Night elf art

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Priestess of Elune full.jpg

This page lists cards with card art depicting night elves.

For the half-night elf, half-stag dryads and keepers of the grove, see Cenarius' children.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
The night elves, or kaldorei ("Children of the Stars" in their native tongue of Darnassian), are a powerful and mystical race whose origin extends back to ancient times. The founders of a magical and advanced civilization which at its peak spanned the breadth of Ancient Kalimdor, the night elves came into a horrific conflict with the Burning Legion and achieved a pyrrhic victory that sundered Kalimdor's landmass into the continents of the present age. The devastation wrought by their conceit caused the kaldorei to abandon the ways of arcane magic entirely, and craft a radically different society centered around the worship of Elune, harmony with the natural world and its denizens and Druidism.
The far-reaching and ancient legacy of the kaldorei has shaped them into a race of very self-sufficient and self-conscious individuals, who often display strong streaks of isolationism. The night elves ended a long period of seclusion in the aftermath of the Third War, standing with refugees from the Eastern Kingdoms during the Battle of Mount Hyjal, and began to associate themselves with the Alliance from the Eastern Kingdoms in response to the Horde's presence in Ashenvale.

Night Elves[edit | edit source]

Customize this list

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HERO 10b.png
BTA 01.png
DRGA BOSS 02h.png
TB Thunderdome Elise.png
TB BaconShop HERO 42.png
TB TempleOutrun Elise.png
TB RoadToNR EliseBoss.png
ULDA Elise.png
HERO 06b.png
BG26 001 Battlegrounds.png
BG31 820 Battlegrounds.png
BG23 353 Battlegrounds.png
CS2 231.png
OG 195c.png
GIL 553t.png
ICC 092.png
BOM 10 Broll 003t.png
JAM 001.png
CS2 189.png
VAC 926t.png
BT 159t.png
CS2 101t8.png
EX1 004.png
DMF 189.png
AT 038.png
AT 042.png
ICC 051.png
JAM 027.png
YOP 030.png
BOT 038.png
SW 060.png
TID 704.png
DED 003.png
CS3 019.png
BT 321.png
Story 11 PanickedSailor.png
KAR 011.png
Prologue Guard.png
WC 034t8.png
BOT 083.png
WW 827.png
Story 11 DathrilMinion.png
Story 11 FaelinMinion.png
Story 11 ZainraMinion.png
SCH 538.png
TOY 401t2.png
WC 035.png
TSC 912t3.png
CFM 617.png
TOY 390.png
BRM 010.png
GIL 188.png
WC 004.png
REV 378.png
ULDA 017.png
DAL 355.png
DMF 217.png
WW 433.png
Story 08 Naisha.png
SW 419.png
Story 08 PriestessMaiev.png
Prologue Maiev.png
DRG 081.png
TSC 646.png
SCH 607.png
ULDA 022.png
PVPDR Elise T4 2.png
TSC 912t2.png
Story 11 SunkenSpirit.png
PVPDR YOP DemHun.png
BT 937.png
TSC 057.png
CFM 851.png
LOE 079.png
LT23 032H 02 MercCard0.png
LT23 032H 01 MercCard0.png
LT23 032H 03 MercCard0.png
LOOT 211.png
OG 044.png
Prologue Vashj.png
Story 08 Illidan.png
BT 814.png
BAR 333.png
CFM 697.png
BT 737.png
WON 077.png
Story 08 Fandral.png
CS3 012.png
ETC 108.png
SW 042.png
BT 416.png
Prologue Ravencrest Lancer.png
SCH 234.png
BGS 059 Battlegrounds.png
SW 056.png
SCH 603.png
SCH 705.png
AV 262.png
AT 040.png
JAM 005.png
VAC 501.png
GIL 507.png
AV 403.png
DRGA 002.png
SW 039t3 t.png
GVG 080.png
ULD 139.png
UNG 851.png
WW 401.png
Prologue Jarod.png
AV 131.png
Prologue Ravencrest.png
KAR 065.png
TOY 101.png
EX1 593.png
ONY 009.png
Story 08 SentinelHuntress.png
YOD 017.png
CFM 656.png
BG26 124 Battlegrounds.png
BT 729.png
BT 510.png
OG 290.png
SW 063.png
AV 267.png
VAC 506.png
EX1 165.png
Prologue Sorcerer.png
AV 204.png
WC 006.png
EX1 583.png
Story 08 TyrandePriestess.png
WON 345.png
GIL 198.png
BOT 507.png
ICC 832.png
TRL 515.png
Story 01 Shandris.png
SW 417.png
WW 392.png
SW 044.png
LOOT 511.png
Prologue Azshara.png
SW 447.png
BT 131.png

Night Elf art[edit | edit source]

