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A permanent effect for the current run.

"Passive" is an ability used to refer to cards that have no active use, but create an Aura which provides a helping effect. Passive hero powers are also the main source of an Aura.

This ability was introduced with the Kobolds and Catacombs' Dungeon Run mode. Passive cards ('treasures') can only be found in Duels and some Solo Adventures; however, Passive Hero Powers can also be encountered in the regular play mode and Battlegrounds.

Notes[edit | edit source]

Cards[edit | edit source]

  • Passive cards are cast on the start of a Solo Adventure or Duels match, and their effect will last until the end of the game.
  • Passive cards have no mana costs to help distinguish them from normal cards while viewing the deck.
  • Passive cards have their effect via a specific enchantment.

Hero Powers[edit | edit source]

  • Passive Hero Powers will have their effect disabled by  Mindbreaker as usual.
  • Activating a Passive Hero Power does not count as using your Hero Power and will not trigger Hero Power-related effects or Inspire.

Cards[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
GIL 504h.png
ICC 827p.png
ULD 131p.png

Duels cards[edit | edit source]

Pool 1[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
PVPDR SCH Passive18.png
PVPDR BAR Passive17.png
PVPDR BAR Passive16.png
PVPDR BAR Passive21.png
PVPDR TSC Passive4.png
PVPDR AV Passive11.png
PVPDR RLK Passive02.png
DALA 739.png
PVPDR RLK Passive01.png
PVPDR SCH Passive19.png
PVPDR TSC Passive2.png
PVPDR SCH Passive14.png
PVPDR BAR Passive25.png
PVPDR SCH Passive20.png
PVPDR SCH Passive21.png
PVPDR TSC Passive1.png
PVPDR BAR Passive22.png
PVPDR TSC Passive6.png
PVPDR BAR Passive20.png
PVPDR SCH Passive24.png
PVPDR DMF Passive01.png
PVPDR BAR Passive06.png
PVPDR SW Passive 02.png
PVPDR BAR Passive24.png
PVPDR AV Passive09.png
PVPDR BAR Passive14.png
PVPDR SCH Passive06.png
PVPDR AV Passive08.png
PVPDR BAR Passive07.png
PVPDR TSC Passive3.png
PVPDR SCH Passive16.png
PVPDR BAR Passive10.png
PVPDR SCH Passive17.png
PVPDR BAR Passive03.png
PVPDR AV Passive03.png
PVPDR SCH Passive09.png
PVPDR SCH Passive07.png
PVPDR SCH Passive11.png
PVPDR AV Passive37.png
PVPDR BAR Passive27.png
PVPDR SCH Passive34.png
PVPDR SCH Passive36.png
PVPDR DMF Passive02.png
PVPDR SCH Passive39.png
PVPDR AV Passive10.png
PVPDR BAR Passive19.png

Pool 2[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
PVPDR BAR Passive02.png
PVPDR BAR Passive04.png
PVPDR BAR Passive28.png
PVPDR AV Passive27.png
PVPDR REV Passive4.png
PVPDR AV Passive23.png
PVPDR AV Passive35.png
PVPDR TSC Passive5.png
PVPDR BAR Passive18.png
PVPDR SW Passive 07.png
PVPDR AV Passive21.png
PVPDR SCH Passive22.png
PVPDR BAR Passive26.png
PVPDR SCH Passive12.png
PVPDR BAR Passive05.png
PVPDR BAR Passive23.png
PVPDR AV Passive16.png
PVPDR RLK Passive03.png
PVPDR AV Passive36.png
PVPDR SW Passive 03.png
PVPDR AV Passive15.png
PVPDR SW Passive21.png
PVPDR AV Passive31.png
PVPDR AV Passive17.png
PVPDR AV Passive20.png
LOOTA 824.png
PVPDR REV Passive1.png
PVPDR SW Passive 04.png
PVPDR AV Passive19.png
ULDA 005.png
PVPDR BAR Passive08.png
PVPDR BAR Passive01.png
PVPDR AV Passive28.png
PVPDR AV Passive30.png
PVPDR AV Passive32.png
PVPDR BAR Passive15.png

