Merchant Cart

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This content is only for Mercenaries.
Merchant Cart's default look

Merchant Cart is equivalent to Shop, except that it only shows Mercenaries-specific products.[1]

Upgrades[edit | edit source]

Merchant Cart starts at Tier 0.

ImageNameDescriptionGold cost
The Merchant Cart - Tier 0 (Non-visible) An empty plot of land. 0
Shop Tier1.png The Merchant Cart - Tier 1 Access the shop. 0

Bundles[edit | edit source]

Every 10AM PT on Wednesday, Merchant Cart releases new bundles for sale or removes old bundles. There are usually:

  • Mercenary bundles - These bundles will contain at least a Mercenary card. They may also contain that mercenary's coins or Mercenaries/Mercenaries Packs. These bundles' names are automatically generated, like  Long'xin Bundle, or Long'xin.
  • Portrait bundles - First appears in Patch These bundles will contain at least a mercenary's random portrait. They may also contain that mercenary's coins or Mercenaries Packs. These bundles' names are automatically generated, like Long'xin Portrait Bundle, or Long'xin Portrait Mega Bundle.
  • Coins stacks - These bundles will contain a mercenary's loads of coins. These bundles' names are automatically generated, like  Yu'lon Coins.
  • Promotional bundles - These bundles have their special name, usually set with a theme. These bundles can also appear in Shop.
  • Mercenaries Packs - This slot allows the player to buy how many Mercenaries Packs they want normally, like other card packs.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Blizzard Entertainment (2021-08-31). Tour the Mercenaries Village and Collection. PlayHearthstone. Retrieved on 2021-09-14.