Dwarf art

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 Magni Bronzebeard, Former king of Khaz Modan and Ironforge. Former leader of the dwarves of Azeroth.

Dwarves are stout, down to earth humanoids found in the Eastern Kingdoms. Hearty folk, the dwarves can be relied upon for both their humour and their grim determination in the face of formidable challenges. Staunch allies of the humans, and core members of the Alliance, dwarves are also known for their ready laughter and almost incomparable fondness for ale, as well as their aptitude for blacksmithing and guns. In Hearthstone, dwarves are known for bringing damage-dealing and destroy effects, taking the fight to the enemy one way or another.

For Dark Iron dwarves, see Dark Iron dwarf art.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Dwarves are short and stout creatures mostly inhabiting Khaz Modan in the Eastern Kingdoms. They are shorter than humans but taller than gnomes, taking advantage of their size when possible and relying on their robustness and strength when not. The average dwarf is steady, observant and composed both during work and combat, yet able to rage with fierce zeal and persistence when the situation calls for it. While a dwarf prefers to plan forward to overcome challenges, many of them easily lose their temperament and self-restraint when exposed to conditions stirring their feelings and concerns.
In past ages, the dwarves rarely left the safety of their mountain fortresses, spending their time on refining metal and stone into powerful weapons and beautiful jewelry. However, when the call to battle sounded, they rose up to defend their friends and allies with unmatched courage and valor.

The dwarves make their home in Ironforge in the Eastern Kingdoms. Carved into the snowy mountainside of Khaz Modan, the great city is a wonder of engineering, centred around the Great Forge itself, within which the  Ashbringer was forged. A bustling, intricate and awe-inspiring city, the dwarves share Ironforge with the gnomes, whom they took in following their exodus from the trogg invasion of Gnomeregan many years ago.

Dwarves are natural innkeepers, fans of cozy nooks and roaring fires, and always ready to encourage a friend to another (and another) pint. It is therefore little wonder that the Innkeeper himself is a dwarf.

Dwarves[edit | edit source]

Customize this list

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
BG23 352 Battlegrounds.png
AT 029.png
TU4d 002.png
RLK 814.png
DRG 253.png
SCH 137.png
CS2 101t7.png
SW 446.png
NEW1 018.png
SW 115.png
WW 345t8.png
WW 345t1.png
BG21 018 Battlegrounds.png
DRG 070.png
WW 345t6.png
SW 029.png
WW 345t7.png
LOE 006.png
WW 345t4.png
REV 956.png
REV 956t.png
AV 219.png
WW 345t2.png
YOD 016.png
AV 401.png
WW 345t5.png
BG LOE 077.png
LOE 077.png
UNG 113.png
DMF 237.png
FP1 009.png
LOOT 132.png
ULD 309.png
AV 261.png
SCH 532.png
ETC 209.png
ICC 801.png
SW 055.png
CS2 141.png
BAR 879t.png
BGDUO 118 Battlegrounds.png
AV 335.png
VAC 920.png
AT 095.png
AT 057.png
BAR 038.png
TRL 405.png
MAW 029.png
CFM 815.png
EX1 005.png
OG 321.png
CFM 639.png
KAR 035.png
AV 135.png
WW 815.png
AV 223.png
DRG 218.png
CFM 668.png
GVG 120.png
TOY 355.png
DMF 708.png
AT 010.png
TOY 511.png
PVPDR Brann T4 2.png
CS2 150.png
AV 342t.png
SW 322t4.png
BGDUO 120 Battlegrounds.png
AV 113.png
AT 124.png
SW 076.png
GIFT 01.png
UNG 840.png
NX2 034t1.png
VAC 413.png
BG21 011 Battlegrounds.png
ULD 156.png
BG27 518 Battlegrounds.png
DEEP 020.png
BGS 012 Battlegrounds.png
LOOT 521.png

Dwarf art[edit | edit source]

Customize this list

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TOY 700t10.png
PVPDR AV Neutralt6t1.png
TTN 960t2.png
BGDUO 120t.png
EX1 621.png
BOT 908.png
UNG 940.png
VAC 512.png
NX2 009.png
SW 322.png
ETC 522t.png
PVPDR AV Neutralt6.png
CS1 130.png
EX1 360.png
CS1 129.png
SW 095.png
SW 322t2.png
CS2 091.png
DAL 570.png
TSC 925.png
SCH 305.png
SCH 524.png
SW 412.png
EX1 391.png
DRG 311b.png
VAC 917t.png
SCH 312.png
ULD 155.png
TSC 211.png
BOT 101.png
TRL 514.png
AV 329.png
VAC 944.png
LOE 007t.png
BOT 438.png
CS2 236.png
DMF 090t.png
EX1 565.png
BCON 015.png
UPCOMING 98748.png
ULD 272.png
SCH 525.png
RLK 018.png
ETC 338.png
SCH 136.png
BAR 033.png
EX1 606.png
PVPDR AV Neutralt3.png
UPCOMING 101874.png
AV 113p.png
BAR 034.png
BAR 034t.png
BAR 034t2.png
AV 213.png
SW 321.png
UPCOMING 98759.png
ETC 523.png
BG28 825.png
VAC 533.png
SW 094.png
ULD 429.png
TOY 046.png
ETC 335.png
GVG 061.png
AV 102.png
SW 458.png
UPCOMING 101109.png
DRG 007.png
AV 664.png
DMF 702.png
RLK 816t3.png
WW 810.png
TTN 908.png
AV 344.png
BAR 881.png
BAR 032.png
YOP 009.png
AV 224.png
WON 051.png
WC 014.png
YOP 026.png
EX1 355.png
ICC 314t3.png
AV 342.png
UPCOMING 105500.png
SW 429.png
WON 040.png
EX1 624.png
UPCOMING 100285.png
VAC 506.png
ULD 181.png
ETC 370.png
CS2 186.png
WW 336.png
AV 290.png
VAC 558.png