Pool 2 Ultra Rare[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
LOOTA 846.png
LOOTA 828.png
PVPDR RLK Passive04.png
PVPDR SW Passive 09.png
GILA 913.png
PVPDR AV Passive06.png
PVPDR SW Passive 06.png
PVPDR SCH Passive28.png
PVPDR AV Passive07.png
PVPDR REV Passive2.png
LOOTA 825.png
LOOTA 803.png
PVPDR AV Passive04.png
PVPDR BAR Passive11.png
DALA 736.png
PVPDR AV Passive34.png
LOOTA 845.png
ULDA 009.png
PVPDR AV Passive13.png

Duels hero powers[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
PVPDR DMF Roguep1.png
PVPDR YOP WarriorP1.png
PVPDR YOP HunterP1.png
PVPDR SCH Warlockp3.png
PVPDR Elise HP3.png
PVPDR YOP ShamanP1.png
PVPDR DMF Priestp1.png

Battlegrounds cards[edit | edit source]

Battlegrounds hero powers[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
BG22 HERO 305p.png
BG20 HERO 280p3.png
BG20 HERO 280p.png
BG20 HERO 280p2.png

Boss cards[edit | edit source]

Below are all current boss cards with the Passive ability.

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
DALA 738.png
ULDA 103.png
ULDA 046.png
ULDA 101.png
LOOTA 846.png
DALA 739.png
GILA 814.png
LOOTA 828.png
LOOTA 832.png
GILA 414.png
ULDA 007.png
LOOTA 801.png
GILA 513.png
ULDA 042.png
ULDA 014.png
ULDA 102.png
GILA 913.png
DALA 743.png
GILA 605.png
DALA 746.png
DALA 748.png
DALA 747.png
DALA 733.png
GILA 805.png
ULDA 116.png
GILA 813.png
GILA 506.png
LOOTA 831.png
LOOTA 818.png
DALA 744.png
LOOTA 802.png
LOOTA 824.png
ULDA 205.png
GILA 415.png
LOOTA 833.png
GILA 607.png
LOOTA 800.png
ULDA 045.png
DALA 728.png
DALA 737.png
GILA 911.png
LOOTA 825.png
ULDA 508.png
DALA 735.png
DALA 731.png
LOOTA 803.png
ULDA 117.png
LOOTA 804.png
DALA 736.png
GILA 511.png
GILA 603.png
DALA 745.png
ULDA 208.png
DALA 741.png
LOOTA 845.png
ULDA 009.png
GILA 602.png
ULDA 011.png
DALA 740.png
DRGA 011.png
TRLA 807.png
TRLA 804.png
TRLA 802.png
TRLA 803.png
TRLA 805.png
TRLA 808.png
TRLA 801.png
TRLA 809.png
TRLA 806.png

Boss hero powers[edit | edit source]

This section will only list the first 200 cards. To see more, click "Customize this list", and change the number of cards presented.

