Cenarius (Druid boss)

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.
For other uses of Cenarius, see Cenarius (disambiguation).

Cenarius is the first boss in druid's Book of Heroes chapter.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Learn to Grow
Generated cards
Story 08 Fertilize.png
Story 08 Weeding.png
Story 08 Planting.png

Player's hero[edit | edit source]


Special cards[edit | edit source]


Story 08 Fertilize.png
Story 08 Weeding.png
Story 08 Planting.png
Prologue MoongladePortal.png


Story 08 WildStag.png
Story 08 TyrandePriestess.png
Story 01 Shandris.png

Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Cenarius (29/30) Malfurion
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss Moonglade Portal 1 Boss  Wild Stag 2
Druid  Innervate 2  Priestess Tyrande 1
 Living Roots 2  Shandris Feathermoon 1
 Naturalize 2 Druid  Innervate 2
 Treenforcements 1  Pounce 2
 Earthen Scales 2  Enchanted Raven 2
 Mark of the Wild 1  Mark of the Wild 2
 Power of the Wild 1  Power of the Wild 2
 Blessing of the Ancients 1  Feral Rage 2
 Grove Tender 2  Wild Growth 2
 Mark of Nature 1  Nourish 2
 Soul of the Forest 1  Twilight Runner 2
 Germination 1  Druid of the Claw 2
 Keeper of the Grove 1  Ancient of Lore 2
 Crystal Stag 1  Ancient of War 2
 Glowfly Swarm 2 Druid, Shaman  Groundskeeper 2
 Nourish 1
 Druid of the Claw 1
 Hidden Oasis 1
 Ancient of Lore 2
 Malorne 1
 Ironbark Protector 1


To edit these notes, go to Template:Cenarius (Druid boss) notes.

The player always draws the cards on first thirteen turns in the next order:

    • Turn 2,3 -  Wild Stag
    • Turn 4,5 -  Wild Growth
    • Turn 6,7 -  Mark of the Wild
    • Turn 8,9 -  Innervate
    • Turn 10, 11 -  Power of the Wild
    • Turn 12, 13 -  Nourish
      • If the player draws another card per turn, the next card in the list will be drawn. Further cards drawn on this turn will be random.
      • If the player has drawn more than one card per turn, a random one will be drawn on the next turn.
  • Boss is Immune. To win this encounter, the player has to play eight Training Cards.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Malfurion (present)
▶️Ten thousand years ago, the world had not yet changed.
▶️There was peace and prosperity in our forests, and the demigods still walked within them. From them, I learned all I needed to know.


▶️Long have we trained, young Malfurion. our skill has blossomed before me.
▶️I fear there is much left for me to master, shan'do.
▶️Then let us practice.

Emote Response

▶️Listen to the wild...

Hero Power

▶️Fight for the forests.
▶️Growing strong!
▶️Guard these lands!


▶️All is in harmony under the trees.
▶️Why do your people seek cities and palaces when there is shelter enough in nature?
▶️Not all elves understand my ways as you do. I worry for them.

Turn 1

▶️I have many students in my forest, yet none are like you.

Turn 2

▶️Some may pursue other forms of power, like the arcane.
▶️But it is a foul affront to the might of nature.
▶️My brother is one of those...

Turn 3

▶️Do not let your brother dismay you but be prepared lest you need to intervene.
▶️I shall.


▶️Your growth pleases all the wild. Soon, you shall be blessed with a crown worthy of your studies.
▶️You mean... antlers?
▶️Of course. Maintain your focus well, thero'shan. You will need it in the days to come.


▶️I must become a better teacher to guide you forward.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Cenarius, Lord of the Forest and patron god of all druids, is one of the most powerful and influential demigods of Azeroth.
As the son of Elune, goddess of the moon, and the demigod Malorne, Cenarius inherited a deep connection to the world of Azeroth and its creatures. When Cenarius' birth sent a ripple through the Emerald Dream,  Ysera took an immediate interest in him. Guiding him into the Dream, she taught him much of its secrets and became a foster mother of sorts to him. Cenarius grew to love the lush forests of Ysera's verdant realm. He could often be found treading its infinite dreamways, either watching over Azeroth and its creatures, or simply hoping for all that they might yet become.
The demigod grew into a powerful and cunning being, the union of the heavens and the earth. He has many powers over nature, which he inherited from his father Malorne. His daughters are known as the fey dryads and his sons as the wise Keepers of the Grove, or simply "keepers", including Keeper Remulos, Ordanus, and Zaetar.


Patch changes

Card changes

  • Forged in the Barrens Mini-set logo.pngPatch (2021-06-03):
    • Now reads: "The ancient Forest Lord chose you to become his pupil after looking deeply into your heart." (previously: "No text")
  • Forged in the Barrens logo.pngPatch (2021-05-04):
    • Added.