Captain Maya

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

Captain Maya is a seventh boss in Faelin's Book of Heroes chapter.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]


Player's hero[edit | edit source]

Ambassador Faelin
Advise Rank 1

Special cards[edit | edit source]

Boss[edit | edit source]

Story 11 FragileCargo.png
Story 11 Mission6 Lorebook3.png
Story 11 Mission6 Lorebook2.png
Story 11 Mission6 Lorebook1.png
Story 11 NervousPassenger.png
Story 11 PanickedSailor.png
Story 11 MurlocMenace2.png
Story 11 StormTyrant2.png

Player[edit | edit source]

Story 05 FaithsDefender.png
Story 08 NetherweaveBandage.png
Story 11 RearrangeCargo.png
Story 11 Caye 2.png
Story 11 Finley 2.png
Story 11 SupplyChain.png
Story 11 Gaiat.png
Story 11 Gaiat2.png
Story 11 Grace 2.png
Story 11 Halus 2.png
Story 11 SeaSummoning.png
Story 11 Mothership.png
Story 11 Gaia.png

Decks[edit | edit source]

Grace Farsail Halus Sunwatcher Sir Finley
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss Grace Farsail 1 Boss  Faith's Defender 1 Boss Caye Stardusk 1
Mothership 1 Caye Stardusk 1 Sir Finley Mrrgglton 1
Druid  Innervate 3 Halus Sunwatcher 1 Gaia, the Techtonic 1
 Pounce 3  Sea Summoning 2 Druid  Innervate 4
 Azsharan Gardens 4 Gaia, the Techtonic 1  Azsharan Gardens 4
 Crystal Power 3 Druid  Innervate 3  Crystal Power 3
 Power of the Wild* 4  Azsharan Gardens 4  Moonbeam 4
 Feral Rage 3  Crystal Power 3  Mark of the Wild* 4
 Bite 2  Moonbeam 4  Branching Paths 3
 Swipe 1  Mark of the Wild* 4 Neutral  Click-Clocker 3
Neutral  Security Automaton 4  Feral Rage 4  Seascout Operator 2
Neutral  Click-Clocker 2

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The player has to destroy 10 human-alike enemy minions to win this encounter.
    • Boss' hero power does not affect the summoned minions.
    • After all enemies are gone, the new seven enemy minions appear after the boss uses a hero power.
  • The encounter will end in player's defeat if the boss kills 12 humans via its hero power or "reinforcements" appear for the fourth time.
  • If the player destroys  Fragile Cargo it either will spawn a random certain minion via its deathrattle, give the player a coin or do nothing.
Halus Sunwatcher
Sir Finley
Grace Farsail
      • If these cards were drawn earlier, the player will draw a random card instead on the corresponding turn.
      • If the player uses Dredge, the cards above will be drawn after dredged cards.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Ini Stormcoil
▶️Finally, a moment of quiet.
Caye Stardusk
▶️Well... I'm getting a message from the surface. It sounds like a distress call!
Ambassador Faelin
▶️We have to help them! Take us up!
Ini Stormcoil
▶️At this rate, we'll never get to the ruins... But you're right.


Captain Maya
▶️Someone aid us, please! Our ship is sinking!
Ambassador Faelin
▶️What can we do?!
Captain Maya
▶️Help me evacuate everyone while there's still time!

Emote Response

Captain Maya
▶️I can't talk now!


Captain Maya
▶️Please save as many as you can. They didn't deserve this!
▶️My crew means everything to me. If only I'd known a storm would come.
▶️I will go down with my ship if I must.

Turn 1

Captain Maya
▶️We're a merchant crew, but we have passengers as well.
▶️Please save them. I think everyone's on the verge of panic.
Ambassador Faelin
▶️I certainly would be!

Turn 2

Captain Maya
▶️The people come first, but if you can rescue any cargo, then I'll try to reward you.
Grace Farsail
▶️A reward sounds pretty good...
Sir Finley Mrgglton
▶️I wouldn't mind a treasure or two...
Halus Sunwatcher
▶️Doing what's right is reward enough.

Turn 5

Captain Maya
▶️We were following our normal route when a storm came out of nowhere and blew us off course.
Grace Farsail
▶️That's happened to me a time or two. But I never ended up out here!
Sir Finley Mrgglton
▶️You're lucky it wasn't worse!
Halus Sunwatcher
▶️We saw it too.

Turn 7

Captain Maya
▶️In all my time sailing, I've never seen this place...
Ambassador Faelin
▶️You are above the ruins of the ancient city of Zin-Azshari.
Captain Maya
▶️I... don't have time to ask you what that means.

Lorebook -  Maya's Journal

▶️Our voyage started smoothly enough as we embarked from Stormwind to Valiance Keep in Northrend. Just as we passed the halfway point, a tremendous hurricane appeared out of nowhere, driving us into unknown waters and damaging the boat beyond repair.

Lorebook -  Ini's Scribblings

▶️I wonder why the ambassador never told us exactly why he wanted to return... Could he be hiding something? Is he clever enough to hide something? That associate of his, Caye, sure seems to be. I hope I can trust them.
Ambassador Faelin
▶️Me? Of course I'm trustworthy!
Ini Stormcoil
▶️Then why are you reading my stuff?
Ambassador Faelin
▶️Oh, excuse me.

Lorebook -  Grace's Notes Part II

▶️Faelin really came through for me. I wasn't sure if I could trust him given his recklessness, and the whole impractical "I have to return home" thing... but there's a lot more to him than I first realized. Whenever he needs me, I know I'll be there.


Captain Maya
▶️Thank you all so much. We've deployed the lifeboats and boarded all survivors.
▶️Without your intervention, this would have been a bitter day.
Ambassador Faelin
▶️We did what anyone would have. Do take care as you head back.
Captain Maya
▶️I will.


Captain Maya
▶️I never imagined it could end like this...


Patch changes

Card changes