View table: CustomLoreRace

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Table structure:

  1. singular - String
  2. plural - String

This table has 110 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page singular plural
Abomination art (edit) Abomination Abominations
Amalgam art (edit) Amalgam Amalgams
Ancient art (edit) Ancient Ancients
Animated object art (edit) Animated object Animated objects
Ankoan art (edit) Ankoan Ankoan
Annihilan art (edit) Annihilan Annihilan
Arachnid art (edit) Arachnid Arachnids
Arakkoa art (edit) Arakkoa Arakkoa
Beast art (edit) Beast Beasts
Bird art (edit) Bird Birds
Blood elf art (edit) Blood elf Blood elves
Bog beast art (edit) Bog beast Bog beasts
Broker art (edit) Broker Brokers
Celestial art (edit) Celestial Celestials
Cenarius' children art (edit) Cenarius' child Cenarius' children
Dark Iron dwarf art (edit) Dark Iron dwarf Dark Iron dwarves
Demon art (edit) Demon Demons
Devourer art (edit) Devourer Devourers
Dinosaur art (edit) Dinosaur Dinosaurs
Dracthyr art (edit) Dracthyr Dracthyr
Draenei art (edit) Draenei Draenei
Dragon art (edit) Dragon Dragons
Dredger art (edit) Dredger Dredgers
Dwarf art (edit) Dwarf Dwarves
Elemental art (edit) Elemental Elementals
Ered'ruin art (edit) Ered'ruin Ered'ruin
Eredar art (edit) Eredar Eredar
Eternal One art (edit) Eternal One Eternal Ones
Ethereal art (edit) Ethereal Ethereals
Ettin art (edit) Ettin Ettins
Felhound art (edit) Felhound Felhounds
Flamewaker art (edit) Flamewaker Flamewakers
Forsaken art (edit) Forsaken Forsaken
Furbolg art (edit) Furbolg Furbolgs
Geist art (edit) Geist Geists
Ghost art (edit) Ghost Ghosts
Ghoul art (edit) Ghoul Ghouls
Gnoll art (edit) Gnoll Gnolls
Gnome art (edit) Gnome Gnomes
Goblin art (edit) Goblin Goblins
Golem art (edit) Golem Golems
Grummle art (edit) Grummle Grummles
Harpy art (edit) Harpy Harpies
High elf art (edit) High elf High elves
Hozen art (edit) Hozen Hozen
Human art (edit) Human Humans
Imp art (edit) Imp Imps
Infernal art (edit) Infernal Infernals
Insect art (edit) Insect Insects
Jinyu art (edit) Jinyu Jinyu
Kobold art (edit) Kobold Kobolds
Kyrian art (edit) Kyrian Kyrian
Lich art (edit) Lich Liches
Mantid art (edit) Mantid Mantid
Mawsworn art (edit) Mawsworn Mawsworn
Mechagnome art (edit) Mechagnome Mechagnomes
Mechanical art (edit) Mechanical Mechanicals
Mistlurker art (edit) Mistlurker Mistlurkers
Mogu art (edit) Mogu Mogu
Muckling art (edit) Muckling Mucklings
Murloc art (edit) Murloc Murlocs
N'raqi art (edit) N'raqi N'raqi
Naaru art (edit) Naaru Naaru
Naga art (edit) Naga Naga
Nathrezim art (edit) Nathrezim Nathrezim
Nerubian art (edit) Nerubian Nerubians
Night elf art (edit) Night elf Night elves
Nightborne art (edit) Nightborne Nightborne
Observer art (edit) Observer Observers
Ogre art (edit) Ogre Ogres
Old God (edit) Old God Old Gods
Ooze art (edit) Ooze Oozes
Orc art (edit) Orc Orcs
Pandaren art (edit) Pandaren Pandaren
Plant art (edit) Plant Plants
Portal art (edit) Portal Portals
Pygmy art (edit) Pygmy Pygmies
Qiraji art (edit) Qiraji Qiraji
Quilboar art (edit) Quilboar Quilboar
Revendreth jailer art (edit) Revendreth jailer Revendreth jailers
Satyr art (edit) Satyr Satyrs
Saurok art (edit) Saurok Saurok
Sethrak art (edit) Sethrak Sethrak
Shivarra art (edit) Shivarra Shivarra
Spellstone art (edit) Spellstone Spellstones
Sporeling art (edit) Sporeling Sporelings
Stoneborn art (edit) Stoneborn Stoneborn
Tauren art (edit) Tauren Tauren
Titan art (edit) Titan Titans
Titan-forged art (edit) Titan-forged Titan-forged
Tol'vir art (edit) Tol'vir Tol'vir
Tortollan art (edit) Tortollan Tortollans
Totem art (edit) Totem Totems
Trogg art (edit) Trogg Troggs
Troll art (edit) Troll Trolls
Tuskarr art (edit) Tuskarr Tuskarr
Uncategorised art (edit) Uncategorised Uncategorised
Undead art (edit) Undead Undead
Undead beast art (edit) Undead beast Undead beasts
Undead dragon art (edit) Undead dragon Undead dragons