Customize this list

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
ULDA BOSS 06p.png
LOOTA BOSS 48p.png
BTA BOSS 04p.png
BOM 06 Cornelius 003p.png
DALA BOSS 25p.png
DALA BOSS 11px.png
DALA BOSS 11p.png
LOOTA BOSS 17p.png
LOOTA BOSS 26p8.png
DALA BOSS 15p.png
LOEA01 02.png
LOEA01 02h.png
GILA BOSS 30p.png
ICCA09 001p.png
Story 11 Bookworm.png
ULDA BOSS 52p2.png
BTA BOSS 17p.png
BTA BOSS 26p.png
Story 08 Sylvanas 008p.png
GILA BOSS 67p.png
LOOTA BOSS 31p.png
BOM 07 Scabbs Scabbs 005p.png
BOM 07 Scabbs Scabbs 007p.png
BOM 09 Brukan 003p.png
DRGA BOSS 36p2.png
DALA BOSS 26px.png
DALA BOSS 26p.png
BTA BOSS 15p.png
Story 10 Arthas 007p.png
Story 09 Teron 007p.png
KARA 09 04.png
DALA BOSS 62px.png
Story 11 Dathril 011p.png
ULDA BOSS 37p2.png
BOM 07 Scabbs EdwinVanCleef 008p.png
BOM 06 Xurgon 004p.png
ULDA BOSS 50p.png
LOOTA BOSS 19p.png
BOM 08 Tavish Morloch 002p.png
DRGA BOSS 26p.png
DRGA BOSS 23p.png
DRGA BOSS 18p.png
GILA BOSS 50p.png
BOM 09 Campfire 002p.png
Story 09 TombGuardian 008p.png
GILA BOSS 49p.png
BOM 05 Kurtrus 001p.png
BTA BOSS 09p.png
BTA BOSS 07p.png
ULDA BOSS 30p.png
DRGA BOSS 26p2.png
DRGA BOSS 01p2.png
DALA BOSS 07p2.png
BOM 05 Tamsin 005p.png
BOM 05 Tamsin 007p.png
BTA BOSS 12p.png
GILA BOSS 24p.png
ICCA04 009p.png
ICCA04 010p.png
GILA BOSS 47p.png
Story 09 Throne 002p.png
DRGA BOSS 28p2.png
KARA 07 02.png
DRGA BOSS 01p.png
BOM 10 UndeadOnyxia 007p.png
BOM 02 SludgeBeast 03p.png
DALA BOSS 57p.png
ICCA08 032p.png
DALA BOSS 35px.png
DALA BOSS 35p.png
Story 03 CorruptGarroshHP.png
Story 07 Garrosh 008p.png
BOM 08 Vanndar 001hp.png
BTA BOSS 14p2.png
DALA BOSS 40px.png
DALA BOSS 40p.png
DALA BOSS 65p.png
BRMA08 2.png
BRMA08 2H.png
DALA BOSS 43p.png
KARA 12 02H.png
ICCA07 002p.png
ICCA07 003p.png
ICCA07 005p.png
DALA BOSS 33p.png
ULDA BOSS 39p1.png
KARA 11 02.png
DALA BOSS 68px.png
DALA BOSS 34p.png
LOOTA BOSS 33p.png
DALA BOSS 68p.png
ULDA BOSS 69p.png
GILA BOSS 46p.png
BOM 06 Monstrosity 007p.png
ULDA BOSS 29p.png
Story 11 Murloc 009p.png
ULDA BOSS 38px3.png
BOM 03 Murstrosity 07p.png
BOM 05 Xyrella 006p.png
Story 04 MalGanisHP.png
BTA BOSS 16p.png
BTA BOSS 08p.png
ULDA BOSS 63p.png
LOEA14 2.png
LOEA14 2H.png
GILA BOSS 45p.png
BTA BOSS 25p.png
NAX4 04.png
NAX4 04H.png
KAR A01 02.png
KAR A01 02H.png
ULDA BOSS 45p.png
ULDA BOSS 58p.png
BTA BOSS 11p.png
ULDA BOSS 56p.png
BOM 04 Sangtusk 003p.png
DALA BOSS 28p.png
Story 11 Jailor 013p.png
Story 06 ChoGall 07p.png
DALA BOSS 22px.png
ULDA BOSS 73p.png
Story 11 Captain 006p.png
ULDA BOSS 20p.png
DALA BOSS 54p.png
LOEA16 2.png
LOEA16 2H.png
ULDA BOSS 21p.png
BOM 05 Cornelius 008p.png
ULDA Elise HP3.png
GILA BOSS 65p.png
DALA BOSS 72p.png
Story 11 Looter 002p.png
DALA BOSS 20px.png
DALA BOSS 20p.png
DALA BOSS 10px.png
DALA BOSS 10p.png
ULDA BOSS 14p.png
DALA BOSS 07p.png
Story 11 Ozumat 007p.png
BRMA15 2.png
BRMA15 2H.png
DALA BOSS 02px.png
DALA BOSS 02p.png
LOOTA BOSS 47p.png
GILA BOSS 39p.png
ULDA BOSS 51p.png
LOOTA BOSS 38p.png
LOOTA BOSS 16p.png
KARA 05 01hp.png
KARA 05 01hpheroic.png
LOEA05 02.png
LOEA05 02h.png
LOEA05 03.png
LOEA05 03h.png
DALA BOSS 17p.png
BTA BOSS 18p.png
DALA BOSS 49px.png
DALA BOSS 49p.png
ULDA BOSS 16p.png
DRGA BOSS 33p.png
ULDA BOSS 11p.png
Story 09 Orgrim 006p.png
BOM 07 Scabbs Cookie 007p.png
Story 11 Statue 010p.png
ULDA Brann HP3.png
ULDA BOSS 03p.png
Story 01 KaelthasHP.png
ULDA BOSS 38p3.png
BOM 07 Scabbs Sneed 005p.png
ULDA BOSS 67p3.png
DRGA BOSS 07p2.png
DRGA BOSS 07p3.png
Story 01 AntonidasHP.png
BOM 03 Smythe 04p.png