Qiraji art

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This page lists with card art depicting qiraji.

Lore[edit | edit source]

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The qiraji are a race of insectoid creatures based in southern Silithus. Different types of qiraji are referred to as castes and it seems to be that every caste has a leader who are under the command of the Twin Emperors: Vek'nilash and Vek'lor. The three most notable castes are the battleguards, led by Battleguard Sartura, gladiators, led by General Rajaxx, and prophets, led by The Prophet Skeram.
Not long after the troll empires divided the insectoid kingdom of the aqir, the aqir split in half, one group going north and the other south; The aqir who traveled north reached the icy land that would become known as Northrend evolved a spider-like shape, founding the kingdom of Azjol-Nerub, and eventually came to be known as nerubians; the aqir that traveled south ransacked and overthrew a titan research station near Uldum and enslaved the tol'vir based there. Converting the research station into an extensive hive, they renamed themselves the qiraji and calling their new home Ahn'Qiraj.
The research station also held a darker secret; it had the secondary purpose of serving as the prison of  C'Thun, one of the Old Gods who had reigned over primordial Azeroth before being cast down and imprisoned by the Titans. The arrival of the qiraji turned the station from a prison into a seat of power - as the aqir had worshiped and served the Old Gods, so the qiraji chose to become the servants of C'Thun. The qiraji spent the next thousands of years building an army capable of exacting revenge upon the whole of Kalimdor.
A third group of aqir traveled further south to the land that would become known as Pandaria. They became known as the mantid, and fought with the mogu servants of the titanic watchers stationed there. Comments by Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver suggest that the various descendants of the aqir were aware of each other and ruled much of Kalimdor together prior to the War of the Ancients.
At some point, the qiraji and the sand trolls of the Sandfury tribe were at brutal war. They failed to destroy Zul'Farrak because of Theka who sacrificed himself and took dozens of the insectoid warriors with him cursing them as mindless scarabs.

Qiraji[edit | edit source]

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