Mozaki, Master Duelist (Duels hero)

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You might be looking for one of these cards: Mozaki, Master Duelist.

Mozaki, Master Duelist is a mage hero the player can choose in Duels.

Hero Powers

After choosing Mozaki, Master Duelist, the player can choose one of these as their Hero Power.

PVPDR SCH Magep3.png
PVPDR DMF Magep1.png
PVPDR YOP MageP1.png

Signature Treasures

After choosing their Hero Power, the player can choose one of these following Signature Treasures to be added to the starting deck.

PVPDR SCH Maget3.png
PVPDR 042.png
PVPDR SCH Maget5.png
PVPDR YOP MageT3.png
PVPDR YOP MageT1.png
PVPDR YOP RogMagT1.png

Loot buckets[edit | edit source]

After a round, the player can choose one of three loot buckets, each of which includes either three cards or none, and add them into their current Duels deck.

A list of loot buckets for Mage can be found below:

Auction House Barrens Chat Battlecries and Combos Big Friends Big Spells Bruisers Cult of C'Thun Deathrattle Dragons Draw! Elementals Enigmas Fire!!! Followers Frost Hero Power Live to Win Mecha Magic Mischief Makers More Spells! Naga Power Path to Power Shock Troops Taunt To the Front! Underlings Why? Why Not?
 Peasant  Meeting Stone  Acherus Veteran  Faceless Manipulator  Shivering Sorceress  Zola the Gorgon  Beckoner of Evil  Mistress of Mixtures  Faerie Dragon  Safety Inspector  Elemental Evocation  Kabal Lackey  Hot Streak  Baleful Banker  Flurry (Rank 1)  Daring Fire-Eater  Elwynn Boar  Mechwarper  Acidic Swamp Ooze  Forbidden Flame  Amalgam of the Deep  Arcane Blast  Beaming Sidekick  Bonechewer Brawler  Animated Broomstick  Abusive Sergeant  Snowflipper Penguin
 Auctioneer Jaxon  Far Watch Post  Animated Broomstick  Fleethoof Pearltusk  Suspicious Alchemist  Cobalt Scalebane  Cult Sorcerer  Zombie Chow  Firetree Witchdoctor  Sphere of Sapience  Violet Spellwing  Ancient Mysteries  First Flame  Augmented Elekk  Brain Freeze  Tour Guide  Peasant  Trench Surveyor  Crazed Alchemist  Shifting Scroll  Gifts of Azshara  Lab Partner  Dire Mole  Dirty Rat  Arcane Anomaly  Acherus Veteran  Flightmaster Dungar
 Enthusiastic Banker  Devouring Ectoplasm  Beaming Sidekick  Lake Thresher  Amplified Snowflurry  Overlord Runthak  Twilight Geomancer  Haunted Creeper  Netherspite Historian  Bloodmage Thalnos  Confection Cyclone  Arcane Flakmage  Ignite  Drakkari Trickster  Breath of Sindragosa  Wildfire  Golakka Glutton  Azsharan Sweeper  Cult Neophyte  Arcane Missiles  Murkwater Scribe  Primordial Studies  Intrepid Initiate  Sunfury Protector  Elwynn Boar  Animated Broomstick  Murloc Holmes
 Impatient Shopkeep  Mankrik  Dredger Staff  Loatheb  Celestial Ink Set  Taelan Fordring  Disciple of C'Thun  Loot Hoarder  Blackwing Technician  Loot Hoarder  Flame Geyser  Arcanologist  Prestor's Pyromancer  Faceless Rager  Glacier Racer  Fallen Hero  Nobleman  Mecha-Shark  Dirty Rat  Babbling Book  Spellcoiler  Conjure Mana Biscuit  Murmy  Deathlord  Emerald Skytalon  Argent Squire  Arfus
