Choice card

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Choice cards are special uncollectible cards which appear when choosing between possible effects. In most cases, Choice cards only exist during the selection process and cannot normally be collected or placed in the hand or deck. Choice cards were originally exclusive to druid cards with Choose One effects, but are now available to all classes.

Some cards, such as  Keeper Stalladris, generate a copy of Choice cards from Choose One spells as a playable cards.

Prior to Patch, most choice cards used the same card art as either the card that produced them or a card that they themselves produce. With the addition of Keeper Stalladris, all Choose One spells were given unique art to more easily tell them apart in your hand. Most minions still use the art of the card they produce, however.

Cards[edit | edit source]

For Wild format listings, see Choice card/Wild format.

Choose One[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
YOG 529b.png
YOG 529a.png
ETC 375a.png
AT 037a.png
ETC 375b.png
AT 037b.png
JAM 026b.png
EX1 160b.png
TTN 955A.png
TTN 955B.png
EX1 154b.png
JAM 027b.png
EX1 154a.png
JAM 026a.png
EX1 160a.png
JAM 027a.png
OG 047b.png
OG 047a.png
ETC 387b.png
TOY 801a.png
ETC 387c.png
DEEP 027b.png
TOY 801b.png
DEEP 027a.png
EX1 164b.png
EX1 164a.png
EX1 165b.png
EX1 165a.png
TTN 926b.png
NEW1 008b.png
NEW1 008a.png
ETC 373a.png
ETC 373b.png
TTN 926a.png
EX1 573a.png
TTN 940a.png
TTN 940b.png
EX1 573b.png

Others[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TTN 737t.png
TTN 737t3.png
TTN 737t1.png
TTN 862t3.png
TTN 862t1.png
TTN 862t2.png
TTN 903t2.png
TTN 903t3.png
TTN 903t.png
TTN 092t2.png
TTN 092t1.png
TTN 092t3.png
TTN 075t2.png
TTN 075t.png
TTN 075t3.png
TTN 858t2.png
TTN 858t3.png
TTN 858t1.png
TTN 429t.png
TTN 429t2.png
TTN 429t3.png
TTN 721t.png
TTN 721t1.png
TTN 721t2.png
UNG 211a.png
TTN 800t2.png
TTN 800t.png
TTN 800t3.png
TTN 960t3.png
TTN 960t4.png
TTN 960t2.png
TTN 415t3.png
TTN 415t2.png
TTN 415t.png
TTN 060t7.png
TTN 060t7t1.png
TTN 060t7t.png
TTN 060t3.png
TTN 060t6.png
TTN 060t10t1.png
TTN 060t10t.png
TTN 060t10.png
TTN 060t4.png
YOG 516t2.png
TTN 717t2.png
TTN 060t8.png
TTN 060t8t1.png
TTN 060t8t.png
TTN 060t12t.png
TTN 060t12t1.png
TTN 060t12.png
UPCOMING 106677.png
TTN 717t3.png
YOG 516t.png
UPCOMING 106676.png
UPCOMING 106678.png
TTN 060t9.png
TTN 060t5.png
YOG 516t3.png
TTN 060t13t1.png
TTN 060t13t.png
TTN 060t13.png
UNG 211d.png
UNG 211c.png
UNG 211b.png
ULD 209t.png
ULD 178a3.png
ULD 178a2.png
ULD 178a4.png
ULD 178a.png
CFM 621t4.png
CFM 621t6.png
CFM 621t2.png
CFM 621t5.png
CFM 621t37.png
CFM 621t8.png
CFM 621t10.png
CFM 621t9.png
CFM 621t3.png
VAC 907t2.png
VAC 907t1.png
VAC 907t3.png