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This content is only for Mercenaries.
Tavern's default look

Tavern is a Village building where the player can manage their Mercenaries collection.

Upgrades[edit | edit source]

Tavern starts at Tier 0.

ImageNameDescriptionGold cost
The Tavern - Tier 0 (Non-visible) An empty plot of land. 0
BuildingTierId 29 The Tavern - Tier 1 Power up your Mercenaries. 0

Collection manager[edit | edit source]

Collection manager

  • In the collection manager, all mercenaries are organized into three sections, each represent all available Mercenaries/Roles: Protector, Fighter, and Caster respectively.
  • At the right part of the collection, the player can see all the parties they have created, or create a new one there. The blank wooden part shows the weakness system of the roles as a reminder for the player.
  • At the bottom part of the collection, the player can use the search function to search the Mercenaries/Mercenary cards, and a "Crafting" button to craft ones they do not own.
  • The footer of each Mercenary card represent their unique coins the player have earned so far. It disappears when the player is building a party.

The player can click or tap on a Mercenary card to see more details of it, including its abilities, Mercenaries/Equipments, and portraits. This screen is also where the player can upgrade them with coins and wear an equipment for their mercenary.

Searching[edit | edit source]

Main article: Collection manager
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The search functionality in Tavern inherits most of the features in the Constructed collection manager, with some additional features exclusive to it.

Tavern search terms
upgradeReturns all mercenaries with enough coins to upgrade.
missingReturns all mercenaries unowned and turns on the Crafting button.
goldenReturns all mercenaries with chosen golden portrait.
diamondReturns all mercenaries with chosen diamond portrait.

Additionally, the player can also filter mercenaries with any properties from their abilities or Mercenaries/Equipments. For example, if the player types "fire" and searches, the collection manager will return all mercenaries whose abilities or equipments' spell school is Fire or text that contains the word "fire" (either uppercased or lowercased).

Videos[edit | edit source]

Mercenary wearing an equipment

Upgrading an ability

Upgrading an equipment