 Rustrot Viper  Mor'shan Watch Post  Gravelsnout Knight  Moonfang  Cult Neophyte  Battleground Battlemaster  Twilight Elder  Nerubian Egg  Brightwing  Manafeeder Panthara  Lesser Ruby Spellstone  Game Master  Explosive Runes  Zola the Gorgon  Ice Lance  Garrison Commander  Northshire Farmer  Seafloor Gateway  Doomsayer  Brain Freeze  Volcanomancy  Cram Session  Worgen Infiltrator  Overconfident Orc  Irondeep Trogg  Intrepid Initiate  The Darkness
 Traveling Merchant  Crossroads Watch Post  Ivus, the Forest Lord  Taelan Fordring  Far Watch Post  Baron Geddon  C'Thun's Chosen  Plated Beetle  Scalerider  Nat Pagle  Pyros  Mad Scientist  Fire Sale  Faceless Shambler  Ray of Frost  Manafeeder Panthara  SN1P-SN4P  Nerub'ar Weblord  Devolving Missiles  Polymorph: Jellyfish  Imprisoned Phoenix  Amani Berserker  Phantom Militia  Peasant  Mistress of Mixtures  Frostmourne
 Two-Faced Investor  Kargal Battlescar  Stockades Guard  Zilliax  Manafeeder Panthara  Blazecaller  Crazed Worshipper  Serpent Egg  Crimson Hothead  Prize Vendor  Shimmering Tempest  Medivh's Valet  Fireball  Dollmaster Dorian  Shivering Sorceress  Spirit of the Dragonhawk  Gaia, the Techtonic  Showstopper  Magic Trick  Commander Sivara  Primordial Studies  Costumed Entertainer  Stonehill Defender  Annoy-o-Tron  Murmy  The Lich King
 Two-Faced Investor  Crooked Cook  Cairne Bloodhoof  Wandmaker  Chef Nomi  Skeram Cultist  Sneaky Delinquent  Evasive Feywing  Acolyte of Pain  Chenvaala  Counterspell  Frozen Mammoth  Faceless Corruptor  Snap Freeze  Waterboy  Deathwarden  Mirror Image  Potion of Illusion  Sorcerer's Apprentice  Crabrider  Crimson Hothead  Cult Neophyte  Potion Vendor  Arch-Thief Rafaam
 Cheesemonger  Deeprun Engineer  Evasive Wyrm  Frostweave Dungeoneer  Crowd Roaster  Twin Emperor Vek'lor  Volatile Skeleton  Frizz Kindleroost  Voracious Reader  Gyreworm  Duplicate  Incanter's Flow  Faceless Manipulator  Amplified Snowflurry  Arcane Amplifier  Ironbeak Owl  Ray of Frost  Lady Naz'jar  Talented Arcanist  Echoing Ooze  Defender of Argus  Knife Juggler  Tour Guide  Blood of The Ancient One
 Guild Trader  Hecklefang Hyena  Khartut Defender  Pandaren Importer  Hogger, Doom of Elwynn  Doomcaller  Devouring Ectoplasm  Twilight Drake  Azure Drake  Scorch  Explosive Runes  Dragon's Fury  Headmaster Kel'Thuzad  Ancient Mysteries  Auctionmaster Beardo  Mindbreaker  Violet Spellwing  Spitelash Siren  Unexpected Results  Flame Juggler  Hecklebot  Loot Hoarder  Worgen Infiltrator  Darkmoon Rabbit
 Royal Librarian  Mailbox Dancer  Evasive Drakonid  Deepwater Evoker  Keymaster Alabaster  C'Thun  Piggyback Imp  Twilight Guardian  Big Ol' Whelp  Steam Surger  Flame Ward  Sanctum Chandler  Azalina Soulthief  Frostbolt  Blackwald Pixie  Robes of Protection  Wand Thief  Slithering Deathscale  Aegwynn, the Guardian  Parade Leader  Infested Tauren  Nerub'ar Weblord  Zombie Chow
 Maze Guide  Mutanus the Devourer  Reckless Apprentice  Shu'ma  Popsicooler  Azure Drake  Lorekeeper Polkelt  Water Elemental  Kirin Tor Mage  Clumsy Courier  Keymaster Alabaster  Frozen Touch  Blowtorch Saboteur  Tinkmaster Overspark  Arcane Explosion  Azure Drake  Peon  Rotten Applebaum  Parade Leader  Amani Berserker
