Amalgam art

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 Nightmare Amalgam, the first amalgam in Hearthstone

This page lists cards with card art depicting amalgams.

Lore[edit | edit source]

While there are many hybrid races in World of Warcraft, these types of amalgams are unique to Hearthstone. They are chimeric creatures which represent multiple minion types, having the combined parts of many different types at once, including those of an Elemental, Mech, Demon, Murloc, Dragon, Beast, Pirate, Totem, Quilboar, and Naga. Not much is known about their creation, but the amalgam  Experiment 3C mentions being created by Dr. Boom in his lab in Netherstorm.

Amalgams[edit | edit source]

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BG28 Reward 518t Battlegrounds.png
DAL 087t.png
NX2 050.png
TB BaconShop HP 033t Battlegrounds.png
TSC 069.png
TB BaconShop HP 033t SKIN B Battlegrounds.png
BGDUO 115 Battlegrounds.png
GIL 681.png
DMF 532.png
WON 143.png
BGDUO 108 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 844 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 864 Battlegrounds.png
BGS 069 Battlegrounds.png
ETC 409.png

Amalgam art[edit | edit source]

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DAL 087.png