Mantid art

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Mantid graphic.png

This page lists cards with card art depicting mantid.

Lore[edit | edit source]

"We mantid are an elder race. The pandaren you associate with - they are but children. They have their role to play.
Each cycle, our young swarm their walls. The pandaren slay the weak. The strong return.
With each generation, we grow ever stronger."
Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver
Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
The mantid are a race of insectoid creatures native to Pandaria, originally created by the Old Gods. The mantid forced the yaungol out of their homeland Townlong Steppes and devour everything in their path in order to build their own crystalline empire of ruthless warriors and scheming feudal lords.
Recently, the pandaren were left reeling when the mantid's hundred-year cycle of aggression kicked off a decade too early and their greatest warriors burst through the Serpent's Spine. The beleaguered pandaren fought off the worst swarm in recorded history with the aid of the newly-arrived Alliance and Horde. While trying to isolate the cause of the mantid's erratic behavior, it was revealed that Grand Empress Shek'zeer and many of her mantid were corrupted by the recently released Sha of Fear, and with the assistance of the Klaxxi, adventurers were able to defeat her.
Following the resurrection of the Heart of Y'Shaarj by  Garrosh Hellscream, the Klaxxi allied themselves with the Warchief. Their paragons took up guard beneath Orgrimmar to protect the heart of their dark former god, but were ultimately defeated during the Siege of Orgrimmar.

Mantid[edit | edit source]

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CFM 691.png
BG22 402 Battlegrounds.png
OG 188.png
CFM 694.png
OG 080.png
DMF 516.png

Mantid art[edit | edit source]

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BG27 822 Battlegrounds.png
OG 080c.png
OG 080d.png
OG 080e.png
OG 080f.png
OG 080b.png
DMF 518.png