Abyssal Jailor

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

Abyssal Jailor is the 14th boss in Faelin's Book of Heroes chapter.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]


Player's hero[edit | edit source]

Caye Stardusk
Motivate Rank 2

Special cards[edit | edit source]

Boss[edit | edit source]

Story 11 AbyssalEnvoy.png
Story 11 Mission13 Lorebook1.png
Story 11 Mission13 Lorebook2.png

Player[edit | edit source]

Story 11 AbyssalKey.png
Story 11 Renew.png
Story 11 Finley 3.png
Story 11 Faelin 2.png
Story 11 Grace 3.png
Story 11 Halus 3.png
Story 11 Ini 2.png

Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Abyssal Jailor Caye Stardusk
Grace Farsail Halus Sunwatcher Sir Finley
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss  Abyssal Envoy 4 Boss Renew 2 Boss Ambassador Faelin 1 Boss Sir Finley Mrrgglton 1
Warlock  Wicked Whispers 2 Ambassador Faelin 1 Halus Sunwatcher 1 Ambassador Faelin 1
 Drain Soul 4 Grace Farsail 1 Ini Stormcoil 1 Ini Stormcoil 1
 Sira'kess Cultist 2 Ini Stormcoil 1 Priest  Desperate Prayer 2  Desperate Prayer 2
 Demonbolt 3 Priest  Desperate Prayer 2  Illuminate 2  Illuminate 2
Neutral  Faceless Rager 5  Illuminate 2  Holy Smite 1  Holy Smite 1
 Spawn of N'Zoth 2  Holy Smite 1  Shadow Word: Devour 2  Shadowcloth Needle 2
 Coilfang Constrictor 2  Shadow Word: Devour 2  Shadowcloth Needle 2  Bless 2
 Faceless Corruptor 2  Shadowcloth Needle 2  Bless 2  Condemn (Rank 1) 2
 Barbaric Sorceress 2  Insight 2  Holy Ripple 2  Insight 2
 Tentacled Menace 2  Power Word: Feast 2  Insight 2  Penance 2
 Shadow Visions 2  Shadow Visions 2  Shadow Visions 2
 Thrive in the Shadows 2  Thrive in the Shadows 2  Devout Dungeoneer 2
 Apotheosis 2  Devout Dungeoneer 2  Switcheroo 2
 Devout Dungeoneer 2  Switcheroo 2  Disarming Elemental 2
 Switcheroo 2  Disarming Elemental 2  Excavated Evil 2
 Disarming Elemental 2  Power Word: Fortitude 2  Power Word: Fortitude 2

Notes[edit | edit source]

Halus Sunwatcher
Sir Finley
Grace Farsail
      • If these cards were drawn earlier, the player will draw a random card instead on the corresponding turn.
      • If the player uses Dredge, the cards above will be drawn after dredged cards.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Ambassador Faelin
▶️It is hopeless. We are lost.
Ini Stormcoil
▶️I can't believe your old friend locked us up! What a jerk. Are you sure your memory didn't get twisted over all those years?
Caye Stardusk
▶️Ini, please. The ambassador has been through enough.
Ini Stormcoil
▶️Then let's find a way out of here. I bet the jailor has something that could work...


Caye Stardusk
▶️I'll get the jailor's attention. Hey! Over here, you overgrown mollusk!
Abyssal Jailor

Emote Response

Abyssal Jailor

Hero Power

Abyssal Jailor


Abyssal Jailor
▶️Your time runs out...
▶️None escape us...
▶️The depths will engulf you.

Turn 1

Caye Stardusk
▶️Uh, he's definitely focused on us now...
Ini Stormcoil
▶️Wow, your tactical genius is staggering.
Grace Farsail
▶️Enough, you two!

Turn 3

Halus Sunwatcher
Halus Sunwatcher
▶️The ambassador's spirits are too low. We must rise to this challenge ourselves.
Ambassador Faelin
▶️There is no chance.
Halus Sunwatcher
▶️You need not worry. I learned much from the statue.
Sir Finley
Sir Finley
▶️Let's all pitch in while Faelin takes a little, uh, breather.
Grace Farsail
Grace Farsail
▶️We'll have to work together to make up for Faelin.
Ambassador Faelin
▶️There is no chance.
Grace Farsail
▶️I'm well aware of your perspective.

Turn 4

Abyssal Jailor
▶️Rebellion is hopeless...
Ini Stormcoil
▶️That thing sounds like the ambassador!

Turn 7

Sir Finley
Caye Stardusk
▶️Keep wearing him down. We're gaining ground!
Sir Finley
▶️You don't need to tell me twice.
Grace Farsail
Grace Farsail
▶️Hope isn't completely lost. It just takes its sweet time to find us. Like when I was getting my ship back.

Lorebook -  Laws of the Queen

▶️Scholars and officials may tell you one thing, but I know the truth. There is only one law in all of Zin-Azshari, and that is to please the queen. Should you violate that law, you may find yourself... here.

Lorebook -  Prisoner's Log

▶️Will they ever release me, I wonder? The Queen knows my true feelings, I'm certain of it. But my family may still be on my side. If they intervene for me, they will risk everything… Even my friend must think the world of me, never seeing the truth. In pleasing everyone, I have only betrayed them all.
Ambassador Faelin
▶️Who wrote this, I wonder?


Abyssal Jailor takes lethal damage
The player gets  Abyssal Key in hand
Caye Stardusk
▶️I can't believe we pulled that off!
Ini Stormcoil
▶️Now we can get to the important part: finding the Leviathan!
Ambassador Faelin
▶️Impossible. The palace is huge... we will get caught.
Grace Farsail
▶️I'm willing to take that chance.
Sir Finley Mrgglton
▶️Not with my compass to steer us along carefully!
Halus Sunwatcher
▶️I will worry about that. You must heal your heart.


Abyssal Jailor
▶️Your futile ploy ends here.


Patch changes

Card changes