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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

Murgaloc is the 10th boss in Faelin's Book of Heroes chapter. This boss is available only if Halus Sunwatcher or Grace Farsail were selected as the companions.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Murloc Mayhem

Player's hero[edit | edit source]

Ambassador Faelin

Special cards[edit | edit source]

Boss[edit | edit source]

Story 11 Mission9a Lorebook2.png
Story 11 Mission9a Lorebook1.png
Story 11 Murgill.png
Story 11 MurlocMenace.png

Player[edit | edit source]

Story 11 LightningBloom.png
Story 08 NatureStudies.png
Story 11 SalvageBot.png
Story 11 Caye 1.png
Story 11 Caye 2.png
Story 11 Grace 2.png
Story 11 Halus 2.png
Story 11 Ini 1.png

Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Murgaloc Ambassador Faelin
Grace Farsail Halus Sunwatcher
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss  Murgill 2 Boss Nature Studies 2 Boss Lightning Bloom 2
 Murloc Menace 2  Caye Stardusk 1 Nature Studies 2
Shaman  Nofin Can Stop Us 1 Grace Farsail 1 Caye Stardusk 1
Warlock  Rock Bottom 2 Ini Stormcoil 1 Halus Sunwatcher 1
 Azsharan Scavenger 2 Druid  Innervate 2 Ini Stormcoil 1
 Chum Bucket 2  Earthen Scales 2 Druid  Bottomfeeder 2
 Voidgill 2  Lunar Eclipse 2  Ironbark 2
 Bloodscent Vilefin 2  Solar Eclipse 2  Lunar Eclipse 2
 Seadevil Stinger 2  Flipper Friends 2  Solar Eclipse 2
 Gigafin 1  Lunar Visions 2  Overgrowth 2
Neutral  Murloc Tidecaller 2  Nourish 2  Flipper Friends 2
 Toxfin 2  Umbral Owl 1  Lunar Visions 2
 Murloc Tidehunter 2 Neutral  Naval Mine 2  Umbral Owl* 2
 Coldlight Seer 2  Security Automaton* 2 Neutral  Click-Clocker 2
 Murloc Warleader 2  Seascout Operator 2  Security Automaton 2
 Gorloc Ravager 2  Azsharan Sentinel 2  Seascout Operator 2
 Spammy Arcanist 2  Spammy Arcanist 1

Notes[edit | edit source]

Halus Sunwatcher
Grace Farsail
      • If these cards were drawn earlier, the player will draw a random card instead on the corresponding turn.
      • If the player uses Dredge, the cards above will be drawn after dredged cards.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Caye Stardusk
▶️Faelin's old maps don't match the terrain here.... I'm worried we've made a wrong turn.
Ambassador Faelin
▶️I don't recognize anything anymore. The world I knew has vanished.
Ini Stormcoil
▶️Did you uh, know any murlocs though? 'Cause that one seems real angry with us.


Ini Stormcoil
▶️I don't know how this happened, but the Leviathan is covered in murlocs!
Ambassador Faelin
▶️Get out there and shoo them away!

Emote Response


Turn 1

Halus Sunwatcher
▶️These murlocs are no great danger, but they may alert worse enemies to our position.
Caye Stardusk
▶️That's a good point.
Grace Farsail
▶️Ah, I was just thinking our menu could use a catch of the day!
Ambassador Faelin
▶️Grace, this is serious! We have important work to do!

Turn 3

Halus Sunwatcher
▶️How is the Leviathan holding up, Ini?
Ini Stormcoil
▶️My repairs were solid. It can take a few hits from some fish.
Grace Farsail
▶️What's the best way to season a murloc? Sea salt and a little fish oil?
Ambassador Faelin
▶️I won't eat anything that talks!

Turn 7

Halus Sunwatcher
▶️Do you truly recognize nothing of these surroundings, ambassador?
Ambassador Faelin
▶️I wish I could... but it's all so different now. We'll have to explore everything.
Grace Farsail
▶️What if we dried the meat and called it Murky Jerky?
Ambassador Faelin
▶️I've lost my appetite!

Turn 9

Ini Stormcoil
▶️I wonder what drew them to the Leviathan.
Caye Stardusk
▶️Maybe they think it's a relative?
Ini Stormcoil
▶️Given how they're gnawing at it, maybe they think it's a snack!
Halus Sunwatcher
Grace Farsail
▶️I can relate. I'm hungry too.

Lorebook -  Essential Galley Recipes Vol. 6

▶️The ubiquitous murloc proves a loyal kitchen standby on the open seas. Freshly caught, it can make a passable sashimi or poke, but you can also hide any off flavors by putting it in a spicy seafood stew. No one will believe you if you say it's tuna though.

Lorebook -  Guide to Murlocs

▶️It has been one of my chief regrets that the murloc scholarship remains in its infancy. Though other species may take a reductive view of us, murlocs are a highly varied and complex group that has consistently adapted to suit their environments - from freshwater lakes to the bottom of the sea.


Ambassador Faelin
▶️Goodness, that was trying, though we prevailed.
Grace Farsail
▶️Who's ready for lunch?
Halus Sunwatcher
▶️May we always be so blessed.
Ini Stormcoil
▶️I wouldn't go that far.



Trivia[edit | edit source]


Patch changes

Card changes