Jaina Proudmoore (Priest boss)

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For other uses of Jaina Proudmoore, see Jaina Proudmoore (disambiguation).

Jaina Proudmoore is the second boss in Priest's Book of Heroes adventure.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Summoned minions
OG 061t.png
CS2 tk1.png
EX1 tk28.png
CFM 315t.png
SCH 133.png

Player's hero[edit | edit source]

Uncertain Destiny Rank 2

Special cards[edit | edit source]

Story 05 TrainingSword.png
Story 05 Fearbreaker.png
Story 05 StewardofScrolls.png
Story 01 BookofRunes.png

Deck[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Jaina Proudmoore Anduin Wrynn
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Mage  Ray of Frost 2 Boss  Training Sword 2
 Conjure Mana Biscuit 2  Fearbreaker 2
 Frostbolt 2 Steward of Scrolls 2
 Sorcerer's Apprentice 2  Book of Runes 2
 Arcane Intellect 2 Paladin  Sword of Justice 2
 Counterspell 1 Neutral  Armor Vendor 2
 Flame Ward 1  Intrepid Initiate 2
 Frost Nova 2  Brainstormer 2
 Fireball 2  Ironforge Rifleman 2
 Molten Reflection 2  Robes of Protection 2
 Water Elemental 2  Silent Knight 2
 Blizzard 2  Shimmering Courser 2
 Animated Avalanche 2  Recruiter 2
 Flamestrike 2  Stormpike Commando 2
 Tortollan Pilgrim 2  Stormwind Champion 2
Neutral  Arcane Giant 2


To edit these notes, go to Template:Jaina Proudmoore (Priest boss) notes.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Anduin Wrynn (present)
▶️With the aid of King Magni, I expected to become a mighty warrior, but instead, I was one of few to witness his tragic loss.
▶️When his estranged daughter, Moira, arrived to claim his throne, I knew it would drive my father to war.
▶️I couldn't let that happen! I turned to my friend Jaina, who had always been there for me.


Jaina Proudmoore
▶️Anduin, what are you doing here?
Anduin Wrynn
▶️Please, we have to prevent my father from attacking Moira.
Jaina Proudmoore
▶️It's best you stay out of this one.

Emote Response

Jaina Proudmoore
▶️Can't we put this behind us and have a nice cup of tea?

Hero Power

Jaina Proudmoore
▶️You're still learning.
▶️Your father wouldn't like this!
▶️Don't be so reckless!


Jaina Proudmoore
▶️I sympathize with you, truly, but dwarven politics are just...
▶️If only King Magni were still here to tell us what he wants us to do.
▶️If Moira wants reconciliation, why has she closed off the city of Ironforge?

Turn 1

Anduin Wrynn
▶️I can't. He doesn't know her like I do. She will listen to reason.
Jaina Proudmoore
▶️Are you sure about that?

Turn 4

Anduin Wrynn
▶️Moira is the rightful heir. She just needs guidance.
Jaina Proudmoore
▶️The time for that passed long ago. She's with the Dark Iron dwarves - our enemies.

Turn 6

Anduin Wrynn
▶️But she just wants peace!
Jaina Proudmoore
▶️She's not off to a very good start, then.
Anduin Wrynn
▶️That's what I've been saying! She needs guidance.


Jaina Proudmoore
▶️You're right... You have to stop your father. But you'd better make it worth the risk, do you understand?
Anduin Wrynn
▶️I do.
Jaina Proudmoore
▶️And here, you'll need to dress the part.
Anduin becomes SI:7 Anduin


Jaina Proudmoore
▶️I'm sorry, Anduin. You'll be safer this way.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore is the daughter of Daelin and Katherine Proudmoore, and sister of Derek and Tandred. She is considered one of the finest mages in all Azeroth, and the most powerful human sorceress alive. She is the Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras, the former leader of the Kirin Tor of Dalaran, and of the port-city of Theramore.
When the leadership of the Horde was bequeathed to  Garrosh Hellscream, the new Warchief took it upon himself to swiftly and brutally eliminate the Alliance presence on Kalimdor, starting with Theramore. Garrosh's forces developed a mana bomb that he dropped upon the unsuspecting city, swiftly and brutally wiping Theramore off the face of Azeroth. Countless lives were gone in an instant. Jaina barely survived the blast, but she would be changed forever; her hair and her eyes became stark white, and her outlook towards the orcs and the Horde changed from peaceful and understanding to ruthless, brutal, and cold.

Trivia[edit | edit source]


Patch changes

Card changes