Jaina Proudmoore (Warrior boss)

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.
For other uses of Jaina Proudmoore, see Jaina Proudmoore (disambiguation).

Jaina Proudmoore is the sixth boss in Warrior's Book of Heroes adventure.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Summon Elemental

Player's hero[edit | edit source]

Garrosh Hellscream
Horde Armada

Special cards[edit | edit source]


Story 01 TheramoreGates.png
Story 01 TheramoreGuard.png
Story 01 WaterElemental2.png
Story 01 Kalec.png
Story 01 CobaltSpellkin.png
Story 01 Shandris.png


Baine Bloodhoof

Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Jaina Proudmoore Garrosh Hellscream
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss  Theramore Guard 2 Boss Baine Bloodhoof 1
Archmage Kalec 1 Malkorok 1
Cobalt Spellkin 2 Priest  Vol'jin 1
 Shandris Feathermoon 1 Warrior  Risky Skipper 2
Hunter  Vereesa Windrunner 1  Sky Raider 2
Mage  Ray of Frost 2  Cleave 2
 Violet Spellwing 2  Revenge 1
 Doomed Apprentice 1  Ancharrr 1
 Kirin Tor Tricaster 2  Skybarge 2
 Blizzard 2  Kor'kron Elite 2
 Dragoncaster 2  Mortal Strike 2
 Rhonin 1  Sword Eater 2
Neutral  Scalerider 3  Gorehowl 2
 Scaleworm 2 Neutral  Parachute Brigand 2
 Twilight Drake 2  Ship's Cannon 2
 Azure Drake 2  Southsea Captain 2
 Book Wyrm 2  Blackwater Pirate 2
 Skycap'n Kragg 1


To edit these notes, go to Template:Jaina Proudmoore (Warrior boss) notes.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Garrosh Hellscream (present)
▶️Magatha aided me in the Mak'gora and stained my honor. In return, she was exiled by the tauren.
▶️With our united force, I knew the Horde could achieve great things.
▶️Our first step would be securing our land by eliminating the Alliance at Theramore...


Jaina Proudmoore
▶️Our people have lived in peace for many years. We had an agreement with the Warchief!
Garrosh Hellscream
▶️There is a new warchief.

Emote Response

Jaina Proudmoore
▶️If we could just negotiate, this would be much easier.

Hero Power

Jaina Proudmoore
▶️For Theramore!
▶️You forced my hand!
▶️I trusted Thrall. Why would you throw that away?


Jaina Proudmoore
▶️Don't you think Thrall would be ashamed of you for this?
▶️The people of Theramore just want peace.
▶️We both have enough enemies without turning on each other!

Turn 1

Jaina Proudmoore
▶️I won't be the aggressor in this!
Garrosh Hellscream
▶️Then accept the consequences.

Turn 2

Garrosh Hellscream
▶️Strike the gates!

Turn 3

Jaina Proudmoore
▶️Are there no terms you would consider?
Garrosh Hellscream
▶️Only your immediate surrender.

Turn 4

Jaina Proudmoore
▶️There is no coming back from this.
Garrosh Hellscream
▶️Your "peace" was a pathetic lie!

 Gates of Theramore are destroyed

Garrosh Hellscream
▶️The gates are down! Destroy the Alliance!


Garrosh Hellscream
▶️And now, deploy our final weapon!
Garrosh drops a mana bomb on Theramore
Jaina Proudmoore
▶️The Horde will pay for this day.
Jaina leaves Theramore


Jaina Proudmoore
▶️Thank the Light that Theramore is safe...

Lore[edit | edit source]

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore is the daughter of Daelin and Katherine Proudmoore, and sister of Derek and Tandred. She is considered one of the finest mages in all Azeroth, and the most powerful human sorceress alive. She is the Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras, the former leader of the Kirin Tor of Dalaran, and of the port-city of Theramore.
When the leadership of the Horde was bequeathed to  Garrosh Hellscream, the new Warchief took it upon himself to swiftly and brutally eliminate the Alliance presence on Kalimdor, starting with Theramore. Garrosh's forces developed a mana bomb that he dropped upon the unsuspecting city, swiftly and brutally wiping Theramore off the face of Azeroth. Countless lives were gone in an instant. Jaina barely survived the blast, but she would be changed forever; her hair and her eyes became stark white, and her outlook towards the orcs and the Horde changed from peaceful and understanding to ruthless, brutal, and cold.

Trivia[edit | edit source]


Patch changes

Card changes