 Ram Commander  Siamat  Varden Dawngrasp  Siamat  Teron Gorefiend  Big Ol' Whelp  Prince Malchezaar  Bonfire Elemental  Mana Bind  Firelands Portal  Chromaggus  Icicle  Pyromaniac  Eater of Secrets  Celestial Ink Set  Mozaki, Master Duelist  Sneaky Delinquent  Sludge Belcher  Pint-Sized Summoner  Annoy-o-Tron
 Sketchy Stranger  Sinfueled Golem  Jandice Barov  Silver Vanguard  Korrak the Bloodrager  Blackwing Corruptor  Octosari  Servant of Kalimos  Mirror Entity  Flamestrike  Nefarian  Solid Alibi  Maiden of the Lake  Spellbreaker  Conjure Mana Biscuit  Ras Frostwhisper  Argent Horserider  Smug Senior  Ram Commander  Bloodmage Thalnos
 Talented Arcanist  Strongman  Taelan Fordring  Batterhead  Piloted Shredder  Cobalt Scalebane  Firework Elemental  Netherwind Portal  Grand Magus Antonidas  Sathrovarr  Volatile Skeleton  Reckless Apprentice  Kobold Stickyfinger  Deck of Lunacy  Steward of Scrolls  Banana Buffoon  Amani War Bear  Sneaky Delinquent  Costumed Entertainer
 Wandmaker  Wrapped Golem  Balinda Stonehearth  Gruul  Carnivorous Cube  Cobalt Spellkin  Servant of Kalimos  Rigged Faire Game  Haleh, Matron Protectorate  Build a Snowman  Coldarra Drake  Loatheb  Evocation  Sorcerous Substitute  Wolfrider  Bonechewer Vanguard  Vicious Scalehide  Cult Neophyte
 Youthful Brewmaster  Abominable Lieutenant  Mask of C'Thun  Jepetto Joybuzz  Feugen  Dragonmaw Scorcher  Animated Avalanche  Vengeful Visage  Pyroblast  Coldwraith  Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk  Moonfang  Frostbolt  Frenzied Felwing  Bonemare  Wandmaker  Dire Wolf Alpha
 Ashen Elemental  Goliath, Sneed's Masterpiece  Mutanus the Devourer  Kel'Thuzad  Rotten Applebaum  Onyxian Warder  Blazecaller  Chatty Bartender  Cone of Cold  Frost Giant  Skulking Geist  Mana Cyclone  Lifedrinker  The Lich King  Barrens Trapper  Echoing Ooze
 Banana Buffoon  Jepetto Joybuzz  Mordresh Fire Eye  Medivh, the Guardian  Sinrunner  Bone Drake  Grand Finale  Occult Conjurer  Frost Nova  Mordresh Fire Eye  The Black Knight  Primordial Glyph  Fungalmancer  Soggoth the Slitherer  Death's Head Cultist  Faerie Dragon
 Banana Vendor  Mo'arg Forgefiend  Tortollan Pilgrim  Plagued Protodrake  Sludge Belcher  Book Wyrm  Orion, Mansion Manager  Frostweave Dungeoneer  Raven Familiar  Leeroy Jenkins  Scrapyard Colossus  Educated Elekk  Fallen Sun Cleric
 Boisterous Bard  Ozumat  Rune of the Archmage  Ragnaros the Firelord  Stalagg  Drakonid Crusher  Ring Toss  Frozen Shadoweaver  Runed Orb  Loatheb  Enthusiastic Banker  Flame Juggler
 Bunker Sergeant  Primordial Protector  Drakefire Amulet  The Boogeymonster  Vectus  Evasive Wyrm  Cloud Prince  Ice Barrier  Siphon Mana  Bonemare  Northshire Farmer  Garrison Commander
 Deathspeaker  Varian, King of Stormwind  Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron  The Lich King  Bog Beast  Onyx Magescribe  Kabal Crystal Runner  Ice Block  Sorcerer's Apprentice  Dr. Boom  Pandaren Importer  Haunted Creeper
 Dinner Performer  Alexstrasza the Life-Binder  Varian, King of Stormwind  Bone Drake  Wrathion  Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon  Nightcloak Sanctum  Unstable Portal  Silas Darkmoon  Teron Gorefiend  Horrendous Growth
