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Can't be attacked or targeted until it attacks.
A minion in Stealth

Stealth is a minion ability which prevents that minion from being the target of enemy attacks, spells and effects until they attack. They can, however, be affected by area of effect spells and abilities or those that have random targets, as well as spells and effects generated by their owner.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Minions in Stealth cannot be directly targeted by the opponent in any way. This includes Battlecry effects from enemy minions.
  • Minions in Stealth can still be directly targeted by the controlling player. For example, a  Voodoo Doctor can be used to heal a friendly Stealthed minion that has been damaged by AoE, or a  Shattered Sun Cleric can be used to buff it.
  • Unlike in games like World of Warcraft, receiving damage will not break a minion's Stealth.
  • Any additional effects or enchantments of Stealthed minions are still active even if Stealthed. This can make Stealth a very convenient way of protecting valuable buff minions, which may otherwise be vulnerable to attack.  Blood Imp is one example of a buff minion that comes with Stealth.
  • A minion that is in Stealth and given Taunt by another card will not act as a taunt until it comes out of Stealth.
  • Like Divine Shield, Stealth is both an ability of a minion and an effect on the minion. Once the effect is consumed, the card text is still present but no longer does anything.
    • A Stealthed minion that is silenced will lose the Stealth effect, regardless of how it became Stealthed.
    • A non-Stealthed minion that is granted Stealth will gain the Stealth effect, regardless of whether it has ever had the Stealth effect before or has the Stealth card text.
    • Attempting to grant a Stealthed minion Stealth again has no effect.
    • Granting the Stealth effect does not grant the Stealth card text.
    • There are very few cards capable of repeatedly gaining Stealth; as of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan only  Lotus Assassin, and One-Eyed Cheat in Wild format.
    • A minion with the Stealth card text which is restored to its original state (such as through being re-summoned ( Kel'Thuzad,  Reincarnate) or re-played) will regain the Stealth effect. Conversely, the Stealth effect itself will be lost upon death or being returned to the hand or deck.
  • Minions that attack lose Stealth after the Combat Preparation Phase and just before any subsequent Death Phases/the actual combat itself, meaning that even if no Damage Event is created by attacking (such as by triggering  Ice Block or if the minion is reduced to 0 Attack before the actual combat), the attack still breaks Stealth.[1] Conversely, if you have a Stealthed 0 Attack minion, and due to Clumsy it is attacked, it does not break Stealth because it does not create a Damage Event.[2]
  • Note that Damage Events for 0 damage (involving Divine Shield and  Commanding Shout), while not allowing on-damage triggers to run, will break Stealth. Conversely, if there is no Damage Event at all (because of Immune or  Ice Block), Stealth remains intact.[3]

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Stealth is very effective for protecting minions from enemy attack. However, as the Stealthed minion is unable to attack without losing the effect, Stealth's value is largely strategic. A minion which simply stays in Stealth is generally of little use to its owner, unless it offers a useful triggered or ongoing effect, in which case remaining in Stealth can be extremely desirable, especially as these minions are often high priority soft taunts.

Much of Stealth's value often lies in keeping the minion hidden until it is ready to attack; in a sense a substitute for a Charge minion, played the following turn. Stealth minions can offer a similar level of unstoppable damage, although they can still be removed with random target or AoE effects. In exchange, Stealth minions offer synergy with triggered effects and Battlecries, allowing the player to build them up before bringing them out of the shadows.

Stealth is almost exclusively found as a part of minion card text, meaning that minions either come with Stealth, or do not. However, the Spare Part  Finicky Cloakfield and the Rogue cards  Conceal,  Master of Disguise, and  Fadeleaf Toxin from  Xaril, Poisoned Mind can be used to grant Stealth temporarily.

Cards with Stealth[edit | edit source]

For Wild format listings, see Stealth/Wild format.

This section lists cards which have the ability to become Stealthed when played.


Swipe left or right to see the cards.
CORE EX1 010.png
DEEP 023.png
TOY 028.png
WW 300.png
TTN 923.png
CORE EX1 028.png


Swipe left or right to see the cards.
WW 806t.png
TTN 719t5.png
TOY 814t5.png
WW 345t5.png
KAR 004a.png
WW 810t5.png
TSC 912t2.png
TTN 480t4.png

Sources of Stealth

For Wild format listings, see Stealth/Wild format.

Stealth-generating cards

This section lists cards which generate minions with Stealth.

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TTN 860.png
UPCOMING 100171.png
TTN 719.png
TOY 814.png
WW 810.png
UPCOMING 100285.png
TTN 480.png

Stealth-granting cards

This section lists cards which grant the Stealth ability to other minions or to itself.

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TTN 920t6.png
TTN 719t5.png
TOY 350.png
DEEP 035.png
TTN 923.png
WW 810.png
DEEP 033.png
ETC 108.png
VAC 464t15.png
ETC 409.png

Achievements[edit | edit source]

AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - Neutral KeywordsYou Didn't See Anything…Play 5 minions with Stealth.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - Neutral KeywordsYou Didn't See Anything…Play 15 minions with Stealth.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - Neutral KeywordsYou Didn't See Anything…Play 50 minions with Stealth.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - Neutral KeywordsYou Didn't See Anything…Play 150 minions with Stealth.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Classic - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - General - Neutral KeywordsYou Didn't See Anything…Play 500 minions with Stealth.20 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Forged in the Barrens - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - Barrens - RogueHiding in Plain SightGive 10 minions Stealth with Shroud of Concealment.10 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.png
Forged in the Barrens - SVG logo.svg
Gameplay - Barrens - RogueHiding in Plain SightGive 30 minions Stealth with Shroud of Concealment.20 Achievement Point.png

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The spell Transcendence, used by the Lorewalker Cho tutorial boss, grants Cho an effect very similar to Stealth: he cannot be attacked or targeted by his opponent, but he can still target himself and can take damage from non-targeted effects.

Patch changes[edit | edit source]

  • VSC Logo Adventure.pngPatch (2022-06-01): Added a new fading animation for minions that exit Stealth.
  • Patch (2018-04-10): Minions now only break Stealth when attacking. Damage dealt by card abilities, such as  Knife Juggler's knife throw, no longer breaks Stealth.
  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (Open beta, 2014-03-11): Minions who have Taunt and Stealth now have an effect that more clearly indicates that Taunt is temporarily disabled during Stealth.

References[edit | edit source]