The Leviathan (Book of Heroes 2)

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.
You might be looking for one of these cards: The Leviathan, The Leviathan (Book of Heroes 3), The Leviathan (Book of Heroes 4), The Leviathan (Book of Heroes 5), The Leviathan (Book of Heroes).

The Leviathan is the second boss in Faelin's Book of Heroes chapter.

Second phase[edit | edit source]

Patrol Captain

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

The Leviathan Patrol Captain
Submarine Controls

Player's hero[edit | edit source]

Ini Stormcoil
Quick Fix
Ambassador Faelin
Dredge Depths

Special cards[edit | edit source]

Boss[edit | edit source]

Story 11 Mission1 Lorebook2.png
Story 11 Mission1 Lorebook1.png
Story 11 LeviathanEngine2.png
Story 11 LeviathanEngine2 2c.png
Story 11 LeviathanEngine.png
Story 11 LeviathanEngine1 2c.png
Story 11 LeviathanEngine3.png
Story 11 LeviathanEngine3 2c.png

Player[edit | edit source]

Story 11 ExploretheSeas.png
Story 11 Hammer.png
Story 08 NatureStudies.png
Story 11 Wrench.png
Story 11 Finley 1.png
Story 11 Crowbar.png
Story 11 Caye 1.png
Story 11 Grace 1.png
Story 11 Halus 1.png
Story 11 SpiritedSeahorse.png
Story 11 SeaSummoning.png

Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Patrol Captain Ambassador Faelin
Grace Farsail Halus Sunwatcher Sir Finley
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Hunter  Arcane Shot 2 Boss  Explore the Seas 1 Boss  Explore the Seas 1 Boss  Explore the Seas 1
 Overwhelm 2 Nature Studies 2 Nature Studies 2 Nature Studies 2
 Tracking 2  Caye Stardusk 1  Caye Stardusk 1 Sir Finley Mrrgglton 1
 Urchin Spines 2 Grace Farsail 1 Halus Sunwatcher 1  Caye Stardusk 1
 Wound Prey 2  Spirited Seahorse 2  Spirited Seahorse 2  Spirited Seahorse 2
 Bola Shot 2  Sea Summoning 2  Sea Summoning 2  Sea Summoning 2
 Explosive Trap 2 Druid  Pounce 2 Druid  Bottomfeeder 2 Druid  Bottomfeeder 2
 Quick Shot 2  Bottomfeeder 2  Moonbeam 2  Crystal Power 2
 Aimed Shot 2  Lunar Eclipse 2  Lunar Eclipse 2  Moonbeam 2
 Arcane Fletcher 2  Mark of the Spikeshell 2  Mark of the Spikeshell 2  Lunar Eclipse 2
 Piercing Shot 2  Power of the Wild 2  Solar Eclipse 2  Mark of the Spikeshell 2
 Spring the Trap 2  Solar Eclipse 2  Feral Rage 2  Solar Eclipse 2
Neutral  Pelican Diver 2  Feral Rage 2  Heart of the Wild 2  Branching Paths 2
 Bad Luck Albatross 1  Moontouched Amulet 2  Moontouched Amulet 2  Arbor Up 1
 Selfish Shellfish 1  Arbor Up 1  Arbor Up 1  Nourish 2
 Star Aligner 2  Best in Shell 2  Best in Shell 2  Best in Shell 2
 Miracle Growth 2  Miracle Growth 2  Miracle Growth 2

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The first phase is a Puzzle Lab style encounter. The player has to play the certain cards in the right order to complete this part. When the puzzle is solved, the boss appears.
  • The first phase shows which weapons (tools) need to be used to repair certain parts of the Leviathan. The player will need this knowledge in the future during the walkthrough.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Ini Stormcoil
▶️It won't take much work to get the Leviathan ready. Just leave it to me!
Ambassador Faelin
▶️This is exciting! Would you believe it's my first time on a submarine?
Ini Stormcoil
▶️Actually, yes.


Ambassador Faelin
▶️How do we start up the engines on this delightful contraption?
Ini Stormcoil
▶️Uh, this kinda thing requires a more technical mind, if you know what I mean.
Ambassador Faelin
▶️Fascinating! I shall watch you work.

Correct actions

Ambassador Faelin
▶️Is everything progressing well? I can't quite follow it.
Ini Stormcoil
▶️It's amazing. Spectacular.
Caye Stardusk
▶️I think it's best not to bother her, ambassador.
Grace Farsail
▶️How do you keep track of all that?
Ini Stormcoil
▶️It's not too hard if you wrote the manual.
Sir Finley
▶️Ah, just like assembling an ancient statue!
Ini Stormcoil
▶️See? The murloc gets it.
Halus Sunwatcher
▶️Somehow I have the feeling you're making this up as you go along.
Ini Stormcoil
▶️Shh, that's a secret!

The Leviathan is fixed

Ini Stormcoil
▶️And we're underway!
Ambassador Faelin
▶️I can't believe it!

Patrol Captain appears

Caye Stardusk
▶️There's a Suramar vessel on our tail... looks like a patrol ship.
Patrol Captain
▶️Unidentified vessel! Halt immediately!
Ambassador Faelin
▶️We can't turn back now!
Ini Stormcoil
▶️You heard the ambassador. To battlestations!
Ambassador Faelin
▶️Don't sink them, just do enough damage to keep them from following us.
Grace Farsail
▶️You got it.
Sir Finley Mrgglton
▶️An upstanding decision.
Halus Sunwatcher
▶️I wouldn't dream of doing otherwise.

Emote Response

Patrol Captain
▶️Now you wish to talk?

Hero Power

Patrol Captain
▶️Tow them back!
▶️They won't get away!
▶️Obey the rule of law!


Patrol Captain
▶️We just lowered the shield, and already people are causing so much trouble!
▶️What a strange vessel. I can't tell if it's made by goblins or gnomes or gnolls.
▶️I promise, I'm a lot less of a threat to you than the Grand Magistrix will be...

Turn 2

Halus Sunwatcher
Patrol Captain
▶️You may drive us back, but there are other dangers! You don't know what's out there!
Halus Sunwatcher
▶️Isn't that the point?
Ambassador Faelin
▶️I like the way you think, Halus.
Sir Finley
Caye Stardusk
▶️They must not want anyone to explore these waters until the Grand Magistrix's officials do.
Sir Finley
▶️Exploration is always a bit... competitive in my experience.
Grace Farsail

Boss at 15 Health or less

Patrol Captain
▶️We're taking on water. We can't hold up much longer!
Grace Farsail
▶️Serves you right.

Lorebook -  Stormcoil's Log Excerpt

▶️Day 601: Still no passengers. Maybe I should have built a submarine with lower operating costs. But where's the fun in that? The Leviathan is worth every last gold coin they have. Surely SOMEONE will need to visit the bottom of the sea at some point? I mean, aside from me. I didn't become a top tinker to hang out in normal places.

Lorebook -  The Leviathan Manual

▶️Based on the tradition of submergible vessels developed during the Second War, the Leviathan possesses many unique features. Its upgraded fusion core has proved remarkably stable in all instances--except for fires--and its mainframe interface has never been hacked, aside from the Stormcoil Override.


Patrol Captain
▶️We can't take any more damage. Retreat to port!
Ambassador Faelin
▶️We've done it!
Ini Stormcoil
▶️Good job defending the Leviathan. We're in fine shape to forge ahead.
Caye Stardusk
▶️I only hope our future trials end this well...


Patrol Captain
▶️The Grand Magistrix will have questions for you. I hope you're prepared to answer them.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Patch changes

Card changes