Revendreth jailer art

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High Torturer Darithos, a named Revendreth jailer in World of Warcraft.

This page contains card art depicting Revendreth jailers.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.

Revendreth jailers are floating humanoid creatures found in Revendreth. They look similar to jailer demons. Many venthyr consider the extraction of anima from souls to be their sacred duty, but as a result of Revendreth's fall to depravity under  Sire Denathrius, creatures like Executor Tarvold were allowed to torture souls for their own pleasure.

Revendreth jailers[edit | edit source]

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REV 332.png
REV 334t.png

Revendreth jailer art[edit | edit source]

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REV 990.png
REV 337.png
REV 334.png