Dredger art

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A dredger in World of Warcraft.

This page lists cards with card art depicting dredgers.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.

Dredgers (also called muckborn) are humanoid beings native to Revendreth in the Shadowlands.

They are made from mud, being born from underground pits. They keep attempting to rebuild Revendreth's dilapidated infrastructures and constructions, but it is a losing battle considering the anima drought. The ideal dredger is absolutely subservient and works "out of sight, out of mind". It is considered distasteful for dredgers to seek appreciation for their work.

Despite often having no choice in who they serve, dredgers have their own independent thoughts and opinions. If treated badly they will dislike and resent the offender, even if they cannot physically act against it. They refer to venthyr as 'fangs', but not those of whom they're friendly with. Nadjia the Mistblade is a notable venthyr that befriended dredgers alongside stonebound, leading some to state that a friend of hers is a friend to them as well. All in all, dredgers are often not respected, but when given respect will gladly return it in kind.

Dredgers[edit | edit source]

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BG24 022 Battlegrounds.png
REV 338.png
REV 959.png
REV 947.png
REV 958.png
REV 958t.png
REV 936.png
REV 318.png
REV 370.png

Dredger art[edit | edit source]

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REV 842.png
REV 827.png
REV 252.png
REV 252t.png
REV 950.png
REV 517.png