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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.
You might be looking for one of these cards: Mercenaries/Leoroxx, Mercenaries/Leoroxx (93194), Mercenaries/Leoroxx (93195).

Leoroxx is the first boss in Hunter's Book of Heroes adventure.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]


Player's hero[edit | edit source]

Steady Shot

Special cards[edit | edit source]


Story 02 BeastCompanion.png
Story 02 Sporlar.png
Story 02 Tethik.png
Story 02 Tuffer.png
Story 02 MokNathalBow.png



Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Leoroxx Rexxar
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss  Beast Companion 1 Boss  Haratha 1
 Mok'Nathal Bow 1 Hunter  Arcane Shot 2
Hunter  Tracking 2  Bestial Wrath 1
 Bear Trap 2  Helboar 2
 Call Pet 2  Springpaw 2
 Explosive Trap 2  Call Pet 2
 Freezing Trap 2  Hunter's Mark 2
 Fresh Scent 2  Deadly Shot 2
 Headhunter's Hatchet 2  Kill Command 2
 Misdirection 2  Infested Wolf 2
 Pack Tactics 2  Mok'Nathal Lion 2
 Snipe 1  Multi-Shot 2
 Eaglehorn Bow 2  Halazzi, the Lynx 1
 Flanking Strike 2  Wild Bloodstinger 1
 Cobra Shot 2  Nagrand Slam 1
 Explosive Shot 1 Neutral  Acidic Swamp Ooze 1
 Lesser Emerald Spellstone 2  Ironfur Grizzly 2
 Burrowing Scorpid 2


To edit these notes, go to Template:Leoroxx notes.

  • Boss always casts  Tracking at the first turn.
    • If Tracking is not in his starting hand, he will draw it at the start of first turn.
  • The player always draws the cards on first six turns in next order:

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Rexxar (present)
▶️I have wandered a long way... across worlds and wars... bonds forged and broken.
▶️There is much to learn from this journey, if you have the strength to follow it.
▶️I was born on Draenor. As war broke out around us, my people, the mok'nathal, remained peaceful. And unprepared.


▶️Trust in our ways. They have always served us well.
▶️The rise of the Horde changes everything. We must take a side!

Emote Response

▶️You would do best not to speak.

Hero Power

▶️Listen to me!
▶️Heed my words.
▶️I know better!


▶️Trust in peace. There is no safer course.
▶️I fear you are going down a dark path, my son.
▶️The land sustains us. The beasts answer us. What more do you want?

Turn 1

▶️My own son speaks like this?! I will teach you a lesson.

Turn 2

▶️The Horde is mighty. They could crush us at any moment, just like they crushed the draenei.
▶️Not if we are quiet.

Turn 4

▶️We are half-ogre, half-orc. Outsiders will never accept us.
▶️Still, we must try.

Turn 5

▶️Our clan is too small. Our allies too few.
▶️The mountains hide us. That is protection enough!

Turn 6

▶️You think like they do. That is not how you were raised.


▶️I have proved my point!
▶️You have proved you do not belong here. Leave me.


▶️A father's wisdom may be hard, but it is fair.

Other[edit | edit source]

▶️I don't want to do this... But I will.
▶️If only your wisdom were as great as your temper.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Leoroxx is the leader of the mok'nathal, a clan of ogre-orc hybrids dwelling in Blade's Edge Mountains, and the father of  Rexxar, Champion of the Horde. The mok'nathal are very pacifistic, but Rexxar — against the wishes of his father — joined the Horde believing that there was nothing left for him among his people. For his actions, Leoroxx disowned him, and for thirty years his mind has remained stubbornly set against his son, even after Rexxar returned to Draenor — now Outland — to search for what remained of his people. Leoroxx has a companion lynx named  Tethik.


Patch changes

Card changes