The Shop is the in-game facility for purchasing new card packs, mini-sets, adventures, bundles, and comestics. Purchases may be made in gold, real money, or Runestones. The Shop can only be accessed from the main menu.
Content which is soon to move to Wild format will be marked with special notices alerting the player.
Note that the in-game shop is different from the online shop.
The Shop window[edit | edit source]
The shop is divided into five tabs, seen on the left side of the window. They are from top to bottom respectively: Featured, Hearthstone, Battlegrounds, Modes, and Runestones. The current tab be toggled using the buttons on the left.
Each tab also features sub-tabs within that category. For example, the Hearthstone tab is further split into Specials, Standard, Hero Skins, Wild, and Twist.
Clicking outside the Shop window will return the player to the current screen, and the entire Shop can be exited by clicking the arrow button on the bottom right.
Featured[edit | edit source]
The Featured tab contains all currently relevant items, such as limited-time bundles, card packs or Tavern Passes for the latest expansion, and Battlegrounds Season Passes for the current Season.
The contents of the Featured tab can contain items from across all modes, and changes from time to time.
Hearthstone[edit | edit source]
The Hearthstone tab features five sub-tabs: Specials, Standard, Hero Skins, Wild, and Twist.
- Specials contains bundles and other items that may also be visible in the Featured tab.
- Standard contains bundles, card packs, mini-sets, and Battle-Ready decks for Standard expansions.
- Hero Skins contains hero skins.
- Wild contains bundles, card packs, and mini-sets for Wild expansions.
- Twist contains bundles, card packs, and Battle-Ready decks for Twist expansions.
For a full list of prices and purchasing options, see Purchasing card packs.
Unlike the other items for sale, adventures are not available solely from the Shop - they can also be purchased through the Adventures screen. The Shop allows the player to purchase multi-wing bundles with Runestones only, while the Adventures screen only allows player to unlock one wing or chapter at a time with either gold or Runestones.
Battlegrounds[edit | edit source]
The Battlegrounds tab features three sub-tabs: Specials, Cosmetics, and Just For You.
- Specials contains bundles and other items that may also be visible in the Featured tab.
- Cosmetics features Battlegrounds-specific cosmetics, such as emotes, hero skins, bartenders, strikes, and boards.
- The Just For You contains user-specific items that vary by player. The contents will be different depending on the account used to view it.
Modes[edit | edit source]
The Modes tab features three sub-tabs: Tickets, Mercenaries, and Adventures.
- Tickets contains Tavern Tickets and bundles for them
- Mercenaries contains all Mercenaries-related items, such as bundles, portraits, coins, and packs.
- Adventures contains all paid Adventures and missions. This tab will be hidden if the player already owns every adventure and mission.
Runestones[edit | edit source]
Finally, the Runestones tab opens a separate window, allowing players to purchase Runestones.
For a full list of prices and purchasing options, see Runestone.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- When inspected, each card set window has its own music selection, fitting the related content. The Curse of Naxxramas window features music from the adventure's selection screens, while Goblins vs Gnomes features three tracks not heard elsewhere in-game, taken from World of Warcraft's gnome starting area, just outside the gnome city of Gnomeregan. Goblin-like crowd noises can also be heard in the background.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
- History
Patch changes[edit | edit source]
Patch (2023-12-05): Shop redesigned again to improve performance and make it easier for all players to see the types of products that interest them most.
- Unknown patch after 24.2: Some purchases in the Shop can again be made using real money, not just Runestones.
Patch (2022-08-30): Purchases in the Shop can no longer be made using real money. Purchases can now be made using Runestones.
- Server-side update (2020-01-07): Added Free section.
Patch (2019-12-05):
- The Shop was redesigned to improve navigation and accessibility, featuring the ability to purchase bundles, Standard and Wild card packs, adventures, and alternate heroes in a single location.
- Wild card packs can now be purchased with in-game gold.
- The Shop button is no longer available in Open Packs screen.
Patch (2016-03-14): Content which will become Wild with the arrival of Standard format is now marked in the Shop with special notices.
Patch (2015-06-15):
- The Heroes pane has been added to the Shop.
- The sidebar in the Cards and Adventure tabs has been changed from a plain stone-like appearance to that of a wooden board.
- Selecting Classic packs in the Shop now has its own music, shared with the Practice Mode screen. [This is assumed to be the patch for this change.]
Patch (2015-03-19): Updated to include the Blackrock Mountain adventure. The wooden side-board now displays all adventures currently available, using special icons.
Patch (2015-01-29): Card packs in the in-game Shop no longer default to Classic card packs. Players must now manually choose which card packs they would like to buy before making a purchase the first time the Shop is used or with each release of new card sets in the Shop. Once a card pack is purchased, the Shop will default to the last purchased card pack until the next time a new card set is released in the Shop.
Patch (2014-12-04):
- Updated to include Goblins vs Gnomes card packs. The wooden side-board now displays the various card packs on offer. New music has been added when in the Goblins vs Gnomes tab.
- An option has been added to purchase 60 packs at once. This option is only available using real money.
Patch (2014-07-22): The Shop interface has been updated to include Curse of Naxxramas. Now features two panes, Cards and Adventure, as well as a wooden side-pane.
Patch (Closed beta, 2013-12-10):
- The Store is now called the Shop.
- Parental controls can now disable in-game Shop purchases.
- The Shop has a new icon.