Permanent attribute

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Permanent attribute is an unofficial name used to describe permanent attack, health, or cost increments and decrements.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Permanent attribute adjustments change the base attack, health, or cost of a card.
  • Permanent attribute changes differ from regular attribute changes in that the attribute doesn't change color (green for better, red for worse), and instead remains white.
    • White-colored stats are permanent and cannot be silenced or removed, and are retrained during zone transitions.
  • Permanent attribute changes only apply to the specified copy of a card. For example,  Sunscale Raptor shuffles a 3/4 copy into the deck, but if that copy is later resurrected, the new copy will be a 1/3.
    • In the case of  C'Thun, cards that increment its attack and health apply a playerbound enchantment to any current and future C'Thun's, which means the permanent stats are kept throughout all copies.

Cards[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TSC 653.png
BAR 031.png
OG 281.png
OG 303.png
OG 284.png
OG 162.png
TOY 897.png
TTN 482.png
OG 286.png
OG 283.png
OG 321.png
OG 334.png
OG 302.png
OG 293.png
OG 339.png
OG 255.png