The Great Dark Beyond

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The Great Dark Beyond - banner.jpg

The Great Dark Beyond is Hearthstone's 28th expansion, featuring 145 new collectible cards released on November 5, 2024.[1] This expansion explores the Great Dark Beyond, World of Warcraft's version of space. When the demonic Burning Legion invaded their planet, the Draenei fled to the stars. Now, these "Exiled Ones" are being chased across the cosmos while they search for a new home.

The Great Dark Beyond introduces a new keyword: Starship. Minions may have the Starship Piece keyword, where when they die, their stats and effect get added to the player's Starship. When ready, the Starship can be used for 5 mana to summon it on board. In addition to Starship, the Spellburst keyword makes a return for this expansion.

The expansion also introduces a brand new permanent minion type - Draenei. Draenei are especially associated with effects that strengthen or add additional effects to the next Draenei played.

How to get[edit | edit source]

The Great Dark Beyond craftable cards will be obtained by one of the following methods:

Uncraftable cards

These specific cards can be obtained through other means. For more information, see their respective articles.

  • Prior to the expansion's release and for one week after its release, players could purchase one or both of the following bundles:

Cards[edit | edit source]

The The Great Dark Beyond card set features 145 collectible cards, which can be recognized with a special watermark (a planet) behind the card text, not found on other cards.

Customize this list


UPCOMING 111305.png
UPCOMING 112049.png
UPCOMING 110559.png
UPCOMING 111412.png
UPCOMING 111415.png
UPCOMING 111304.png
UPCOMING 110566.png
UPCOMING 110744.png
UPCOMING 111181.png
UPCOMING 111313.png
UPCOMING 110564.png
UPCOMING 111973.png
UPCOMING 110108.png
UPCOMING 111410.png
UPCOMING 111972.png
UPCOMING 112028.png
UPCOMING 111183.png
UPCOMING 111180.png
UPCOMING 111991.png
UPCOMING 111981.png
UPCOMING 112084.png
UPCOMING 111330.png
UPCOMING 110091.png
UPCOMING 111182.png
UPCOMING 112029.png
UPCOMING 111303.png
UPCOMING 110947.png
UPCOMING 111982.png
UPCOMING 112060.png
UPCOMING 112062.png
GDB 143.png
UPCOMING 112361.png
UPCOMING 111306.png
UPCOMING 110326.png
UPCOMING 111914.png

Related cards

UPCOMING 110737.png
UPCOMING 112377.png
UPCOMING 112376.png
UPCOMING 112375.png

Choice cards

UPCOMING 110107.png
UPCOMING 110105.png
UPCOMING 110106.png


UPCOMING 110094.png

Demon Hunter

UPCOMING 110923.png

Related cards

UPCOMING 114260.png
UPCOMING 110924.png


UPCOMING 114584.png
UPCOMING 110233.png
UPCOMING 111009.png


UPCOMING 110869.png
UPCOMING 111071.png
UPCOMING 110867.png
UPCOMING 110239.png
UPCOMING 111073.png
UPCOMING 112045.png
UPCOMING 111068.png
UPCOMING 110119.png
UPCOMING 111074.png
UPCOMING 110870.png

Related cards

UPCOMING 114016.png
UPCOMING 112046.png
UPCOMING 112024.png


UPCOMING 113709.png


UPCOMING 111346.png
UPCOMING 111345.png


UPCOMING 111300.png
UPCOMING 111076.png
UPCOMING 110973.png
UPCOMING 111010.png
UPCOMING 110835.png
UPCOMING 110840.png
UPCOMING 111424.png
UPCOMING 110839.png
UPCOMING 110842.png
UPCOMING 111020.png


UPCOMING 111169.png
UPCOMING 111133.png
UPCOMING 110235.png
UPCOMING 110113.png
UPCOMING 111139.png
UPCOMING 111176.png
UPCOMING 111177.png
UPCOMING 111178.png
UPCOMING 111179.png
UPCOMING 111301.png

Related cards

UPCOMING 111927.png
UPCOMING 111928.png


UPCOMING 113711.png

Themes[edit | edit source]

New Keyword: Starship[edit | edit source]

Arkonite Defense Crystal full.jpg
Fly around The Great Dark Beyond in a shiny new Starship! Throughout The Great Dark Beyond, you’ll find Starship Piece minions. When they die, their stats and effects get added to your in-progress Starship construction. When you’re ready, press the button and Launch your Starship directly onto the board for 5 Mana. You can stack as many pieces as you want before you launch—the sky’s the limit!
Anybody can build a Starship, but six classes in The Great Dark Beyond have dedicated Starship cards: Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Druid, Hunter, Rogue, and Warlock. Each of those classes has a unique name and art for their Starship, representing their role in The Great Dark Beyond.

New Minion Type: Draenei[edit | edit source]

Velen, Leader of the Exiled full.jpg
Exiled from their planet and hunted by the Burning Legion, the Draenei now travel The Great Dark Beyond, searching for a new home. You can help by welcoming them into your Collection as Hearthstone’s newest permanent minion type! The Draenei are known for their hope and community, so many of them affect the next Draenei you play. They are led by the powerful Velen, who exemplifies all his people!

Returning Keyword: Spellburst[edit | edit source]

Arkwing Pilot full.jpg
The Great Dark Beyond is bursting with cosmic energy! Cards with the returning Spellburst keyword have an effect that triggers the first time you play a spell. Combine your cards for a well-timed surge in power!

An Unstoppable Demonic Threat[edit | edit source]

Relentless Wrathguard full.jpg
Demons? Demons. While the Draenei search a new home, the Burning Legion seeks only pain and destruction. Somehow, it seems like their forces are endless. Learn to spot the early signs of a Demonic incursion and you just might be able to escape with your life!