 Forensic Duster  Anubisath Warbringer  Dragonhatcher  Cairne Bloodhoof  Chillmaw  Rimetongue  Arcane Intellect  Ragnaros the Firelord  Traveling Merchant  Knife Juggler
 Frozen Shadoweaver  Insatiable Devourer  Malygos  Khartut Defender  Crowd Roaster  Shattering Blast  Arcane Luminary  Venomous Scorpid  Loot Hoarder
 Fungal Enchanter  N'Zoth, God of the Deep  Master Oakheart  Legionnaire  Nozdormu the Eternal  Cold Case  Cinderstorm  Voracious Reader  Mad Bomber
 Horde Operative  Colossus of the Moon  Runaway Blackwing  Masked Reveler  Kazakusan  Varden Dawngrasp  Combustion  Manafeeder Panthara
 King Mukla  Goldshire Gnoll  Soggoth the Slitherer  Mechanical Whelp  Plagued Protodrake  Water Elemental  Explosive Runes  Nerubian Egg
 Kobold Apprentice  Lokholar the Ice Lord  Colossus of the Moon  Sylvanas Windrunner  Primordial Drake  Cryomancer  Firebrand  Novice Engineer
 Mankrik  N'Zoth, the Corruptor  Deathwing, Dragonlord  Chillmaw  Twin Tyrant  Blizzard  Flame Ward  Plated Beetle
 Pandaren Importer  Neptulon the Tidehunter  N'Zoth, the Corruptor  Humongous Owl  Alexstrasza  Deathborne  Flamewaker  Sneaky Delinquent
 Snapdragon  Raid Boss Onyxia  Sea Giant  Plagued Protodrake  Alexstrasza the Life-Binder  Floecaster  Forgotten Torch  Transfer Student
 Venomous Scorpid  Scrapyard Colossus  Arcane Giant  Violet Wurm  Dragonhatcher  Deep Freeze  Incanter's Flow  Wandmaker
 Void Ripper  Stoneborn General  Mountain Giant  N'Zoth, the Corruptor  Malygos the Spellweaver  Kel'Thuzad, the Inevitable  Polymorph: Boar  Acolyte of Pain
 Zola the Gorgon  Yogg-Saron, Hope's End  Stoneborn General  Nefarian  Sindragosa  Arcane Brilliance  Argent Horserider
 Burrowing Scorpid  Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate  Onyxia  Deepwater Evoker  Coldlight Oracle
 Lorekeeper Polkelt  Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound  Onyxia the Broodmother  Fireball  Dancing Swords
 Saronite Chain Gang  Sleepy Dragon  Polymorph  Deathlord
 Shroom Brewer  Ysera  Wyrm Weaver  Deathspeaker
 Southsea Scoundrel  Ysera the Dreamer  Arcane Overflow  Happy Ghoul
 Spice Bread Baker  Deathwing the Destroyer  Blast Wave  Hobgoblin
 Theotar, the Mad Duke  Deathwing, Dragonlord  Cabalist's Tome  Shade of Naxxramas
 Tower Sergeant  Raid Boss Onyxia  Keywarden Ivory  Voracious Reader
 Troll Batrider  Malygos, Aspect of Magic  Circus Medic
 Antique Healbot  Refreshing Spring Water  Fantastic Firebird
 Bomb Lobber  Rolling Fireball  Knife Vendor
 Famished Fool  Grey Sage Parrot
 Fungalmancer  Archmage Antonidas
 Furbolg Mossbinder  Firelands Portal
 Knight-Captain  Flamestrike
 Shadow Hunter Vol'jin  Greater Arcane Missiles
 Soul Seeker  Mask of C'Thun
 Spammy Arcanist  Power of Creation
 Steward of Scrolls  Tortollan Pilgrim
 Stoneborn Accuser  Kalecgos
 Stormwind Guard  Malygos the Spellweaver
 City Architect  Iceblood Tower
 Lady Prestor  Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron
 Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale  Pyroblast
 Sylvanas, the Accused  Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
 Goliath, Sneed's Masterpiece  Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate
 Maddest Bomber
 Party Crasher
 Primordial Protector
 Yogg-Saron, Hope's End

