Laura Bailey

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Laura Bailey publicity shot

Laura Bailey is a voice actor for the cards listed here.



This section will list a maximum of 500 cards only.

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Collectible Constructed cards
Collectible Constructed cards
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
HERO 08h.png
HERO 08o.png
HERO 08g.png
HERO 08i.png
HERO 08ak.png
HERO 08w.png
HERO 08c.png
HERO 08t.png
HERO 08.png
HERO 08y.png
HERO 08as Jaina.png
HERO 08j.png
HERO 08k.png
HERO 08u.png
HERO 08n.png
HERO 08f.png
HERO 08aw Jaina hnv.png
HERO 08av Jaina hnv.png
HERO 08af.png
ICC 910.png
TTN 071.png
ICC 833.png

Boss cards

This section will list a maximum of 50 cards only.

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Boss cards
Boss cards
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
Story 07 Jaina 007hb.png
TU4a 006.png
Story 01 JainaYoung.png
Story 01 JainaMid.png
Story 01 Jaina.png
Story 05 Jaina.png
Story 04 Jaina.png

Battlegrounds[edit source]

Mercenaries[edit source]

Other cards[edit source]

Credits as Jaina Proudmoore[edit | edit source]

External links