Garrosh Hellscream (Priest boss)

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.
For other uses of Garrosh Hellscream, see Garrosh Hellscream (disambiguation).

Garrosh Hellscream is the seventh boss in Priest's Book of Heroes adventure.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Equip Gorehowl

Player's hero[edit | edit source]

Harmonic Mallet

Special cards[edit | edit source]

Story 03 DivineBell.png
Story 03 Sha.png
Story 03 HordeArmorsmith.png
Story 03 MightofHellscream.png
Story 03 WarsongCommander.png
Story 03 WarsongAxe.png

Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Garrosh Hellscream Anduin Wrynn
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss  Horde Armorsmith 2 Paladin, Priest  Devout Pupil 2
 Might of Hellscream 2 Priest  Inner Fire 2
Warsong Commander 2  Northshire Cleric 2
 Warsong Axe 2  Power Word: Shield 2
Warrior  Inner Rage 2  Divine Hymn 2
 Battle Rage 2  Divine Spirit 2
 Execute 2  Holy Ripple 2
 Rampage 2  Extra Arms 2
 Shield Block 2  Holy Nova 2
 Warmaul Challenger 2  Lightsteed 2
 Kor'kron Elite 2  Holy Fire 2
 Armored Goon 2  Mass Resurrection 2
 Bloodboil Brute 2 Neutral  Stormwind Knight 2
Neutral  Bonechewer Brawler 2  Argent Commander 2
 Grook Fu Master 2  Stormwind Champion 2


To edit these notes, go to Template:Garrosh Hellscream (Priest boss) notes.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Anduin Wrynn (present)
▶️Just as I finished getting the pieces of the Harmonic Mallet, Horde warriors began to gather at an ancient mogu palace.
▶️It could only mean one thing - the Warchief was preparing to use the Divine Bell. Armed with the mallet, I went to intervene.


Garrosh Hellscream
▶️With the Divine Bell, I will burn away any remnants of weakness within the Horde's warriors!
Anduin Wrynn
▶️Stop, Garrosh! You do not know what that bell is capable of!

Emote Response

Garrosh Hellscream
▶️Your head is as empty as your father's.

Hero Power

Garrosh Hellscream
▶️Let the song of victory begin!
▶️Our suffering will end!
▶️The Horde will prevail!


Garrosh Hellscream
▶️When this war is won, my people will see prosperity at last.
▶️Your interference has cost me great warriors, young prince. You'll pay with your life.
▶️With the power of the bell on our side, the Horde will be unstoppable.

Turn 1

Garrosh Hellscream
▶️Haha... so in the end, it is not Varian, but his whelp who comes to face me.
▶️You run bravely to your death, young one!

Turn 3

Anduin Wrynn
▶️I will not let you do this. I swear to it!
Garrosh Hellscream
▶️Stop me then, human.

Turn 5

Anduin Wrynn
▶️The mogu made the Divine Bell to create chaos, but the pandaren created a mallet to counter it.
▶️That mallet was hidden for thousands of years, until now.

Effect of  Divine Bell

Garrosh Hellscream
▶️Fight the sha - master it! Use it!
▶️Doubt is for the weak!
▶️Control your hatred, your fear!


Garrosh Hellscream
▶️Die, whelp! Your Alliance must be at its end if it's sending children against me.
Divine Bell hits Anduin
Anduin Wrynn
▶️D... did I do it? Is the bell destroyed? Good.


Garrosh Hellscream
▶️Now Varian will know the price for his continued defiance...

Lore[edit | edit source]

From the official World of Warcraft site:

Garrosh Hellscream, former Warchief of the Horde, is a living testament to the dangers of unchecked aggression.
Garrosh was born on the orcish homeworld of Draenor, and grew up untainted by the demonic blood that twisted the orcs who invaded Azeroth. Though he wasn't demonically influenced himself, Garrosh was haunted by his family's legacy: his father, Grom Hellscream, was the first orc to embrace corruption by drinking the blood of the pit lord  Mannoroth. Garrosh lived in the shadow of his father's acts until he met  Warchief Thrall, founder of the renewed Horde, who explained to the younger Hellscream how Grom ultimately gave his life to lift the demonic blood-curse, and freed his race from servitude to dark forces.
Uplifted, Garrosh joined Thrall in Azeroth and quickly became a hero of the Horde by leading a successful offensive against the Lich King. When  Deathwing shattered the world, Thrall was forced to leave his throne to stop the destruction, and left Garrosh as his successor. Looking for ways to gather more resources and new territory for his people, Hellscream has initiated several brutal strikes against the Alliance, razing the city of Theramore and later clashing over the continent of Pandaria. As warchief, Garrosh's controversial actions have exposed the Horde to great scrutiny from outside--and within--his faction. With this increased scrutiny comes a greater danger of dissension and retaliation than the Horde has ever faced before.


Patch changes

Card changes