC 413t.png
TOY 806.png
WW 814.png
JAM 002.png
ETC 376.png
YOG 519.png
TTN 723.png
TTN 855t.png
TTN 855.png
GDB 854.png
JAM 018t4.png
WW 415.png
TTN 458.png
TTN 458t.png
WW 426.png
BG31 BOB.png
DEEP 031.png
VAC 926.png
VAC 506.png
TTN 716.png
TTN 800.png
VAC 340.png
GIFT 01.png
TTN 415.png
ETC 328.png
TOY 531.png
CORE RLK 505.png
TTN 075.png
DEEP 005.png
TOY 506.png
WORK 063.png
VAC 915.png
TTN 481.png
WORK 015.png
GDB 234.png
CORE EX1 016.png
WW 372t.png
TOY 606.png
WW 345.png
TOY 829.png
WORK 010.png
TTN 857.png
VAC 431.png
ETC 349.png
TTN 721.png
MIS 701.png
VAC 924.png
TTN 429.png
TTN 858.png
CORE DAL 422.png
GDB 134.png
WW 349.png
CORE DAL 721.png
TTN 700.png
TOY 808.png
LOOT 507t.png
TTN 480.png
CORE KAR 076.png
GDB 862.png
LOOT 507t2.png
WORK 012.png
CORE BT 334.png
CORE LOOT 507.png
VAC 702.png
ETC 370.png
TOY 812.png
TOY 400t5.png
TTN 090.png
VAC 301.png
TOY 879.png
VAC 415.png
VAC 421.png
CORE GIL 598.png
GDB 120.png
ETC 409.png
TOY 356.png
GDB 131.png
VAC 464t25.png
TOY 703.png
TOY 884.png
CORE DRG 026.png
WW 392.png
SC 013.png
VAC 948.png
TOY 607.png
ETC 419.png
VAC 945t.png
GDB 467.png
CORE EX1 298.png
TTN 441.png
VAC 700.png
ETC 208.png
GDB 301.png
GDB 477.png
SC 414t.png
WW 440.png
VAC 509.png
TOY 372.png
WON 145.png
TOY 906.png
TOY 519.png
CS3 034.png
CORE ICC 214.png
WW 427.png
CORE RLK 122.png

History[edit | edit source]

In the build-up to Curse of Naxxramas, the adventure's class cards were revealed to players one by one, many of which featured Deathrattle effects, with text that did not specify that the effects were randomly targeted. This led to widespread confusion over the function of the effects. In a special forum post, Ben Brode explained that by omitting the word 'random', card text could be shortened. By establishing the rule that Deathrattles were never targetable, the developers would not have to explicitly state this on each card, which could eventually allow for the development of more "strategically deep" card effects, due to having more card space in which to describe them, potentially otherwise a limiting factor. Brode stated that "setting expectations now that triggers never allow choices allows us to make cards that otherwise would have too much text",[5] explaining that the omission of explicit statements to this effect "lays the groundwork for shortening the text."[6]

However, in the face of player confusion and preference for random effects to be explicitly described as such, the policy was altered, and the word 'random' added to several Naxxramas cards.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Gnomes are known for the unpredictability of their inventions, and many gnome cards in Hearthstone feature random effects.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Ben Brode on Twitter. (2014-05-23). 
  2. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2016-06-11). 
  3. Ben Brode (2014-06-05). The word "random" in card text. (official forums)
  4. Ben Brode on the official forums. (2017-02-02). 
  5. Ben Brode on Twitter. (2014-05-14). 
  6. Ben Brode on Twitter. (2014-05-14).