Honorable Kill

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Honorable Kill
Deal exact lethal damage on your turn for a bonus.

Honorable Kill is an expansion keyword introduced in Fractured in Alterac Valley.

Honorable Kill triggers when a minion or spell deals exact damage required to kill a character, during the owner's turn.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • When an Honorable Kill minion or hero with an equipped Honorable Kill weapon has met requirements to trigger but it is about to die (would have 0 or less health after combat), its Honorable Kill will still trigger first.
    • For example: A 6/2  Knight-Captain attacks a 3/6 minion. Knight-Captain would have 6/-1 stats after combat, but its Honorable Kill will trigger, making it a 9/2 and not destroyed.
  • Honorable Kill also triggers when you reduce a hero to zero health. Ordinarily this is a strictly cosmetic effect, since one hero has just died, but theoretically this could result in a draw.
    • For example: Both players have 2 health remaining. Player 1 has both an  Unlicensed Apothecary and a 2/5  Direwolf Commander on the board. Player 1's Direwolf Commander kills player 2, triggering its Honorable Kill and summoning a  Frostwolf Cub. The Unlicensed Apothecary now does 5 damage to player 1, killing them and resulting in a draw.
  • Overkilling a character will not trigger Honorable Kill.

Cards with Honorable Kill[edit | edit source]

Collectible[edit | edit source]

Customize this list

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AV 209.png
AV 121.png
AV 244.png
AV 122.png
ONY 010.png
AV 259.png
ONY 014.png
AV 212.png
AV 123.png
AV 402.png
ONY 032.png
AV 315.png
AV 124.png
ONY 003.png
AV 565.png
WON 143.png
AV 224.png
AV 215.png
AV 313.png
AV 131.png
AV 340.png
AV 132.png

Uncollectible[edit | edit source]

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Swipe left or right to see the cards.
AV 200p2.png
AV 202p.png
SCH 199t29.png

Sources of Honorable Kill[edit | edit source]

Honorable Kill-generating cards[edit | edit source]

These cards generate Honorable Kill cards.

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SCH 199.png
AV 200.png
AV 202.png

Honorable Kill-granting cards[edit | edit source]

These cards grant Honorable Kill to other cards or themselves.

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AV 293.png

Related cards[edit | edit source]

These cards have effects related to Honorable Kill.

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AV 143.png

Achievements[edit | edit source]

AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Fractured in Alterac Valley - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - Alterac Valley - NeutralWrecking BallTrigger 50 Honorable Kill effects.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Fractured in Alterac Valley - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - Alterac Valley - NeutralWrecking BallTrigger 100 Honorable Kill effects.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Fractured in Alterac Valley - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - Alterac Valley - NeutralWrecking BallTrigger 200 Honorable Kill effects.20 Achievement Point.png

Patch changes[edit | edit source]