Monkey King

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

Monkey King is the sixth boss in Priest's Book of Heroes adventure.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Flying Monkey Kick

Player's hero[edit | edit source]

Light Thinking

Special cards[edit | edit source]

Jade Warlord
Untamed Ambertail
Sam the Wise
Story 05 JourneyBelow.png
TB 008.png
Story 05 MetalBrew.png
Story 05 YouthfulBrewmaster.png
Story 05 AncientBrewmaster.png

Decks[edit | edit source]


The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Phase 1 Phase 2 (18/24) Phase 3 Phase 4
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Druid  Jade Idol 4 Rogue  Backstab 2 Boss Youthful Brewmaster 5 Boss Journey Below 2
 Jade Stash 2  Sinister Strike 1 Ancient Brewmaster 4 Rotten Banana 2
Rogue  Jade Shuriken 4  Eviscerate 1 Rogue  Conceal 2 Rogue  Backstab 2
 Jade Swarmer 3  Biteweed 4  Cheap Shot 2  Counterfeit Coin 2
Shaman  Mogu Fleshshaper 2  Vendetta 2  Shiv 2  Eviscerate 2
Neutral  Jade Spirit 3  Vilespine Slayer 3  Fan of Knives 2  Jade Shuriken 2
 Jade Behemoth 2 Neutral  Emperor Cobra 2  Lotus Assassin 3  Jade Swarmer 2
 Wasteland Scorpid 3  Shado-Pan Rider 4  Shenanigans 2
 Fan of Knives 2
Neutral  Loot Hoarder 2
 Banana Buffoon 2
 Banana Vendor 2
 King Mukla 1
 Hozen Healer 2
 Jade Spirit 2
 Aya Blackpaw 1


Anduin Wrynn
Class Card Quantity
Paladin, Priest  Devout Pupil 2
Priest  Circle of Healing 2
 Inner Fire 2
 Northshire Cleric 2
 Power Word: Shield 2
 Divine Hymn 2
 Divine Spirit 1
 Holy Ripple 2
 Extra Arms 2
 Holy Nova 2
 Mass Resurrection 2
Neutral  Stormwind Knight 3
 Argent Commander 3
 Stormwind Champion 3


To edit these notes, go to Template:Monkey King notes.
  • Boss is Immune and his hero power is disabled at first three phases.
  • Boss starts with  Jade Warlord on the board.
  • After the boss minion is killed, boss' deck is replaced by a new one.
    • After  Jade Warlord and  Untamed Ambertail die, boss gets a new decks of 24 cards. Boss gets a random cards of these decks in hand in the amount equal to the number of cards in hand at the previous phase.
    • After  Sam the Wise dies, boss gets a new decks of 30 cards. Boss gets the copies of random cards of this deck in hand in the amount equal to the number of cards in hand at the previous phase.
  • Battlecries of Youthful and  Ancient Brewmaster are disabled.
  • The player always gets  Circle of Healing,  Extra Arms,  Divine Spirit on mulligan.
    • These cards can be replaced with  Inner Fire,  Holy Ripple,  Mass Resurrection. The replacement takes place from left to right (i.e., if the player replaced one card, they will receive Inner Fire regardless of whether Circle of Healing or Divine Spirit was replaced).
  • The player always draws the cards on first ten turns in the next order:

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Anduin Wrynn (present)
▶️I escaped from the Horde camp, but there was much left for me to do in Pandaria.
▶️When I learned the Warchief had obtained a powerful artifact, the Divine Bell, I knew we needed a counter. Fortunately, legends revealed one: the Harmonic Mallet.
▶️But it was hidden away by a strange creature called the Monkey King... and he himself had been imprisoned for many years.


Anduin Wrynn
▶️I'll try to free him... Here goes nothing!
Monkey King
▶️Iiiiiiiiii'm back Wikkets!

Emote Response

Monkey King
▶️Don't be boring or I'll start snoring!

Hero Power

Monkey King


Monkey King
▶️The Divine Bell was made for the Thunder King, but it should've belonged to the Monkey King!
▶️Mogu are fools who love to fight, but clever hozen party every night!
▶️It's more fun to speak in verse, even though you can't be terse.

Jade Warlord is destroyed

Monkey King
▶️You saved me from an eternity trapped in jade! I'm gonna throw you the biggest party ever made!
Anduin Wrynn
▶️Thank you, but this is hardly the time.
▶️A dangerous war leader has found the Divine Bell. We need the Harmonic Mallet to stop him.
Monkey King
▶️Three riddles I will ask. These riddles are a task. Finish each without pause, then I will help your cause.
▶️Seek out the creature sad and somber, and free it from its untamed amber.
 Untamed Ambertail appears on the enemy board

Untamed Ambertail is destroyed

Monkey King
▶️Bring to me a metal brew, then I will share the mallet with you.
 Sam the Wise appears on the enemy board

Sam the Wise is destroyed

Sam the Wise
▶️Enjoy this well-earned brew.
 Metal Brew is added to the boss hand
Monkey King
▶️A test of strength the Monkey King will require, before you receive this tool of your desire.


Monkey King
▶️Mogu are not bright, they fail to see things for what they are.
▶️The Monkey King broke the mallet and sent the pieces afar.
▶️The head, the handle, these two must be made as one.
▶️Combined with evil's ointment, the bell's evil can be undone.
Anduin Wrynn
▶️Ah, great. More work.


Monkey King
▶️Take some care, little thing. You deal with the Monkey King!

Lore[edit | edit source]

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
The Monkey King is a hozen who was a companion of Shaohao, the last emperor of Pandaria.
After hearing about the Horde's acquisition of the  Divine Bell, Prince  Anduin Wrynn began searching for a means to counter its power. His research has led him to an item known as the  Harmonic Mallet. The Harmonic Mallet was last seen in the hands of the Monkey King. The tomb of the Monkey King is located in Tomb of Conquerors, where he and his mogu adversary are frozen in jade. Anduin discovered an incantation to release him from the jade imprisonment but it would release the Jade Warlord as well. After the Alliance champion defeats the  Jade Warlord, the Monkey King asks the champion to solve his three riddles in exchange for the whereabouts of the Harmonic Mallet: an instrument used by the Pandaren rebels in ancient times to counter the mogu's Divine Bell by turning its power into pure harmony. After solving his riddles, the Monkey King revealed that he had to to break the mallet and sent his minions to hide its pieces in the far away corners of Pandaria in order to prevent it from falling into mogu hands.


Patch changes

Card changes