Customize this list

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
PVPDR BAR Passive21.png
TB PickYourFate 10.png
BTA BOSS 26p.png
TOY 700t10.png
DREAM 04.png
Story 11 FondMemory.png
PVPDR AV Passive31.png
EX1 169.png
BTA 18s.png
BTA 01s.png
BTA 02s.png
PVPDR SW Passive 08.png
DRGA BOSS 02t.png
JAM 017.png
Story 09 TormentSoul.png
BG31 841 Battlegrounds.png
SCH 617.png
AV 204p.png
TSC 927.png
SW 311t.png
WW 818.png
BT 490.png
DAL 350.png
WC 022.png
SW 039.png
AT 055.png
PVPDR AV Neutralt6.png
SW 039t.png
EX1 371.png
DAL 350b.png
LEG RLK 034.png
PVPDR SCH Active17.png
BOM 04 HurlGlaive 002s.png
PVPDR SCH DemonHunterp1.png
ICC 221.png
BOM 06 LeftHandWithKurtrus 005.png
BT 753.png
UNG 028.png
PVPDR DMF DemonHunterp1.png
VAC 933t.png
SCH 606.png
AT 013.png
Story 11 PriestessMemory.png
TOY 644.png
DMF 700.png
Story 10 ShadowStrike.png
AV 324.png
GIL 801.png
PVPDR SCH Active03.png
DRG 051.png
ETC 394.png
UNG 954.png
DRG 311.png
RLK Prologue TwinSlice.png
ULD 131.png
SCH 250.png
TSC 076t.png
BOM 04 BackToBack 004s.png
EX1 392.png
RLK 061.png
BT 035.png
GIL 506.png
GIL 665.png
WW 006.png
BCON 001.png
WORK 014.png
DMF 090.png
EX1 610.png
SW 040.png
TOT 105.png
BOM 06 CarielsHealing 006s.png
BRM 007.png
SW 311.png
BOM 04 GoingAlone 002s.png
CS2 105.png
ULD 272.png
AV 113t1.png
DMF 054.png
DMF 054t.png
ONY 014.png
WW 365.png
CS2 009.png
MAW 019.png
WW 403.png
JAM 027b.png
ETC 411.png
VAC 925.png
EX1 609.png
BT 491.png
TOY 028.png
Story 04 UnbrokenFaith.png
TU4e 004.png
DREAM 02.png
JAM 027a.png
Story 05 AllianceCommander.png
Story 05 AllianceCommanderts.png
WW 003.png
WORK 026.png
CS2 103.png
VAC 407.png
SCH 521.png
DAL 573.png
DAL 177ts.png
DAL 177.png
YOP 025.png
YOP 025t.png
TU4e 005.png
AV 285.png
MAW 026.png
BTA BOSS 07s3.png
WW 433.png
TSC 076t2.png
EX1 155.png
VAC 928.png
DEEP 026.png
AV 102.png
DMF 219.png
MIS 102.png
AV 333.png
SCH 607b.png
TOY 943.png
ETC 200.png
BT 740.png
TOY 800.png
REV 516.png
AT 043.png
TSC 775.png
TSC 945.png
WW 405.png
BG31 892 Battlegrounds.png
ETC 316.png
WON 113a.png
MIS 100.png
DAL 371.png
BT 429.png
Story 08 Planting.png
WW 600.png
YOP 009.png
BT 488.png
WON 051.png
WW 053.png
BTA BOSS 07s.png
WORK 003.png
BAR 328.png
Story 08 WayofArchdruid.png
TOY 640.png
BTA BOSS 26s.png
WC 014.png
JAM 018t.png
YOP 026.png
BT 235.png
BT 173.png
GVG 019.png
ICC 207.png
JAM 018t3.png
LOE 111.png
Story 10 FlameCrash.png
UNG 079.png
Story 04 LibramofJustice.png
TOY 400t6.png
TSC 076t3.png
JAM 018.png
PVPDR AV Neutralt4.png
JAM 018t2.png
TOY 401t.png
CS2 077.png
JAM 002.png
Story 08 StormRage.png
DRG 246.png
JAM 018t4.png
Story 10 WardensDetermination.png
GVG 041a.png
VAC 926.png
WON 040.png
ICC 849.png
GVG 041b.png
GVG 031.png
SCH 612.png
BT 601.png
ICC 054.png
EX1 173.png
Story 10 SummonShadowDemons.png
Story 08 Tyrande.png
VAC 930.png
NEW1 008a.png
OG 195b.png
SCH 253.png
DMF 224.png
Story 07 FeverPitch.png
TSC 076.png
OG 195a.png
WC 034.png
OG 195.png
TOY 884.png
BT 512.png
ETC 419.png
Story 10 LordofOutland.png
DAL 724.png
TSC 061.png