Rehgar Earthfury (Rogue boss)

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.
For other uses of Rehgar Earthfury, see Rehgar Earthfury (disambiguation).

Rehgar Earthfury is the first boss in Rogue's Book of Heroes adventure.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]


Player's hero[edit | edit source]

Dagger Mastery

Special cards[edit | edit source]


Story 11 LightningBloom.png
Story 06 TrainingTotem.png
Story 03 TrickTotem.png


Story 06 Broll.png
Story 06 HastyBlade.png
Story 06 LoGosh.png
Story 06 ArcaneWraith.png

Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Rehgar Earthfury Valeera
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss Lightning Bloom 2 Boss  Hasty Blade 2
Trick Totem 1  Arcane Wraith 2
Shaman  Totemic Might 2 Rogue  Backstab 2
 Totemic Surge 2  Cold Blood 2
 Storm's Wrath 2  Deadly Poison 2
 Surging Tempest 2  Spymistress 2
 Diligent Notetaker 2  Eviscerate 2
 Flametongue Totem 2  Shiv 2
 Sandstorm Elemental 2  Vulpera Toxinblade 2
 Totem Golem 2  Master of Disguise 2
 Lightning Storm 2  Shadow Sculptor 2
 Mana Tide Totem 3 Rogue, Warrior  Cutting Class 2
 Bloodlust 2 Neutral  Sneaky Delinquent 2
 Totem Goliath 2  Jungle Panther 2
Neutral  Fantastic Firebird 2  Burrowing Scorpid 2


To edit these notes, go to Template:Rehgar Earthfury (Rogue boss) notes.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Valeera (present)
▶️How would you define yourself? Would you look to your people, your country, your faction...? What if you'd lost all of them?
▶️My parents died when I was young. When I left my homeland, I was captured and imprisoned.
▶️Later, I learned I was headed for the arenas of Kalimdor...


Rehgar Earthfury
▶️You three do not look like much, but soon you will be gladiators. Training begins now! You win or you die.
▶️That's encouraging.

Emote Response

Rehgar Earthfury
▶️I am training you for battle, not prattle.

Hero Power

Rehgar Earthfury
▶️Be prepared for anything!
▶️Expect the unexpected.
▶️Try to improvise...


Rehgar Earthfury
▶️Even if you lose, you will still taste the glory of the arena!
▶️Dark magic lingers on that human. I wonder what happened to him?
▶️Broll is here of his own free will. It seems he has no other outlet for his anger.

Turn 2

Broll Bearmantle
▶️Rehgar, you cannot ask me to fight alongside a blood elf!
▶️We could just duel each other, old man.
Broll Bearmantle
▶️Don't tempt me.

Turn 4

▶️And who's the amnesiac?
▶️I... don't know.
▶️At least you're pretty good.

Turn 6

Rehgar Earthfury
▶️You must work together if you want to see another day.
Broll Bearmantle
▶️Rehgar is right. We balance each other well.
▶️Broll can't be serious, can he?
▶️I think he is.


Rehgar Earthfury
▶️I knew it. You are the ideal team - powerful, strategic, and unrestrained. Now your real battle begins.
▶️I can't wait.


Rehgar Earthfury
▶️Maybe I should have stuck with training orcs...

Other[edit | edit source]

▶️Are you trying to make me angry? It's working.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Rehgar Earthfury is a shaman and one of  Thrall's advisers. Before becoming Thrall's adviser, Rehgar was a successful gladiator slave master who "owned"  Varian Wrynn while he was suffering from amnesia.
Following slaves' escape at Dire Maul, Rehgar realized that since his "heart was with them instead of the profit he could have made from their service", that he has had his fill of battle and the Crimson Ring. He has thus retired as a gladiatorial master and offering his services to Thrall, has been made the Warchief's trusted advisor. Rehgar and  Garrosh Hellscream used to be in disagreement with each other: while Garrosh wanted to destroy the Alliance, who he considers the Horde's enemies, and take Azeroth for their own, Rehgar wanted to remain open to diplomacy with the Alliance and conserve their treaty of non-agression with Theramore.

Trivia[edit | edit source]


Patch changes

Card changes

Bug fixes and other changes

  • Forged in the Barrens logo.pngPatch (2021-03-25):
    • Fixed a visual bug where Rehgar Earthfury would appear unable to attack despite being able to attack.