Lore[edit | edit source]

Great Dark Beyond WoW.jpg
The Great Dark beyond as seen in the Caverns of Time

The Great Dark Beyond[edit | edit source]

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
The Great Dark Beyond, also known as the Great Dark, Great Beyond, Dark Beyond, or cosmos, is described as the physical universe, an infinite realm composed of innumerable stars, worlds, moons, and mortal civilizations. Azeroth is found in it, and it is merely one of the countless worlds drifting through the cosmos. Its counterpart is the astral plane called the  Twisting Nether.
The physical universe is governed by the forces of Order and Disorder, while the forces of Life and Death hold sway over every living thing in it. Pure Light and Shadow dwell in a realm outside the borders of reality, but shades of their presence can be found in the Great Dark. The elements serve as the basic building blocks of all matter in the Great Dark.
For eons, the titans of the Pantheon brought life and order to countless worlds while searching for others of their kind. As its opposite, the demonic armies of the Burning Legion annihilated countless species and entire planets across the cosmos during the course of the Burning Crusade. Concurrently, the Light and the Void have been locked in perpetual conflict since before time itself began, waging their massive battle across countless worlds and affecting millions of lives. The Old Gods, parasitic horrors created by the void lords, grow like cancers within planets to corrupt potential slumbering world-souls, while the holy naaru vowed to bring peace and hope to all mortal civilizations and waylay the forces of darkness.
It is essentially the name given to outer space in the Warcraft universe.

The Draenei[edit | edit source]

 Prophet Velen, leader of the draenei, and prophet of the naaru
Main article: Draenei art
Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
The draenei are an ancient race hailing from the planet of Argus. Pursued across worlds by the relentless demons of the Burning Legion, the draenei have at last found a home on Azeroth among the orderly races of the Alliance. Highly spiritual and with an unusually strong gift for magic, the draenei are a peaceful race, but find themselves fighting not only to defend their new home, but for the survival of their very species.
The draenei are a faction of uncorrupted eredar who fled their home world of Argus and settled on the Azuremyst Isles, near the west coast of Kalimdor. They join the Alliance in the Burning Crusade expansion. Their capital city is the Exodar.
Long ago, on the planet of Argus, the eredar race arose. They were extremely intelligent and had a natural affinity for magic in all of its forms. Using their gifts, they developed a vast and wondrous society. They were aided in this development by an ancient artifact known as the Ata'mal crystal, a triangular crystal whose origin was a mystery to the eredar, though their legends suggested it had been a gift bestowed upon them in ancient times.
At the height of their society, the eredar's three most prominent leaders, Kil'jaeden, Archimonde, and Velen, were approached by Sargeras, the Fallen Titan. Sargeras claimed he was impressed by the work of the eredar and wanted to supply them with even more power and knowledge in exchange for their loyalty. But while Kil'jaeden and Archimonde readily accepted the deal, Velen had doubts. After touching the Ata'mal crystal in its temple, he had a vision of the future that filled him with dread. He hastened to warn Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, but they dismissed his concerns and proceeded to profess loyalty to Sargeras. Together, the latter transformed a majority of their people into an insidious race of warlocks and later allied themselves with the Burning Legion.
Velen knew he and those who shared his concerns would have to flee Argus, but the impossibility of such a feat brought him to despair. At that time, the Ata'mal crystal started to glow and arose from its pedestal. A voice came to Velen and explained that it was one of the naaru, a race of sapient energy beings bent on stopping the Burning Legion. The naaru offered to take Velen and any other like-minded eredar to safety, and instructed Velen to bring the Ata'mal crystal, revealing that it had been a gift from the naaru in ancient times and a beacon by which the naaru would find Velen and his followers. Deeply relieved, Velen gathered the other eredar loyal to him on the appointed day; they numbered only in the hundreds. With Kil'jaeden and Archimonde hot on their heels, they barely escaped from Argus in the naaru ship Oshu'gun.
Naming themselves the "draenei", or "exiled ones" in the Eredun language, they hid among many worlds and explored much of the cosmos in their quest to find safe harbor. Still, a hell-bent Kil'jaeden would not give up his pursuit. Meanwhile, the enigmatic naaru race blessed the draenei with Light-given knowledge and power. The naaru explained that there were other forces in the cosmos that would stand against the Burning Legion. One day the naaru would forge them into a single unstoppable Army of the Light. Deeply affected by the naaru's words, the draenei vowed to honor the Light and uphold the naaru's altruistic ideals.

Expansion overview[edit | edit source]

Build your own Starship, command the new Draenei minion type, and battle a demonic threat as you explore the cosmos.

Blog description[edit | edit source]

When the demonic Burning Legion invaded their planet, the Draenei fled to the stars. Now, these “Exiled Ones” are being chased across the cosmos while they search for a new home. Build your own Starship, command the new Draenei minion type, and battle a demonic threat as you explore The Great Dark Beyond!

History[edit | edit source]

Teasers and announcement[edit | edit source]

On October 9, 2024, the official Hearthstone Twitter posted a teaser video with the quote "What's got the crew so starstruck? Find out tomorrow."[2]

On October 10, the expansion was announced and new cards were revealed.

It's likely that the theme of this expansion was teased by the flavor text of  The Galactic Projection Orb: "Look closely in the ball and you'll see the expansion of space and time itself. Or their projections, anyway.", which plays with the wording of "expansion" meaning something that is expanding, as well as Hearthstone expansions.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]


Videos[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Blizzard Entertainment (2024-10-10). Announcing The Great Dark Beyond, Hearthstone's Next Expansion. PlayHearthstone. Retrieved on 2024-10-10.
  2. PlayHearthstone on Twitter. (2024-10-09). 
  3. MyntyPhresh on Twitter (X). (2024-10-10).