Group Learning

0-1 Mana 2 Mana 3 Mana 4 Mana 5 Mana 6 Mana 7+ Mana
 Forbidden Flame  Acidic Swamp Ooze  Arcane Intellect  Aberrant Berserker  Abomination  Archmage  Archmage Antonidas
 Animated Broomstick  Amani Berserker  Combustion  Bone Wraith  Aegwynn, the Guardian  Argent Commander  Baron Geddon
 Arcane Artificer  Arcane Explosion  Cone of Cold  Chillwind Yeti  Burning Blade Acolyte  Blizzard  Bog Creeper
 Arcane Missiles  Arcanologist  Counterspell  Circus Medic  Cabalist's Tome  Boulderfist Ogre  Firelands Portal
 Armor Vendor  Bilefin Tidehunter  Darkmoon Dirigible  Crimson Hothead  Carnivorous Cube  Claw Machine  Flamestrike
 Argent Squire  Bloodmage Thalnos  Death's Head Cultist  Cult Master  Corrosive Sludge  Coldarra Drake  Keymaster Alabaster
 Babbling Book  Confection Cyclone  Deathlord  Dark Iron Dwarf  Cult Apothecary  Frost Elemental  Mask of C'Thun
 Brain Freeze  Conjure Mana Biscuit  Deathwarden  Divine Rager  Derailed Coaster  Meteor  Sated Threshadon
 Clockwork Gnome  Costumed Entertainer  Devouring Ectoplasm  Ethereal Arcanist  Faceless Manipulator  Nerubian Prophet  Siamat
 Devolving Missiles  Cram Session  Dragonslayer  Fantastic Firebird  Firework Elemental  Onyx Magescribe  Stormwatcher
 Emerald Skytalon  Cult Neophyte  Duplicate  Fire Plume Phoenix  Fleethoof Pearltusk  Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon  Strongman
 Feral Gibberer  Deck of Lunacy  Earthen Ring Farseer  Fire Sale  Fungalmancer  Smug Senior  The Curator
 Fire Fly  Dire Wolf Alpha  Educated Elekk  Fireball  Guild Recruiter  Sorcerous Substitute  Volcanosaur
 Glacial Shard  Doomsayer  Eggnapper  Fishy Flyer  Harrison Jones  Sunwalker  Charged Devilsaur
 Intrepid Initiate  Faerie Dragon  Firebrand  Grim Necromancer  Jandice Barov  Taurajo Brave  Grand Finale
 Kindling Elemental  Far Watch Post  Flesheating Ghoul  Guild Trader  Keywarden Ivory  Plagued Protodrake
 Lab Partner  Flame Geyser  Frost Nova  Infested Tauren  Lake Thresher  Alexstrasza
 Mana Wyrm  Frostbolt  Giant Wasp  Lorekeeper Polkelt  Loatheb  Carnival Clown
 Mirror Image  Game Master  Gyreworm  Mechanical Yeti  Nesting Roc  Giant Mastodon
 Murmy  Golakka Crawler  Harvest Golem  Molten Reflection  Nightblade  Malygos
 Primordial Studies  Icicle  Hog Rancher  Occult Conjurer  Ogremancer  Ysera
 Safety Inspector  Imprisoned Phoenix  Ice Barrier  Ogre Magi  Optimistic Ogre  Ysera the Dreamer
 Secretkeeper  Lesser Ruby Spellstone  Igneous Elemental  Polymorph  Psych-o-Tron  Darkmoon Rabbit
 Shooting Star  Loot Hoarder  Inconspicuous Rider  Potion of Illusion  Ras Frostwhisper  Pyroblast
 Snap Freeze  Mad Bomber  Ironbeak Owl  Reckless Apprentice  Razormane Raider  Sea Giant
 Sphere of Sapience  Mad Scientist  Kirin Tor Mage  Ring Toss  Refreshing Spring Water  Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate
 Stockades Guard  Manafeeder Panthara  Lone Champion  Sen'jin Shieldmasta  Servant of Kalimos
 Tome of Intellect  Medivh's Valet  Mana Bind  Shroom Brewer  Servant of Yogg-Saron
 Tour Guide  Novice Engineer  Mini-Mage  SI:7 Infiltrator  Shadow Hunter Vol'jin
 Wand Thief  Parade Leader  Mirror Entity  Silvermoon Guardian  Silver Hand Knight
 Primordial Glyph  Oasis Ally  Southsea Scoundrel  Sludge Belcher
 Prize Vendor  Pterrordax Hatchling  Steam Surger  Stampeding Kodo
 Pyros  Raging Worgen  Stegodon  Steward of Scrolls
 Quicksand Elemental  Rigged Faire Game  Twilight Drake  Stranglethorn Tiger
 Ravasaur Runt  Rimetongue  Violet Teacher  Taelan Fordring
 River Crocolisk  Robes of Protection  Wasteland Assassin
 Runed Orb  Scarlet Crusader
 Shimmering Tempest  Spellbender
 Showstopper  Stonehill Defender
 Sneaky Delinquent  Tar Creeper
 Sorcerer's Apprentice  Thunder Lizard
 Stubborn Gastropod  Vaporize
 Sunreaver Spy  Venomous Scorpid
 Temple Berserker  Violet Illusionist
 Trick Totem  Void Ripper
 Twisted Worgen
 Unstable Portal
 Volatile Elemental
 Wild Pyromancer
 Wriggling Horror
 Youthful Brewmaster


