Set attribute

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There are plenty of effects that set characters' stats to a specified or context-specific value through an enchantment. These enchantments may be generated by spells, abilities such as Battlecries, or even ongoing effects.

For a list of all enchantments in the game, see Enchantment list.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Effects that set Health typically set both the maximum and current Health values, leaving the character undamaged. The exception to this is  Alexstrasza in cases where the hero's maximum Health was already 15 or greater.
  • If the enchantment belongs to the affected minion, it can be removed through silencing it. An enchantment provided by another source's ongoing effect, such as that granted by  Crystal Core's player buff, cannot be removed through silencing the affected minion.
  • Stat-setting is when the intricacies of enchantment priority are most relevant. Ongoing effects like auras always have most-recent priority among enchantments, so a stat-setter like  Eadric the Pure would be largely ineffectual against a board buffed by  Murloc Warleader.
  • If a minion with set stats is affected by silence, the difference between the minion's current Health and maximum Health will be maintained. This means that if a  Boulderfist Ogre is affected by  Equality then silenced, the result would be a wounded 6/7. If that Ogre was affected by  Keeper of Uldaman, dealt 2 damage, and then silenced, the result would be a wounded 6/5.

Swapping Attack and Health[edit | edit source]

  • Effects that swap Attack and Health, like  Crazed Alchemist's, work by creating an enchantment that sets the minion's current Attack and current Health as its new Health value and new Attack value, respectively. This means that it can effectively convert  Dark Iron Dwarf's temporary Attack buff into a permanent Health buff. Other stat-setting cards that can take advantage of this are  Inner Fire,  Vol'jin,  Darkspeaker,  Faceless Shambler and any Attack/Health-swapping effect.
  • Boosts from auras will be incorporated into the new stats before being subject to the aura again. For example, a player has a 1/5 minion on the board that is temporarily boosted to 2/6 due to the presence of a Stormwind Champion. When swapped, its stats will be permanently set to 6/2 before being further boosted to 7/3 due to Stormwind Champion's ongoing effect.
  • Using the Battlecry on a minion with 0 Attack will set the minion's Health to 0, destroying it. This works even when the minion is protected by Divine Shield. If Brann Bronzebeard is affecting Crazed Alchemist's Battlecry, however, the game does not pass through a death creation step before the target is returned to normal.
  • Silencing a minion with swapped stats will not return them to their original state.(I got this from Crazed Alchemist's page, is this still the case?)

Cards[edit | edit source]

For Wild format listings, see Set attribute/Wild format.

Attack[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TTN 858t3.png
TTN 858t1.png
VAC 959t01.png
ETC 076.png
WW 818.png
TTN 920t7.png
UPCOMING 108625.png
TOY 813t.png
TOY 652t.png
ETC 521.png
CORE EX1 059.png
UPCOMING 101142.png
VAC 957.png
TOY 878.png
TOY 046.png
DEEP 001.png
UPCOMING 98755.png
VAC 701.png
TOY 512.png
YOG 510.png
VAC 464t19.png
TOY 388.png
ETC 110.png
CORE SW 085.png
TOY 504.png
UPCOMING 104999.png
MIS 919.png
MIS 026.png
YOG 506.png
CORE RLK 504.png
WW 429.png
TOY 894.png
ETC 522.png
WW 010t.png
TOY 813.png
TTN 855.png
TTN 855t.png
TOY 652.png
ETC 314t.png
ETC 314.png
JAM 011.png
TTN 487.png
TOY 896.png
ETC 386.png
TTN 858.png
WW 392.png
TTN 752.png
VAC 464t7.png
UPCOMING 108627.png
TTN 441.png
VAC 339.png

Health[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TTN 858t3.png
TTN 858t1.png
ETC 076.png
WW 818.png
TTN 920t7.png
UPCOMING 108625.png
TOY 813t.png
TOY 652t.png
ETC 521.png
CORE EX1 059.png
CORE EX1 619.png
UPCOMING 101142.png
VAC 957.png
TOY 878.png
TOY 046.png
DEEP 001.png
UPCOMING 98755.png
VAC 701.png
TOY 512.png
YOG 510.png
VAC 464t19.png
TOY 388.png
ETC 110.png
CORE SW 085.png
TOY 504.png
MIS 703.png
TTN 853.png
TOY 895.png
UPCOMING 104999.png
MIS 919.png
MIS 026.png
YOG 506.png
CORE RLK 504.png
WW 429.png
ETC 522.png
WW 010t.png
TOY 813.png
TTN 855t.png
TTN 855.png
TOY 652.png
ETC 314t.png
ETC 314.png
JAM 011.png
TTN 487.png
TOY 896.png
ETC 386.png
TTN 858.png
WW 392.png
TTN 752.png
VAC 464t7.png
UPCOMING 108627.png
TTN 441.png
CORE VAN EX1 561.png
VAC 339.png

Cost[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TTN 858t1.png
UPCOMING 98740.png
ETC 312.png
TOY 652t.png
WW 001t9.png
TOY 037.png
JAM 026b.png
TOY 381.png
JAM 026.png
TOY 907.png
WW 001t14.png
WW 422.png
ETC 079.png
WW 325.png
TTN 924.png
TTN 485.png
VAC 702t3.png
YOG 510.png
TOY 388.png
TOY 504.png
UPCOMING 105556.png
VAC 524.png
MIS 919.png
MIS 026.png
JAM 019.png
UPCOMING 99957.png
VAC 429.png
TOY 515.png
WW 001t24.png
DEEP 999t5.png
WW 429.png
TOY 806.png
TOY 652.png
WW 415.png
TTN 487.png
VAC 423.png
TTN 858.png
VAC 950.png
ETC 395.png
JAM 030.png

Swap attribute

Some cards also swap attributes with each other, effectively also setting their attributes to a specific value. The following are examples of cards which swap attributes.

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
CORE EX1 059.png
DEEP 001.png
TOY 895.png
TOY 894.png
TOY 896.png

References[edit | edit source]