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This content is only for Mercenaries.
Frozen characters lose their next ability this turn.

Freeze is a keyword used in Mercenaries. Its internal name is FREEZE.

Differently from its counterpart is Constructed game modes, Freeze prevents a Mercenaries/Character from using an Ability this turn, not just from Mercenaries/Attacking.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Freeze is only effective when the affected character has not used their ability yet.
  • Freeze always goes off right after the turn it affects regardless of the character who has used their ability or not, unless the card text mentions "until next turn" or similar sentences.

Cards with Freeze[edit | edit source]

Characters[edit | edit source]

Level max mercenaries
Level max mercenaries
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
Lesser Water Elemental
Whenever this damages a character, Freeze them.
Lesser Water Elemental {0}
Lesser Water Elemental 1
Lesser Water Elemental 2
Lesser Water Elemental 3

Abilities[edit | edit source]

NameSpeedCooldownAttackHealthSubtype[?]TextUsed by
Ice Lance 1 5 2 Frost Freeze a character this turn. If it was already Frozen, deal 10 damage instead. Tyrande Whisperwind
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
Ice Lance 1

Equipment[edit | edit source]

Card not found. Card not found.

Referenced cards[edit | edit source]

Characters[edit | edit source]

Level max mercenaries
Level max mercenaries
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
Taunt. Freeze any character damaged by this merc.
Frosted Elemental
Deathrattle: Freeze all enemies.
Glacial Shard
Freeze any character damaged by this minion.
Lesser Water Elemental
Whenever this damages a character, Freeze them.
Lesser Water Elemental {0}
Lesser Water Elemental 1
Lesser Water Elemental 2
Lesser Water Elemental 3
Freeze all characters Attacking Azshara until the end of next turn.
Water Elemental {0}
Water Elemental 1
Water Elemental 2
Water Elemental 3
Water Elemental 4

Abilities[edit | edit source]

NameSpeedCooldownAttackHealthSubtype[?]TextUsed by
Cold Snap 1 6 1 Frost Deal 2 damage to all enemies. Deathblow: Freeze all enemies. Tyrande Whisperwind
Cone of Cold {0} 7 3 Frost Freeze an enemy and adjacent enemies and deal 1 damage to them.
Cryoblast {0} 6 0 Frost Deal 13 damage to an enemy. Deathblow: Freeze its neighbors.
Freezing Touch 1 4 2 Frost Freeze a character. They are Immune while Frozen. They deal 4 damage to your enemies when they lose Frozen.
Frost Blade {0} 0 0 Frost Passive: After this Merc attacks a character, Freeze it.
Frost Blast 1 5 2 Frost Freeze an enemy and deal 5 damage to adjacent enemies.
Frostbolt 1 6 1 Frost Deal 3 damage to an enemy. If it has not acted yet, Freeze it this turn.
Frostshield 1 5 2 Frost Gain Taunt this turn. After an enemy Attacks this Merc, Freeze it until the end of next turn. Sneed
Holy Judgment 1 5 1 Holy Deal 3 damage to an enemy. Holy Combo: Freeze them.
Ice Lance 1 5 2 Frost Freeze a character this turn. If it was already Frozen, deal 10 damage instead. Tyrande Whisperwind
Paralytic Poison {0} 5 0 Passive: Friendly characters Freeze enemies when Attacking from Stealth.
Remorseless Winter {0} 8 0 Frost Start of Game: Freeze all enemies.
Ring of Frost {0} 0 0 Frost Deathrattle: Deal 3 damage to all enemies and Freeze them.
Water Elemental 1 5 1 3 6 Elemental Taunt. Whenever this damages a character, Freeze them.
Windchill {0} 7 0 Frost Deal 18 damage to and Freeze all characters that have already acted.
Windchill 4 7 0 Frost Deal 14 damage to and Freeze all characters that have already acted.
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
Cold Snap 1
Cone of Cold {0}
Cryoblast {0}
Freezing Touch 1
Frost Blade {0}
Frost Blast 1
Frostbolt 1
Frostshield 1
Holy Judgment 1
Ice Lance 1
Paralytic Poison {0}
Remorseless Winter {0}
Ring of Frost {0}
Water Elemental 1
Windchill {0}
Windchill 4

Equipment[edit | edit source]

NameTierCraftTextUsed byUnlocked
Band of Frost {0} 4 175 Passive: After you Freeze an enemy, gain +3 Frost Damage. Varden Dawngrasp Task 7
Band of Frost 2 2 0 Passive: After you Freeze an enemy, gain +1 Frost Damage. Varden Dawngrasp Task 7
Band of Frost 3 3 150 Passive: After you Freeze an enemy, gain +2 Frost Damage. Varden Dawngrasp Task 7
Chilling Amulet {0} 4 175 Deathrattle: Deal 14 Frost damage to all enemies and Freeze a random enemy. Varden Dawngrasp Level 30
Chilling Amulet 1 1 0 Deathrattle: Deal 8 Frost damage to all enemies and Freeze a random enemy. Varden Dawngrasp Level 30
Chilling Amulet 2 2 100 Deathrattle: Deal 10 Frost damage to all enemies and Freeze a random enemy. Varden Dawngrasp Level 30
Chilling Amulet 3 3 150 Deathrattle: Deal 12 Frost damage to all enemies and Freeze a random enemy. Varden Dawngrasp Level 30
Glacial Blade {0} 4 175 Passive: +6 Attack. After this Merc Attacks a character, Freeze them. Drek'Thar Task 2
Glacial Blade 1 1 0 Passive: +2 Attack. After this Merc Attacks a character, Freeze them. Drek'Thar Task 2
Glacial Blade 2 2 100 Passive: +4 Attack. After this Merc Attacks a character, Freeze them. Drek'Thar Task 2
Glacial Blade 3 3 150 Passive: +5 Attack. After this Merc Attacks a character, Freeze them. Drek'Thar Task 2
Lesser Water Elemental {0} 4 175 Battlecry: Summon a 10/15 Elemental that Freezes characters it damages. Balinda Stonehearth Heroic
Lesser Water Elemental 1 1 0 Battlecry: Summon a 3/6 Elemental that Freezes characters it damages. Balinda Stonehearth Heroic
Lesser Water Elemental 2 2 100 Battlecry: Summon a 6/9 Elemental that Freezes characters it damages. Balinda Stonehearth Heroic
Lesser Water Elemental 3 3 150 Battlecry: Summon a 8/12 Elemental that Freezes characters it damages. Balinda Stonehearth Heroic
The Unstoppable Force {0} 4 175 Passive: +6 Attack. Can't be Frozen. Vanndar Stormpike Heroic
The Unstoppable Force 1 1 0 Passive: +2 Attack. Can't be Frozen. Vanndar Stormpike Heroic
The Unstoppable Force 2 2 100 Passive: +4 Attack. Can't be Frozen. Vanndar Stormpike Heroic
The Unstoppable Force 3 3 150 Passive: +5 Attack. Can't be Frozen. Vanndar Stormpike Heroic
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
Band of Frost {0}
Band of Frost 2
Band of Frost 3
Chilling Amulet {0}
Chilling Amulet 1
Chilling Amulet 2
Chilling Amulet 3
Glacial Blade {0}
Glacial Blade 1
Glacial Blade 2
Glacial Blade 3
Lesser Water Elemental {0}
Lesser Water Elemental 1
Lesser Water Elemental 2
Lesser Water Elemental 3
The Unstoppable Force {0}
The Unstoppable Force 1
The Unstoppable Force 2
The Unstoppable Force 3