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This content is only for Mercenaries.

The Village is the main hub of Mercenaries and also the first scene when the player visits the mode. The Village consists of buildings that have different functionalities which grant the players access to different content of Mercenaries.

Village look (1)

Village look (2)

Village look (3)

Buildings[edit | edit source]

  • Workshop is the first available building for new players. All other buildings are unavailable, but can be built, upgraded, and even given new looks in Workshop.
  • Tavern is equivalent to Collection manager, except that the player manages their Mercenaries collection.
  • Travel Point is where the player accesses PvE content of Mercenaries, similar Solo Adventures.
  • Fighting Pit is where the player accesses PvP content of Mercenaries, similar to Constructed.
  • Merchant Cart is equivalent to the Shop, except that it only shows Mercenaries-only bundles and items for sale.
  • Mailbox is where the player gets announcements from Blizzard about Mercenaries updates.
  • Campfire is equivalent to the Quest Log in the Journal, except that they are called Mercenaries/Tasks instead of quests and reward a variety of Mercenaries items.