 Dire Mole
 Grimscale Oracle
 Murloc Tidecaller
 Deeprun Engineer
 Dire Wolf Alpha
 Faerie Dragon
 Haunted Creeper
 Parachute Brigand
 Rockpool Hunter
 Upgradeable Framebot
 Darkmoon Dirigible
 Murloc Warleader
 Nightmare Amalgam
 Southsea Captain
 Circus Amalgam
 Escaped Manasaber
 Evasive Feywing
 Fishy Flyer
 Piloted Shredder
 Southsea Scoundrel
 Cobalt Scalebane
 Finja, the Flying Star
 Fleethoof Pearltusk
 Lake Thresher
 Menagerie Magician
 Mimiron's Head
 Witchwood Grizzly
 Claw Machine
 Mechanical Whelp
 Baron Geddon
 The Curator
 Plagued Protodrake
 Ragnaros the Firelord
 Sneed's Old Shredder
 N'Zoth, God of the Deep
 Darkmoon Rabbit

Emotes[edit | edit source]

Mozaki, Master Duelist, full art

Each hero has their own selection of audio and written emotes that are produced in response to specific events. For more information, see Emote.

Type Emote
Thanks Hah, thank you.
Well played You try hard. I'll give you that.
Greetings It's not a competition. I'm too good!
Wow I didn't know you had it in you!
Oops That was awkward.
Threaten The only bad thing about being the best is how lonely it is...
Attack Top of me class!
Concede I don't have time for this!
Opening remark Look, it be just like a Mirror Image!
Mirror start Hah, I enjoy that one.
Opening remark vs Star Student Stelina Spells be the greatest weapon of all.
Opening remark vs Forest Warden Omu Please. Your humble plants cannot compare with ME.
Opening remark vs Professor Slate I just love a good duel.
Opening remark vs Turalyon, the Tenured I DESPISE paladins like you.
Opening remark vs Mindrender Illucia What can I say, I make learning fun!
Opening remark vs Infiltrator Lilian You look suspicious. I will write you up!
Opening remark vs Instructor Fireheart It be yours to lose, then.
Opening remark vs Archwitch Willow Unlike you, I actually DESERVE to be here.
Opening remark vs Rattlegore This THING is not on the faculty!
Running out of time Better hurry!
Almost out of cards I be getting low on cards.
Out of cards All out of cards!
Error: Too many minions Not enough room!
Error: Generic No, I can't.
Selection in Duels Let me show you the ways of a master duelist...


Type Emote
Opening vs. Headmaster Kel'Thuzad I'll impress you. I promise.
Welcome Welcome to my advanced class.

Lore[edit | edit source]

See Mozaki, Master Duelist.

Patch changes

Playable heroes
Wizard Duels
Icon Demon Hunter 32.png Icon Druid 32.png Icon Hunter 32.png Icon Mage 32.png Icon Paladin 32.png Icon Priest 32.png Icon Rogue 32.png Icon Shaman 32.png Icon Warlock 32.png Icon Warrior 32.png
StarStudentStelina 64.png
ForestWardenOmu 64.png
ProfessorSlate 64.png
MozakiMasterDuelist 64.png
TuralyontheTenured 64.png
MindrenderIllucia 64.png
InfiltratorLilian 64.png
InstructorFireheart 64.png
Archwitch Willow 64.png
Rattlegore 64.png
Alterac Valley
Icon Demon Hunter 32.png Icon Hunter 32.png Icon Paladin 32.png Icon Priest 32.png Icon Rogue 32.png Icon Neutral 32.png Icon Druid 32.png Icon Mage 32.png Icon Shaman 32.png Icon Warlock 32.png Icon Warrior 32.png Icon Neutral 32.png
VanndarStormpikeDuels 64.png
DrekThar 64.png
The League of Explorers
Icon Hunter 32.png Icon Warrior 32.png Icon Druid 32.png Icon Priest 32.png Icon Paladin 32.png Icon Shaman 32.png Icon Mage 32.png Icon Rogue 32.png
BrannBronzebeard 64.png
EliseStarseekerDuels 64.png
SirFinley 64.png
RenoJackson 64.png
Monster Hunt
Icon Warrior 32.png
Darius 64.png
Death Knights
Icon Death Knight 32.png Icon Death Knight 32.png
Sai Shadestorm 64.png
Scarlet Leafdancer 64.png
Limited-time Heroes
Icon Warlock 32.png Icon Warrior 32.png
Diablo 64.png