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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

Khiragg is the sixth boss in Hunter's Book of Heroes adventure.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Summoned minions
Stuffed Sack

Player's hero[edit | edit source]

Call Misha Rank 3

Special cards[edit | edit source]


Story 02 StuffedSack.png
Story 02 EnchantedFamiliar.png
Story 02 FrenziedCrocolisk.png
Story 02 Burgle.png
Story 02 HenchClanBurglar.png
Story 02 Baine.png



Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Khiragg Rexxar
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss  Enchanted Familiar 2 Hunter  Arcane Shot 2
 Frenzied Crocolisk 2  Stonetusk Boar 2
Burgle 2  Timber Wolf 2
Hench-Clan Burglar 2  Tracking 2
Rogue  Backstab 2  Explosive Trap 2
 Cold Blood 2  Phase Stalker 2
 Betrayal 2  Scavenger's Ingenuity 2
 Hooked Scimitar 2  Snake Trap 2
 Assassinate 2  Snipe 2
 Vendetta 2  Eaglehorn Bow 2
 Lesser Onyx Spellstone 2  Kill Command 2
 Myra's Unstable Element 1  Unleash the Hounds 2
 Tak Nozwhisker 1  Multi-Shot 2
Warrior  Rampage 2  Scrap Shot 2
Neutral  Giant Wasp 1  Tundra Rhino 2
 Ironbeak Owl 2
 Gormok the Impaler 1


To edit these notes, go to Template:Khiragg notes.

  • Boss starts with dormant  Prisoner Baine on the board.
  •  Kidnap! is disabled most of the battle, and is enabled if the player has a minion on the board besides  Misha.
  • The minions that put into a Stuffed Sack lose their enchantments.
  • Khiragg does not use  Ironbeak Owl on Stuffed Sacks but can buff them with  Cold Blood or  Rampage.
  • Khiragg's board can not be completely filled with Stuffed Sacks.[1]

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Rexxar (present)
▶️Thanks to Jaina, I escaped. But war was upon us and worse, we were outnumbered.
▶️Warchief Thrall knew we needed allies. He sent me to rescue a young tauren from the centaur, hoping it could win his people to our side.


▶️You kidnapped Baine Bloodhoof and devastated his father. Release him, now!
▶️The tauren is ours, fool.

Emote Response

▶️Do you think we are stupid?

Hero Power

▶️Fight for us now!
▶️This one will be dearly missed.
▶️Follow the khan.


▶️You are no ally to the tauren. Why save him?
▶️We have never kidnapped a half-orc, half-ogre before…
▶️The tauren do not belong here. Neither do you.

Turn 1

Prisoner baine
▶️My father knows I am here?! You must get me to him!
▶️I promise to, Baine.

Turn 2

▶️This will end with you in a cage, half-orc.
▶️Wild things do not belong in cages.

Turn 7

▶️You have lost more warriors than the one you seek to gain.
▶️Shut up.


▶️Baine! Are you all right?
Prisoner baine
▶️Yes, my friend. I owe everything to you. Whatever you wish, my father will grant to you.


▶️Foolish meddling half-orcs...

Lore[edit | edit source]

Khiragg is original to Hearthstone. He is a centaur.

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Centaur are a half-humanoid, half-horse, war-like tribal race. They abound in central and southern Kalimdor, primarily in Desolace and the Barrens, where they engage in constant war against other centaur and tauren tribes. They are savagery and brutality incarnate.
Baine Bloodhoof is the High Chieftain of the tauren tribes of Mulgore and leader of Thunder Bluff. He is the son of the late tauren leader,  Cairne Bloodhoof, whom he looked up to as a role model. While Baine has formidable skill on the battlefield, his true talents lie in the arena of diplomacy. He is a strong force for moderation, calm wisdom, and unity within the Horde, especially in their dealings with the Alliance.
Baine fought alongside his father with pride and respect and continued to defend his people when they established a home for themselves in Mulgore. However, in an attack by the centaur on their village, Baine was taken captive and taken back to their camp. He managed to stay alive, but he began to lose hope when all his fellow captives were killed one by one until he was the only one left.
The tauren Tagar told  Rexxar to find him and bring him back. So, Baine was rescued by Rexxar, and they battled their way together through hordes of centaur until they finally made it back to Cairne, who was overjoyed to see his son alive. After he was brought back with the help of Bovan Windtotem, Cairne Bloodhoof decided to join Rexxar's party.


Patch changes

Card changes

  • Madness at the Darkmoon Faire logo.pngPatch (2020-11-12):
    • Now reads: "The centaur have long feuded with the tauren, fighting over territory and resources." (previously: "The centaur have long fueded with the tauren, fighting over territory and resources.")
  • Scholomance Academy logo.pngPatch (2020-09-29):
    • Added.
  1. Legend Stuff (2020-11-06). Hearthstone Book of Heroes - Can the Board be Filled With Stuffed Sacks?. YouTube. Retrieved on 2021-02-02.